Minutemen Expose Latino Immigration Group


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Minutemen Go Inside Latino Immigration Meeting - Racism Espoused, Calls For Violence Against Whites!

These verminous pro-illegal invader "ReConquista" groups like La Raza are being more vocal about advocating violence against Whites. I would attribute this to their increased enablement by the Globalist power elite who fund them. However....down in these parts, we call these group's "threats" awfully brave talk for a'buncha sawed off, jabbermouth, IQ of 2, genetically shortchanged borderjumpers!

http://www.minutemanproject.com/default.asp?contentID=242Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Feb 5, 2007
People have no clue how racist and hateful these mestizos are. The media certainly won't expose their racist and genocidal agenda, and most people only know what they see on tv, so they're in the dark. Like you said, they are funded by the elite. The us gov has given la raza millions, as well as black and jewish groups.
Oct 24, 2005
good post. I hope everybody is reading this.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I love those minutemen. Modern day patriots. I am not as much against Pres. Bush as most people on this site are but him calling the minuteman "vigilantes" was disgusting.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
guest301 said:
I love those minutemen. Modern day patriots. I am not as much against Pres. Bush as most people on this site are but him calling the minuteman "vigilantes" was disgusting.

What part of Bush's proposed plans for this country do you admire?

The 'guest worker' / amnesty program?
Trying to turn over control of our seaports to Qatar?
Prosecuting Border Patrol agents and county deputies for shooting at drug dealers and fleeing felons?
Signing the McCain - Feingold bill that limits your freedom of speech before and during an election?
The Patriot Act?
Granting social security benefits to illegal aliens?
The North American Union?
The No Child Left Behind Act?

What exactly is it that Bush has done that you admire?

I have lower tax rates and pro-Second Amendment, but even those the tax cuts were minor and he still supports ATF registration of firearms.

The only good thing I can say about Bush is that he isn't a Democrat, who seem to be infinitely worse when it comes to politically correct BS. They would add all the powers of the police state that Bush and the neo-cons want along with writing more laws to enforce 'diversity.'


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Admire is a strong word Shogun. I no longer feel the way I felt about him as little as a year ago. I am for none of those things you mentioned except parts of the Patriot Act. I am also for the war In Iraq and Afghanistan, the tax cuts, The two judges he put on the Supreme Court, Alito and Roberts. Overall he has pretty much been a disappointment for the conservatives and the evangelical christians. I am sure I will get flamed for my support of the war, so flame away
. I won't be able to post again till tuesday, the library is closed for the holiday tommorrow. Too many dang holidays in this country, we might as well have a three day work week like they do in France!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
It's nothing personal, I was just curious about what it is exactly that you like about Bush. I agree with you about Alito and Roberts (for now) but just remember Alito wasn't his first choice. He wanted to put that liberal broad on the bench but got too much heat for it from even his own neo-con party to go through with it.

As for the tax cuts.. IMO Bush hasn't worked hard enough to make those cuts deeper and permanent to get credit for it. If anything, he will likely sign off on a tax increase before he leaves office.

I also think he was happy the Democrats took over Congress because his liberal agenda was stonewalled by Republican congressmen. Notice as soon as the election was over he went back to emphasizing the guest-worker amnesty program again? He knows he'll have more support now from Dems than he did with the Republican controlled Congress.

Bush is a one-worlder just like his daddy.


Dec 30, 2006
"Too many dang holidays in this country, we might as well have a three day work week like they do in France!"

I think we are way over worked in America. We work more hours per week and get less vacation time than any other developed nation on earth.I know so many people that all they talk about is work because thats all they do from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. We could use a little more balance.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
White Shogun, outstanding points sir!You are very wise indeed. IMO, Bush is a Globalist pawn controlled by his masters at the CFR, Trilateral Commission & Bilderberg Group. Just look at the number of CFR members that have been on his cabinet (Cheney, Wolfowitz, etc.). He's also an admitted Skull & Bonesman (as was his father, grandfather & his 2004 "opponent" John Kerry). How many times did we hear GHW Bush speaking of the "New World Order" during his Presidency? It's obvious that Dubya is fulfilling his father's plans for this NWO. I must admit that I voted for/supported Dubya until a few years ago (having been a lifelong Republican), and then I started researching Globalism and started to unveil the Power Elite's control over Washington DC. Now, it's easy to see the fraud of the Fed, the IRS and the Globalist agenda being dictated to the puppet leadership on Crapitol sHill & the White House. I now consider myself a Independent, paleo-conservative, Constitutionalist/Nationalist!

I would very strongly recommend the highly informative following books to everyone...

http://shop.wnd.com/store/item.asp?ITEM_ID=1895 Edited by: DixieDestroyer

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Thanks for the compliments, Dixie!

And now I know what to call myself - an independent paleo-conservative Constitutionalist / Nationalist - with a dash of libertarian!


Oct 20, 2006
Cutty's right. The promise of technology was always that it would make our
lives easier, that we would be able to work less and have more leisure due to
the increases in productivity of the machines. But now both parents work,
people are deeper and deeper in debt, and we are working harder than ever.
Where did the the promise of technology go? Where did the increased
leisure time and money from higher productivity go?

Taxes and inflation.
Oct 24, 2005
To white shogun:
I agree that Bush is happy that the the Dems took over congress. Except for the war in Iraq, he agrees with the dems. I consider Bush to be a Democrat. He
must be be the first president to change parties while in office. The real republicans are just too hostile for him.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Screaming Eagle, Real Repubs like Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, Virgil Goode & John Linder!!!

Cutty & Pit Bull, good points fellas. The Globalist Power Elite are all about destroying the American middle class to help bring forth (1st) the North American Union and (ultimately) a One World Government. Their end-game is a two class system socialist dystopia with 5% Ruling Elite & 95% peasant class.In order to better manage this 95% peasant class, the Globalists will utilize the (currently rising) police state & Malthusian tactics such as population control & reduction (ideals long embraced by the elitist "Club of Rome"). Just look at the intentional devaluation of the U.S. dollar, artificially boosted oil prices, the mass outsourcing of American jobs & the illegal invasion/open borders. ALL of this is part of the Globalist agenda to destroy American borders, sovereignty, culture & middle class!We need to educate ourselves on the facts so we can (in turn) help inform other concerned Americans!



Apr 16, 2005
DixieDestroyer said:
White Shogun, outstanding points sir!You are very wise indeed. IMO, Bush is a Globalist pawn controlled by his masters at the CFR, Trilateral Commission & Bilderberg Group. Just look at the number of CFR members that have been on his cabinet (Cheney, Wolfowitz, etc.). He's also an admitted Skull & Bonesman (as was his father, grandfather & his 2004 "opponent" John Kerry). How many times did we hear GHW Bush speaking of the "New World Order" during his Presidency? It's obvious that Dubya is fulfilling his father's plans for this NWO. I must admit that I voted for/supported Dubya until a few years ago (having been a lifelong Republican), and then I started researching Globalism and started to unveil the Power Elite's control over Washington DC. Now, it's easy to see the fraud of the Fed, the IRS and the Globalist agenda being dictated to the puppet leadership on Crapitol sHill & the White House. I now consider myself a Independent, paleo-conservative, Constitutionalist/Nationalist!

I would very strongly recommend the highly informative following books to everyone...


That makes two of us. I was a hardcore republican up until this last election. I have donated money and worked on campaigns, but that party has left me and has ZERO chance of getting my vote. (unless Ron Paul or maybe Tancredo gets nominated.) Voting Democrate is absolutely not an option for me either. I read a book that completely changed my outlook on politics, and I recommend it for people here. It is called "The creature from Jekyll Island" The author actually gave a speech on the book. If you have 30 minutes to listen, I highly recommend it. You can listen to his speech at


and then clicking on "Creature from Jekyll Island"

I have checked out the Constitutionalist party web site, I wish they could field a solid candidate.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
KJV1 said:
That makes two of us. I was a hardcore republican up until this last election. I have donated money and worked on campaigns, but that party has left me and has ZERO chance of getting my vote. (unless Ron Paul or maybe Tancredo gets nominated.) Voting Democrate is absolutely not an option for me either. I read a book that completely changed my outlook on politics, and I recommend it for people here. It is called "The creature from Jekyll Island" The author actually gave a speech on the book. If you have 30 minutes to listen, I highly recommend it. You can listen to his speech at


and then clicking on "Creature from Jekyll Island"

I have checked out the Constitutionalist party web site, I wish they could field a solid candidate.

That makes 3 of us.

I don't see much hope for Paul or Tancredo and 3rd parties are too excluded. So sit back and watch the fun begin.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
KJV1, G.Edward Griffin's masterpiece "Creature from Jekyll Island" is the greatest expose on the fraud of the Fed ever written. It sheds light on the secret meeting of the elitist "Money Trust" on Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910. These banking elite decided to create the controlled cartel which became the Fed. I would also highly recommend this book to every American. Dove-tailing into that subject matter, I'd suggest the awesome documentary "America : Freedom to Fascism"...



Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I am not looking forward to the 2008 elections because I feel we are once again going to have vote for a lesser of two evils. Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter are the two likely guys I will support in the primaries but I fear that Rudy Guiliani is going to be the Republican nominee. He's a social liberal and although I generally trust him on national security issues, I don't trust him on anything else. Sen. Mc Cain is too much of a wild card for me and Mitt Romney is a mystery. Romney seems to have joined the conservative cause awfully late and I think he may have switched his views on a few social issues out of political expediency and I'm not sure that those changes are genuine. I like Newt Gingrich, but is he electable with the way the mainstream media savaged him when he was the Speaker of the House. So I am hoping that someone like Tancredo will win some early primaries and ride a conservative wave to the nomination, but I doubt it will happen. I would just encourage everybody to vote for the best possible candidate and not just someone you think could actually win. Vote your ideals in the primaries and vote for who ever you have too in the general election.


Dec 15, 2005
Romney is anti-illegal immigration in a more moderate way than Tancredo. Tancredo is on the outside fringes. What if you have to choose between Clinton and Obama?

I think the Republicans and the Democrats have slowly become internationalists since the end of the Vietnam War.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
guest301, FYI....."NeoCON" Newt is a CFR member/Globalist who wants to limit the 1st Amendment. Ron Paul is the best candidate hands down...followed by Tancredo & Hunter (although I admit they're VERY long-shots). McCain, Rudy & Romney are complete RINO frauds in my estimation.Mike Huckabee has alotta skeletons in his closet during his tenure as Governor of Arkansas.If it does indeed come down to Obama or Hildabeast vs. McCain't, "RINO" Rudy or "Massatwocents" Mitt....I'll definitely be voting Libertarian. I learned my lesson about the "lesser of 2 Evils" with Globalist pawn, sellout Dubya!

Freedom, you're exactly right. The leadership of both the GOP & DNC are totally controlled by the Global Elite (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, etc.). They've sold out American borders, sovereignty, culture & are hell-bent on destroying the middle class via open borders, the dollar devaluation, foreign oil dependence & the mass allowance of outsourcing of American jobs!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Nice little story on Sports Illustrated's website warning all guests who attended SI's swimsuit issue party on Feb. 14 in Los Angeles about possible exposure to Hepatitis A. Those attending a post-Oscars party may also be affected. How much you wanna bet the catering company'sinfected employee is an illegal or some other Third Worlder.

The Zionists and the wealthy whites think they can immunize themselves from what they are unleashing on everyone else through immigration, affirmative action, glorification of non-whites and degradation of whites, etc., by living in gated communities and only associating with each other, but they too will fall prey as America continues to be destroyed from within.
Hepatitis A warning for SI party

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Guests at Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue party on Feb. 14 and a dozen other events may have been exposed to Hepatitis A, which was diagnosed in an employee of Wolfgang Puck Catering, authorities said Tuesday.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health urged anyone who ate raw food at the Sports Illustrated event, held at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood, to receive an immune globulin shot by Wednesday.

Health officials and event hosts were also contacting attendees of three smaller events between Feb. 14 and 20 that were within the 14-day window during which immune globulin can be administered to prevent illness.

Authorities identified nine other events involving the affected food handler at a time when the worker could have been infectious, but those attendees were already beyond the 14-day window for immune globulin. Hosts and organizers of those events were notified to advise guests to see their doctors if they experience symptoms.

The advisory was issued after the catering employee was diagnosed with acute Hepatitis A. The infected individual was placed on medical leave, said Carl Schuster, president of Wolfgang Puck Catering.

Puck's restaurants and prepackaged foods were not affected, health officials said.

The risk to the Sports Illustrated party guests was "quite low," officials said, and there was no danger to those who ate Puck Catering foods after Feb. 20.

"We immediately worked to take every precaution to further safeguard our patrons and other employees," Schuster said in a statement.

Events catered by the company since Feb. 20 included Sunday's post-Oscars Governors Ball.

Sports Illustrated said in a statement that it was taking the situation very seriously and was working directly with county health authorities.

"We are alerting out guests and staff as quickly as possible to ensure they receive the relevant health warnings," the statement said.

Dr. Jonathan Fielding, county director of public health, said the caterer's response to the situation has been "exemplary."

"Quick action on their part has minimized the number of patrons that may have been exposed to Hepatitis A," he said.

[url]http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/more/02/27/puck.hepati tis/index.html[/url]Edited by: Don Wassall