Mickey Mantle Special On HBO

Dec 18, 2004
There is a new HBO specialabout Mickey Mantle on at 9pm ET Wednesday night, July 13. As I mentioned in a post weeks ago, at his peak Mantle was the Number 1 athlete in pro sports.
I need to get HBO.I would love to watch that special.He
has always been one of my all time favorites just like
Don Wassal likes him too.He had to perfect combination of
size,speed and power.You couldn't draw up a more all
around player.Mickey was a superstar as big as anyone.If
anyone can possibly tape this,let me know.Thanks guys.
The showwas about as good as you canget froman outlet likeHBO.I'd recommend it to anyone who wants tounderstand morewhy Mickey was theidol of so many boys in the '50s and '60s. There's an amazing amount of archival photographs and film footage.
Yes, this HBO show is better than the ESPN Sportcentury program on Mantle was. We didn't have multi-sports channels, but Mantle was actually a bigger star in the early 60's than any pro athlete is today. HBO is showing this program frequently the rest of the month. You can check the HBO site for times.
I wish I had HBO so I could watch it, I guess having that makes Don and Sport Historian Premium individuals because they have Premium Satellite/Cable!
Good, I'm going to check it out. Had been worried it would be emasculating like the SI article was when Mantle was about to die.
Mickey Mantle was my hero and Lou Gehrig was my dad's hero.I was in Little League Baseball in 1961 when Mantle and Maris were both going after Babe Ruth's HR record. The Yankees had a near All-White line up!3B Clete Boyer,SSTony Kubeck,C John Blanchard,2B Bobby Richardson,1B Bill Skowron the outfield was Roger Maris,Mickey Mantle and Bob Cerv-best pitcher was Whitey Ford. Elston Howard was a black player on the team, him and Yogi Berra were two Yankee catchers.This near all-white team-was in the World Series 1960,61,62,63 and 1964.
Colonel_Reb said:
I wish I had HBO so I could watch it, I guess having
that makes Don and Sport Historian Premium individuals because they
have Premium Satellite/Cable!

No,you don't.HBO has a looooong history of anti-White programs and
specials,such as "Oz",and "Real time with Bill Maher",and that current
sports show,hosted by the black racist race baiter,Bryant Gumbel,to
name a few.Something like the Mantle special is truly the
exception.Wait for it to come out on video,and rent/buy it.
Welcome to Caste Football Weltner! I was mainly doing a tongue in cheek about HBO. It is a network of mostly filth, and leftist propaganda. I'd rather hear these guys talk about it than spend the money on it anyway, as I am not a big baseball fan, but I do think a lot of The Mick!
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