Mexican trucking


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Just what we need.

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at Sep 1, 11:44 AM ET
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration can proceed with a plan to open the U.S. border to long haul Mexican trucks as early as next week after an appeals court rejected a bid by labor, consumer and environmental interests to block the initiative.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco late on Friday denied an emergency petition sought by the Teamsters union, the Sierra Club and consumer group Public Citizen to halt the start of a one-year pilot program that was approved by Congress after years of legal and political wrangling.

The Transportation Department welcomed the decision and said in a statement that allowing more direct shipments from Mexico will benefit U.S. consumers.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Expect trucking costs to drop and the independent trucker to start hurting from this. One good thing is the price of coke will half.......


Nov 26, 2004
Who pays for the Mexican company's insurance? I had been told Mexican trucks would never be allowed entry into the U.S. because of insurance matters - that no U.S. insurance company would issue coverage for Mexican trucks and drivers.

So now they are. Are U.S. trucking companies subsidizing the Mexican companies in exchange for access to Mexico? Is the U.S. government paying for the Mexican companies insurance? Are insurance companies providing coverage now so as to have greater access to the Mexican insurance market in general?

Will they drive deadhead (empty trailer)? Meaning will they drop off a load from Mexico and then drive all the way back empty? Or do they drop a load, pick up another one, drive it to another U.S. destination, pick up another load there, drive it to Mexico, and so forth?

500+ Mexican drivers for one year means a lot of accidents and crime. Will the MSM black out coverage? Is glue-sniffing considered DUI?

Just reading William Gibson's 'All Tomorrow's Parties'. A character in L.A. is explaining why his (Singapore based) employer-provided health insurance is lousy, 'You have to go to a clinic in Tijuana to use it.'

It may come about that if you want any type of service you have to use a Mexican clinic or transportation company, all in the interest of cost reduction.

Never mind Mexicans have two modes of operation: hostility or incompetence. Or one disguised as the other. Or in combination. A nation of petty thieves who occasionally graduate to bigger things, like AG of the U.S.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
We've been sold out by the Globalist Elite's puppets on "Crapitol sHill". It's all part of the NAU/SPP agenda being spearheaded by the NeoCON shills. This garbage is par for the course as the North American Union implementation continues.