Merry "Holiday"


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Merry gender neutral, non sectarian, non global warming, non patriarchal, non white supremacist "Holiday".
A Merry inclusive, non-gender discriminatory, multi-cultural Holiday to you too!
A big shalom and happy Hanukkah to our Ben Shapiro loving posters and also to the FBI / ADL agents who monitor this website!
A big shalom and happy Hanukkah to our Ben Shapiro loving posters and also to the FBI / ADL agents who monitor this website!

Don't forget the most important of all the Holidays, Kwanza - it now gets top billing along with Channukah! Kwanaz is a holiday FOR BLACKS ONLY, but even they don't celebrate it, most US blacks being Christian and celebrating the C word (is it illegal to say that word?). Kwanza was invented by a negro ex-con, AN FBI INFORMANT, in the 1960's.

They used to say, "Don't take Christ out of Christmas". Now they've taken Christmas out of Christmas!
Thanks Freethinker. I am only 1/8 Jewish . My Polish maternal grandmother was so disturbed by it she always told me and my siblings we were just Polish.
I worked for the FBI once. Not like hired for them but in a think tank sort of way. I may or may have not worked in Psyops. for an agency which is not domestic but it had nothing to do with monitoring sites like this. Maybe Julian Edelman or Nate Ebner are monitoring this site. Possibly Sage Rosenfles or John Matuzak. :) Yes, football players with Jewish lineage.
Thank god I was raised Catholic.
The FBI has been a very corrupt outfit for a long time. I used to know a girl whose father was a top politician and her family was very close with the FBI director at the time, so I've heard a story or two, plus from my job where, amongst other things, I know that the FBI and the Jewish Defense League terrorist outfit worked together. I really doubt that they monitor websites like this though.
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It is kind of sad the Anti Defamation League seems to be only concerned with anti Semitism. You never hear them reporting on anti-White crimes which is a travesty.
I used to read a lot in papers or hear on the news that so and so was racist AND anti semitic. I never liked hearing that because anti-Semitism for the most part is just racism. I remember telling my brother growing up that why do Jewish people get their own title. He just looked at me like I was crazy. If you are anti Jewish can't you just use the word racism to refer to it? Such is the power of the 2 percenters.
It is kind of sad the Anti Defamation League seems to be only concerned with anti Semitism....

The ADL was founded in 1913 by Jacob Schiff, the same one who funded the Bolsheviks in Russia, to run cover for the Rothschilds international bankers and slander anyone who speaks out against them as "anti-semitic", and later to run cover for Israel. That is their only raison d'etre.

"I worked for the FBI once. Not like hired for them but in a think tank sort of way. I may or may have not worked in Psyops. "

Well that's interesting if true. Care to elaborate?
I'll give you this. I may or not have worked for a dude named Cofer Black. I went to school for Behavioral Psychology. I had a 3 year private practice in Syracuse, NY that went nowhere. I moved to DC and flourished. I met certain clients that thought I might be good at interrogating bad guys to find other bad guys especially in the Afghan theater if you get my drift. I used to speak fluent Arabic and for some reason ( IMO ) have a gift for reading body language.
None of this is provable other than my dissertation at Syracuse U. 1997.
When I did my research for the think tank we were trying top profile a serial killer who has now been caught but not to our alleged doings. Forensics is not my specialty but linguistics and causational psychology. I eat up Pavlov, Watson and Skinner. Read Walden 2, it will knock your socks off. :)
I'll give you this. I may or not have worked for a dude named Cofer Black. I went to school for Behavioral Psychology. I had a 3 year private practice in Syracuse, NY that went nowhere. I moved to DC and flourished. I met certain clients that thought I might be good at interrogating bad guys to find other bad guys especially in the Afghan theater if you get my drift. I used to speak fluent Arabic and for some reason ( IMO ) have a gift for reading body language.
None of this is provable other than my dissertation at Syracuse U. 1997.
When I did my research for the think tank we were trying top profile a serial killer who has now been caught but not to our alleged doings. Forensics is not my specialty but linguistics and causational psychology. I eat up Pavlov, Watson and Skinner. Read Walden 2, it will knock your socks off. :)

Thanks for the reply. Very interesting. How did you learn Arabic, in school, or your family background? I used to be interested in linguistics and even learned some Esperanto, which turned out to be quite useless. I once met a fellow whose native language was, believe it or not, Esperanto. His parents had met through an Esperanto club and that was their only common language!

I used to know a body language specialist. She has her own body language business now. I've lost touch with her tho.

Another thing just popped in my head, speaking of Arabic. A long time ago I met a very beautiful girl somewhere and I made a date with her and I took the train out to Inwood, Long Island. Maybe my car was broken, don't remember. When I got to her house I was greeted by her parents. They were talking to me and asking me all kinds of questions. I think they thought I was going to marry her. I didn't even know she was Arabic before. There were palm tree pictures on the wall.

I never heard of Walden 2 but I just watched this - Walden 2 in 3 minutes. It reminds me of a movie I once saw a long time ago. There was some seemingly utopian place where only young people lived and they were kept happy and healthy - but then the secret was finally revealed - they were being raised to provide spare body parts for very powerful people. They called the place "America". I don't remember the name of the movie. I'm not sure it was fiction.
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The ADL was founded in 1913 by Jacob Schiff, the same one who funded the Bolsheviks in Russia, to run cover for the Rothschilds international bankers and slander anyone who speaks out against them as "anti-semitic", and later to run cover for Israel.
Jacob Schiff was possibly the richest man in the world in the early 20th century.

He funded Japan's war against Russia, giving them the best equipment possible at that time, or else they likely wouldn't have had a chance of defeating Russia.

Jewish website:

Well, Japan won. And they won thanks to a Jew. He was a German-born American, one of the richest men in the US, a leading, influential force on Wall Street. He financed the Japanese army during the war to the tune of half the funds. One could only guess how it would have gone without him.

So why did Schiff help out the Japanese? Turns out that he really, really hated Russia.
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Jacob Schiff was possibly the richest man in the world in the early 20th century.

He funded Japan's war against Russia, giving them the best equipment possible at that time, or else they likely wouldn't have had a chance of defeating Russia.

Jewish website:

Well, Japan won. And they won thanks to a Jew. He was a German-born American, one of the richest men in the US, a leading, influential force on Wall Street. He financed the Japanese army during the war to the tune of half the funds. One could only guess how it would have gone without him.

So why did Schiff help out the Japanese? Turns out that he really, really hated Russia.

I didn't even know that! Those naughty Talmud cult boys are always up to some funny mischief, aren't they!?
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