Men Are Weaker Today Than They Were 30 Years Ago

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Men ate much better food, the water they drank wasn't filled with chemicals, they didn't breathe the remnants of chemtrails after they finally evaporate and fall to the ground, they were more active physically pursuing sports and generally moving around and interacting with nature rather than watching TV or computer screens for endless hours, they weren't prescribed powerful drugs with lots of potent side effects every time they went to the doctor, etc. Men were lean and naturally strong until the last couple of generations. Even as late as the early years of the counterculture, people still looked "normal." Watch the film Woodstock and see how different the girls and men look from today's specimens (excepting their freaky dress and hair styles of course). Today's men tend to be overweight or just completely out of shape, or are bulked up to cartoonish levels thanks to steroids, though there are also a lot of guys who work hard to be fit and take pride in their appearance.

The difference between America 1.0 and Amerika 2.0 is like night and day (artwork by the great David Dees):



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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I actually remember the eating transition from the normal built people of the early 70's to this era. Back in the day fast food was barely eaten, except on special occasions or road trips. These days most people are too lazy to pack sandwiches for lunch and cook dinners if they have things to do out of the house in the evening. Occasionally I pass an elementary school and seems like half the male students are fat oafs. Back when I was in grade school it was about 1 in 10 students.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I actually remember the eating transition from the normal built people of the early 70's to this era. Back in the day fast food was barely eaten, except on special occasions or road trips. These days most people are too lazy to pack sandwiches for lunch and cook dinners if they have things to do out of the house in the evening. Occasionally I pass an elementary school and seems like half the male students are fat oafs. Back when I was in grade school it was about 1 in 10 students.

Look at Jackie Gleason in the famous tv show "The Honeymooners", which ran i think from 1955 to 1978. The standing joke was how fat he is. He looks skinny by today's standards! Back in the 50s or 60s your People of Walmart shopper could have gotten a job at the Barnum & Baily sideshow or Coney Island!


Jackie Gleason, by the way, had an interesting story to tell about his unfortunate encounter with the boxer Two Ton Tony Galento, who was not called that nickname because he was fat but because he was so strong. Galento's main training method consisted in drinking as much beer as he could. He knocked down Joe Louis though.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Jackie Gleason was one of the all-time great functioning alcoholics. I've read about his imbibing and that of other prolific drinkers at a website geared toward unapologetic lovers of booze:


May 1, 2015
Ten to fifteen years ago, I watched a documentary of the movie "Jaws" made in 1975. There was a beach boardwalk scene that showed hundreds of extras (probably just regular "Joes" and "Janes" from that area (now probably "Joses" and "Jaunitas")) walking around...everyone was really lean. Not a fatty in sight.

I see old pictures of myself, shirtless, as a kid from about the same time, and I look emaciated compared to the kids of the same age today (and over the past twenty or so years).

I remember when 7-11's "Big Gulp" cola cup size came out in the mid 80's where I lived. I think this was about the same time that high-fructose GMO-corn syrup started saturating the market, a much cheaper alternative than the cola made with pure cane sugar from Florida (of which there used to be a lot of ads on TV). HFCS was far cheaper to manufacture and thus able to sell massive quantities to the zombified public then and much more so now; except that now, the "small" cola is bigger than the "Big Gulp" you could get back in 1985.

It was rare that you saw someone with MS, autism, colitis, type II diabetes, or some other debilitating disease. Breast cancer rates started to soar as well. The sperm count of men started to drop precipitously, especially over the past 10-15 years with all of the ubiquitous WIFI and Cellular transmissions, not to mention the BPA chemical found in plastics, probably going all the way back to that "Big Gulp" cup.

Also, increasing automation, cable and satellite TV, Internet, video games, etc. that helped incentivize a sedentary life style. There's also the proliferation of "fast food" joints that started in the 1970's, a side-effect of "women's liberation", when women were propagandized to believe that being a "house wife" was a burden and that the drudgery of a "9-5" corporate or government job was a far more "empowering" and edifying way to live than raising a healthy family with good values which included mostly nutritious meals.

So, I think it's a combination of technological changes, societal/cultural changes (via social engineering), and environmental changes (some intentionally malicious (GMOs, vaccines, ChemTrails)) and some a by-product of "progress" or a "cost-benefit" analysis where the FDA looked the other way so corporate heads could make a bigger profit to afford another beach front home in Malibu or a nice mansion in the Hamptons.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It's a combination of easy profits, and a great way to degrade and destroy Whites, the only possible threat to the ruling dictatorship. That's Amerika in a nutshell, socially communist and economically fascist. But not really fascist because the essence of fascism is the uplifting of a nation's people through a strong government-business alliance, the opposite of today's government-big business alliance. It's really just communism; the U.S. has replaced the USSR as the world capital of the (((communist revolution))). The Amerikan version uses gender and race warfare as its primary weapons rather than the class warfare favored by the USSR and other previous communist regimes.

Although we still have a relatively high standard of living, U.S. society and day to day life is as hollow and artificial as can be. It's hardly a surprise that zombies have become an important fixture of not only fiction but what many people believe is here or just around the corner, awaiting the "big event" expected for so long but which still hasn't occurred.
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May 1, 2015
It's a combination of easy profits, and a great way to degrade and destroy Whites, the only possible threat to the ruling dictatorship. That's Amerika in a nutshell, socially communist and economically fascist. But not really fascist because the essence of fascism is the uplifting of a nation's people through a strong government-business alliance, the opposite of today's government-big business alliance. It's really just communism; the U.S. has replaced the USSR as the world capital of the (((communist revolution))). The Amerikan version uses gender and race warfare as its primary weapons rather than the class warfare favored by the USSR and other previous communist regimes.

Although we still have a relatively high standard of living, U.S. society and day to day life is as hollow and artificial as can be. It's hardly a surprise that zombies have become an important fixture of not only fiction but what many people believe is here or just around the corner, awaiting the "big event" expected for so long but which still hasn't occurred.
Which probably explains the record number of people on anti-depressants. Either that or an addiction to booze/beer, marijuana, opiates, heroin (with all of the recent overdoses with what appears to be middle class Whites) etc., just to cope with the meaninglessness of modern-day life in the USSA.

Bradbury covered that in "Fahrenheit 451" with a population addicted to pill popping to help them psychologically cope with living day-to-day in a totalitarian society. Montag awoke from his zombification by discovering a library of banned books that contained narratives and ideas contrary to the prevailing power...kind of like the Internet of today exposing the propaganda of the State/Corporate-run-MSM. Good film adaption of it from 1964 which also showcases the future of "Reality TV", the superficiality of the women, and a complete and total surveillance state. Orwell did the same in "1984" with people drowning in their beer while watching the daily propaganda on TV all the while being surveilled 24/7/365.


Jan 27, 2016
Jackie Gleason was one of the all-time great functioning alcoholics. I've read about his imbibing and that of other prolific drinkers at a website geared toward unapologetic lovers of booze:

I hope his body was donated to science. Not only was he a big drinker, and eater, he smoked a lot. Yet he lived a long full life. He really was one of those exceptional figures from America 1.0.

So guys keep doing your paleo and cardio with weights on odd number days. :p


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Jackie Gleason was close friends with President Nixon, Supposedly Nixon privately showed him the bodies of space aliens that they had stored at Homestead air force base in Florida.

Re UFO's and space aliens: A few years ago I was camping in a remote part of the Mohave desert not far from Area 51. I heard a small plane flying directly overhead so I looked up. It was indeed a small plane flying very slowly, but it was flying alongside a gigantic slow moving black flying wing that was totally silent. What was it? I don't know.

Jackie Gleason on Rocky Marciano's tv show relating the Tony Galento story:


Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Yep! Just got through watching the 50's/60's show Father Know's Best and occasionally watch Leave it to Beaver and 99.9% of the cast are all slim and fit looking. Especially the women. Margaret Anderson and June Cleaver look great. Beautiful, slim,,and fit bodies and they dressed with class too!? Movies of that era are same also.

BTW. I have discussed my battle with throat cancer here. I was never a smoker and never a chronic drinker. The doctors told me I most likely got cancer from the HPV Virus and it's going around. More and more non-smoking, non- drinking males are developing throat cancer. Does anyone here think Doctors are unsure, is it coming from chemicals, etc. or what? I considered myself pretty strong and fit for my age, never eating a lot of crap. I've seen this,(throat cancer), hit all kinds, the fit, the smoker, the drinker, etc.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
This summer I've had the opportunity through Scouting outings and other things to go to many venues with lots of people. The people-watching has been depressing since virtually everybody is FAT. And it is the "new normal" for most people who compare themselves to others around them. Surprisingly, the only place I've gone all summer that wasn't a parade of obesity was the Missouri State Fair. Early in the day the crowd was almost completely white and, compared to the average crowd-setting, was remarkably thin. As the afternoon wore on, the blacks and the fatties showed up. I knew it was time to go.

I'm in my 50's and work hard to stay thin. I do body weight exercises mostly, and run and bike regularly. To me, gaining weight and feeling like a slug is not an option. I don't know how people can put on all of this weight and think that it's okay.