Mel Gibson's Viking Movie in Old Norse


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
An update on Mel Gibson's forthcoming Viking movie from CF friend James Edwards at The Political Cesspool. You can bet Mel's movie won't have cultmarx casting of a ******* as a Viking or Nordic god (ala "Thor"

Mel Gibson set to film Viking epic in Old Norse

When thinking about European history the stories of the Vikings have always been among the most fascinating to me.

Needless to say, this is one movie that we should all make plans to go see.

He may have faced criticism for his interpretation of William Wallace's battle for Scottish independence in Braveheart, but that hasn't deterred Mel Gibson from producing another history-based movie.

This time the actor is planning to turn his directorial skills towards the Viking invasion of England and Scotland in the ninth century.

Gibson, 54, will follow a similar route to his previous films The Passion Of The Christ and Apocalypto by filming all of the scenes using Old Norse language, with English subtitles.

The forthcoming movie is as-of-yet untitled, but Gibson plans a historically accurate and violent recreation of the Viking terror that engulfed Scotland and England over a thousand years ago.

Gibson said: ‘I think it's going to be [in] English â€" the English that would have been spoken back then â€" and Old Norse. Whatever the ninth century had to offer. I'm going to give you real.

‘The very first idea I ever had about making a film was when I was 16 years old and I wanted to make a Viking movie.

‘And I wanted to make it in Old Norse, which I was studying at the time. That was the first big, epic, wacky idea I ever had.'

And, as with The Passion of the Christ, he said he plans to include brutally violent scenes for added realism.

He revealed: ‘I want a Viking to scare you. I don't want a Viking to say, "I'm going to die with a sword in my hand."Â

‘I want to see somebody who I have never seen before speaking low, guttural German who scares the living â€" out of me coming up to my house.'

Last year the actor, who girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva gave birth to the couple's first daughter Lucia in October last year, defended Braveheart against criticism about its historical inaccuracies.

He said: ‘Some people wanted me to feel guilty about that. You know, "you have messed up history"Â.

‘There is very little history about the man. There is some, but you have to make up the bits in between because there wasn't somebody following him around writing. He did exist and he did have an impact.'

The script is being developed by William Monahan, who wrote the screenplay for the Oscar-winning crime drama The Departed and work is expected to begin in the autumn.

Producer Graham King said: ‘This will be an awe-inspiring story.'

Keep in mind that Mel Gibson's father, Hutton, is a good friend of ours who has twice appeared on The Political Cesspool Radio Program.

Hutton's most recent interview with us set off a media firestorm of global publicity.

Be sure to visit Hutton Gibson's website and show him your support.

Hutton Gibson's Website


Nov 28, 2009
Thanks a ton, Dixie, for the update
. I've been thinking about this movie a lot lately and hoped Mel was still planning to do it after all of the B.S. he's been through. I can hardly wait. Maybe it will be a blessing in disguise as the p*ssy DiCaprio bowed out of it because of Mel's alleged "domestic violence" charge. I wonder who he will cast in the leading role now.

Edited by: Highlander


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Highlander said:
Thanks a ton, Dixie, for the update 
.  I've been thinking about this movie a lot lately and hoped Mel was still planning to do it after all of the B.S. he's been through.  I can hardly wait.  Maybe it will be a blessing in disguise as the p*ssy DiCaprio bowed out of it because of Mel's alleged "domestic violence" charge.  I wonder who he will cast in the leading role now.

DiCaprio would be a poor choice. Mel should try to get Techo Viking to audition for the role or at least give him a cameo.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
If the casting is right, I'd definitely go watch it.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Parody said:
Good news - I'm looking forward to it.
<div></div><div>Me too, im a history buff. Gotta love what Mel is doing.</div>
Oct 22, 2011
How was DiCaprio ever considered for this movie? I heard that little sissy has some "sugar in the gas tank". Hopefully, they get somebody with some testosterone in their veins to play the part.


Nov 28, 2009
Gibson Hasn’t Given Up His Viking Movie, BERSERKER;
Co-Wrote New Draft with BRAVEHEART Screenwriter Randall Wallace

At the Cinematheque Q&A (via LA Times with transcription by The Playlist Gibson said that his Vikings will be "very unsympathetic characters and these guys will be bad." He added that the film, entitled Berserker, will be "real and visceral." Translation: violent beyond all reason.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006


Nov 28, 2009
In an interview with ComingSoon, Gibson revealed that his long-developing Viking movie "Berserker" is still in the works, and offered up a couple more details about the flick. "....I believe it's going forward. I've talked to actors and stuff, and there are some good names attached who want to do it," he said, while elaborating on previous reports that it would take a page from "Apocalypto" and be in defunct Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon langauges. "I'd thought about that at one time but then when you consider that English comes from the middle English language, it's not a big jump. I'll do something that's understandable for a modern audience. But it won't be the English they're used to."

Gibson confirms that Leonardo DiCaprio has exited the picture, but overall, it looks like the script he's co-written with Randall Wallace is every bit as epic as you might expect. "I've got a great script. And the idea's been batting around my head for years. And I couldn't find a way to make it work, because if you look at what Vikings did, they're pretty unsympathetic. And there's no point in doing Viking light. So I had to find a way to find devices and ways to make that work dramatically, intelligently and make it seem realistic so it's about real conflict in a real era in the 9th century, so that you actually see behavior and a new mode of thought seeping in. By the 11th century there weren't any of these guys left anymore," he explained about the movie.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Had to read aloud Middle English (Beowolf) when I was a boy in school. If you listen closely, you can hear the English we use now forming.

Tom Iron...
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Im a huge fan of Mel Gibson, he's a great actor, director, and writer. I love his personality and he seems like a great guy as well.

I really enjoyed him in "The Patriot", and I absolutely loved "Apocalypto". "Apocalypto" is one of my fave movies of all time!

Have to admit I haven't seen "Braveheart". Ridiculous I know. Maybe one of these days Ill get around to watching it.

Interesting fact about Mel is that he often collaborates with Persian American Farhad Safinia when making movies which is awesome :)


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I walked out in the middle of Braveheart and dragged my girlfriend with me. I'm a bad guy to go to movies with. The actors in it all looked like fairies to me, except for one, as I recall.

A little known film that I highly recommend is "Pathfinder", which is the only movie ever made in the Saami ("Laplander") language. At least it was at the time it came out. It depicts an ancient Saami legend and shows how our ancestors would have lived and thrived throughout the long ice ages.

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