Mel Blount and Black Hero Worship

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
In the early '90s, long after he had retired from the NFL, former Steelers great Mel Blount opened a "youth home" in a rural county south of Pittsburgh. There was a fair amount of community opposition, which is only to be expected as the "youths" at Blount's youth home are mostly very troubled young black males.

The political and media establishment in the Pittsburgh area were of course at all times one hundred percent behind Blount, whowas named oneof the cornerbacks on the NFL's all-time greatest team. A month ago, some racist graffiti was spray-painted on Blount's property, the usual "KKK" "******" juvenilia that most of the time is perpetrated by disturbed minorities themselves. But this time it was two young white kids and an adult who were arrested, and as a result Blount received huge amounts of support and sympathy.

But just a few weeks later, lo and behold, a West Virginia bank has sued to foreclose on Blount's property, claiming hehas failed to payaround $220,000 on a 13-year-old loan. Another uncanny example of a lionized black athlete/ex-athlete screwing up either through crime or some other kind of gross malfeasance.
A lot of athletes forget that unlike normal jobs,
their careers end quickly. They live beyond their means thinking
that it will last forever. Once the money is gone, they are in
trouble because the mortgage is due. The word "Mortgage" stems
from another word for murder for a reason I guess.

Ali fought Larry Holmes probably because he could
not pay his debts. Tyson does it now. These guys get so
many breaks that they think they are invincible and above the
law. Maybe they are, but when money is involved people/banks do
whatever it takes to get their hands on it even if a war hero had an
unpaid loan. OJ Simpson lost the civil suit. Few people are
above anything when it comes to money.

"In God we trust, all others must pay"
Do you remember Reggie White collecting money for his blackRev. friend in Tennessee? People from all over Wisconsin held fund raisers and contributed to the cause of raisng cash to rebuild a burned down church. What a circus that turned out to be. The FBI had questioned Reggie's black friend about the arson and Reg went balliisitc. He said, " There those white folks go , something goes wrong and first thing they do is try to blame a black man." or words close to that.

Well, it was learned the good Rev. pocketed the cash which may have been 1- 2 million and bought cocaine, cars etc. I don't recall Reggie apologizing to the FBI or the donors who got ripped big time.

Knoxville, Tenn. - Four years after arsonists torched Green Bay Packers star Reggie White's church, a close friend of White's was sentenced Monday to 10 years in federal prison on cocaine trafficking and gun charges.

Jerry Upton, 45, a key church official, was a crack addict who helped lead a multimillion-dollar cocaine ring, authorities said.

[url] +funds&toggle=1&ei=UTF-8& /nat/mar00/knox28032700.asp&w=reggie+white+church+funds& amp;d=FE7276203B&icp=1&.intl=us [/url]
I recall an article in Sports illustrated about Mel Blount by Roy Blount, sometime in the 70's. I remember one sentence in the article that stood out. Roy Blount wrote something like, "Pittsburgh, where white ethnics tend to rule is not a particularly good city for a black athlete."

Roy Blount is, incidentally, one of the biggest worshipers. He's an example of the white Southern liberal.
Yeah guys, I know all about Blount. Been hearing his name for years. That is something about the coccaine ring and Reggie's buddy. Hadn't heard about that one. Guess it got swept under the Caste rug.
Col. Reb, several years ago the media was reporting that black churches were being burned down across the country. They tried to make it sound like white racists, especially in the South were the culprits. After a while interest in the story began to wane andeventually disappear. Do you know why?After much investigation it was discovered that MORE white churches were set ablaze than black ones.
Yeah, I do remember that part of the story, I just didn't hear about White's friend. I remember that year very well, and I do recall some people mentioning the fact that most of the churches being burned were white congregations. I think that was 1998.
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