

Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Very informative! We had better get racially AWARE but quick or it will soon be over - for Whites.

October 26, 2010

Meg-A-Death? Whitman's Cowardly Approach To Immigration Spells Doom For GOP

By Mark Cromer

The fall election campaign in now in the home stretch. The GOP is seemingly riding the crest of a national wave that will deliver it to sweeping gains across the countryâ€"and perhaps control of one or even both chambers of Congress.

But in California, the last whimpering gasps of Meg Whitman's soulless gubernatorial run are now fading quietly into the night.

By almost every measure, it is a stunning defeat.


So let the post-mortem begin: how did this happen?

How did a political ghost like Jerry Brown, who was once connected at the hip to perhaps the most widely despised liberal in the state's historyâ€"the late Chief Justice Rose Birdâ€"emerge from the Bay area fog in this Summer of the Tea Party to trounce a Republican that had little baggage and mountains of cash-on-hand?

At its root essence, the fundamental answer is simple: immigration.

The death spiral of the GOP in California can be traced back a generation to 1986, when George Deukmejian was governor, Ronald Reagan was in the White House and California was seen as the sun dappled redoubt of conservative success known simply as ""Reagan Country". No Democrat had carried the state in national elections between Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clintonâ€" a literal generation of Democratic defeats. The polling booth defections of the white working and middle class, the so-called "Reagan Democrats"Â, appeared to be a terminal loss for the coalition that Franklin Roosevelt had first built.

But who could have known then that it would be Reagan, with the stroke of his pen in 1986 on the Immigration Reform and Control Act, who would unwittingly place his signature on what effectively was the death warrant for the Republican Party in California?

Though it was sold to an ambivalent public as a necessity that would help integrate about 900,000 illegal immigrants into American society, the measure ultimately granted a blanket amnesty to more than 3 million peopleâ€"half of them in Californiaâ€"and rang a cattle bell throughout Mexico that triggered the longest sustained wave of mass illegal immigration in historyâ€"what VDARE.COM calls "The Mexodus"Â.


The political title to the state is about to be handed to the Democrats.

If Ronald Reagan's pen stroke graced the political death warrant for the California GOP in 1986, then it was George W. Bush that carried out the execution, sabotaging what little enforcement was being done and pushing hard for another amnesty that fueled even greater waves of illegal immigration across the southern border.


Amnesty is an epic disaster for America and a death sentence for the Republican Party.

And Meg Whitman is just the latest name chiseled onto their California tombstone.

Edited by: Bart


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great piece. I mentioned Reagan's amnesty move to one of my classes. The neo-cons at least pretend as though they don't like to hear this fact being mentioned.