
Jan 1, 2006
Have you all heard how he got his feelings hurt by a fan who heckled him and he went into the stands ? What a whoosy, a pro athlete going after a fan. He needs to grow some gonads and toughen up.

The fan got banned from NBA games for the year for calling Matumbo a "monkey" and Matumbo got his vagina pamperred by the NBA instead of getting a fine. Matumbo said he would go in the stands again if called a racist name again. He acts like he's in second grade.

How is "monkey" a racist name ? If someone considers it a racial slur they must be thinking on that level and ultimately they must actually be racist for conceding monkeys and a particualar race have something in common.

As a result Matumbo should be heckled even more and have people dress as monkeys in the stands in mockery.
As a result Matumbo should be heckled even more and have people dress as monkeys in the stands in mockery.
You know damn well any fan that went to an NBA game dressed as a monkey wouldn't even be allowed in the arena. Up in Hudson (suburb of Cleveland) a bunch of fans of the youth league team there painted their faces black and wore afro wigs when an opposing predominately black team played Hudson. It was all over the news, and two black teams quit the league. This is youth football.
I recall the Gorilla from Phoenix being thought of as racist. Also his mocking of the morbidly obese Oliver Miller as being racist. We live in sensitive times...
Its not about sesitive, that is just a pretense, its about power. They want to intimidate us and penalize into catering to them and its working.
I believe I heard that the fan in question, who must undoubtedly be an idiot, apologized for the incident and contributed $15,000 to Matumbo's charity. If true, this guy should simply not have the right to vote. He is still banned from going to games, yet he contributes what would be a small fortune to most poor and working class families to a charity run by the player he heckled? It is almost impossible to have any respect for present day white Americans (with the exception of those on this forum!)
It gets clearer every day,our own people will be our downfall! When South Africa was turned over to black rule in 1994,many Whites voted for their own genocide!When a tipping point is reached in our country,what will our own brothers and sisters do?
American Freedom News