mass immigration and Europe.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
we've talked about this in a lot of threads, but i thought it'd be nice to keep the discussion confined to one. so i'm going to give it a shot byt starting this one.

the latest incident of Muslims wanting special privileges ... involves swimming pools. who knew?

French pool bars Muslim woman for 'burquini' suit

PARIS â€" A Muslim woman garbed in a head-to-toe swimsuit â€" dubbed a "burquini" â€" may have opened a new chapter in France's tussle between religious practices and its stern secular code.

Officials insisted Wednesday they banned the woman's use of the Islam-friendly suit at a local pool because of France's pool hygiene standards â€" not out of hostility to overtly Muslim garb.

Under the policy, swimmers are not allowed in pools with baggy clothing, including surfer-style shorts. Only figure-hugging suits are permitted.

Nonetheless the woman, a 35-year-old convert to Islam identified only as Carole, complained of religious discrimination after trying to go swimming in a "burquini," a full-body swimsuit, in the town of Emerainville, southeast of Paris.

She was quoted as telling the daily Le Parisien newspaper that she had bought the burquini after deciding "it would allow me the pleasure of bathing without showing too much of myself, as Islam recommends."

"For me this is nothing but segregation," she said.

The issue of religious attire is a hot topic in France, where head-to-toe burqas or other full-body coverings worn by some Muslim fundamentalists are in official disfavor.

France is home to western Europe's largest Muslim population, estimated at 5 million, and Islam is the nation's second religion after Roman Catholicism.

A 2004 law banning the wearing of Muslim head scarves at public schools sparked fierce debate. That legislation also banned Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses in public classrooms.

French lawmakers recently revived the issue of Muslim dress with a proposal that the burqa and other voluminous Muslim attire be banned.

President Nicolas Sarkozy, a conservative, backs the move, saying such garb makes women prisoners.

The "burquini" covers the arms to the wrists and the legs to the ankle and has a hood to cover neck and hair.

An official in charge of swimming pools for the Emerainville region, Daniel Guillaume, said the refusal to allow the local woman to swim in her "burquini" had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with public health standards.

"These clothes are used in public, so they can contain molecules, viruses, et cetera, which will go in the water and could be transmitted to other bathers," Guillaume said in a telephone interview.

"We reminded this woman that one should not bathe all dressed, just as we would tell someone who is a nudist not to bathe all naked," he said.

Guillaume said France's public health standards require all pool-goers to don swimsuits for women and tight, swimming briefs for men â€" and caps to cover their hair. Bathers also must shower before entering the water.


Oct 26, 2008
It's too bad about Europe. I don't even want to think about it anymore.
Instead of banning the attire, they should kick them all out.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Those untermenschen have been enabled to encroach into Europe by the Globalist Elite who puppeteer the so-called "leadership". The Muhammedan scourge has underminded the White, Christian heritage(s) of their "host" European nations. Like the U.S., most of these nations should have shaved down immigration decades ago...because now they're in the mire (just as the USA).

***To become active in curbing mass immigration here in our Constitutional Republic...

NumbersUSA - Fighting For the Future of AmericansEdited by: DixieDestroyer

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
from London. theDaily Mail reports thatEnglish-speaking pupils are a minority in inner-city London primary schools. how long will there be an England?

Children who speak English as their first language are now a minority in inner-city London primary schools, official figures showed yesterday.

Youngsters with a different mother tongue form a majority in primaries in 13 out of 33 London boroughs and in nearby Slough.

In inner London, 54 per cent of primary pupils and 48.5 per cent in secondary institutions do not speak English as their first language. This amounts to an astonishing 159,340 children.

Across the country, English is a foreign language to more than one in seven primary youngsters - almost half a million.

The figures from the Department for Children, Schools and Families point to the major demographic changes over the past few decades. Around a fifth of pupils are from ethnic minorities - up from 11 per cent in 1997.

There are concerns that school finances are under strain as growing numbers of youngsters require help with English.

Heads' leaders have urged the Government to fund schools adequately and give fair treatment during inspections to those with large concentrations of non-English speakers.

The figures show there are 14 council areas in which primary children with English as their second language are in the majority - 13 London boroughs and Slough.
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In Tower Hamlets almost four out of five youngsters do not have English as their mother tongue. In other areas, including Leicester, Luton and Bradford the proportion is approaching 50 per cent.

For primaries overall, 15.2 per cent are non-native English speakers - up from 14.4 per cent last year.
<DIV =thinRHS>Enlarge

The figures indicate that many recent migrants have settled in London. The lowest populations of youngsters with English as a second language are in the South West and North East.

Sir Andrew Green, of the Migrationwatch think-tank, said: 'These figures confirm the huge impact immigration is having on our society.

When Government funds are as tight as they are, this is bound to have a negative impact as children with English as an additional language will need extra tuition.'

He added: 'In inner London it's hard to know who immigrant children are supposed to integrate with since they heavily outnumber local children.'

The figures reflect a five-fold increase in immigration since Labour came to power. Net immigration has increased from 48,000 in 1997 to 237,000 in 2007.
this is what most "English" students look like now in London.


Aug 27, 2008
Insane. All the kids forced to work sunup to sundown, getting limbs torn off in factory lines...the chimneysweeps forced up into burning chimneys and getting testicular cancer before adolescence...and of the few of them that survived, even THEIR ancestors don't reap any of the fruits of their labor. *Everything*--every single last crumb--just had to go to the elite and their pet foreigners.
Life makes me sick a lot lately. For these people to inherit the land that so many children of others toiled to build...this is just sick.


Oct 26, 2008
DWFan said:
Insane. All the kids forced to work sunup to sundown, getting limbs torn off in factory lines...the chimneysweeps forced up into burning chimneys and getting testicular cancer before adolescence...and of the few of them that survived, even THEIR ancestors don't reap any of the fruits of their labor. *Everything*--every single last crumb--just had to go to the elite and their pet foreigners.
Life makes me sick a lot lately. For these people to inherit the land that so many children of others toiled to build...this is just sick.

Great post. They are giving it all away. It's like building your own house with your own and then letting your neighbors move in with you and you have to ask them if can watch a certain Tv show when you want to watch it. I'm sure the people who voted for labour didn't vote for all this immigration. You had somebody's grandfather die in WWII and now their son's construction job is being taken by foreigners, not to mention the football jobs. This is one of the great tragedies of all time.What is the point of this nonsense.


Aug 27, 2008
Exactly man. The greatest political cartoon I've ever seen in my life was a few English WWII vets standing in some kind of public square, thanking God that they had saved their country from being overrun by non-English. The fringes of the cartoon showed Pakistanis, Indians, and middle-Easterners comprising their audience.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
That is so sad & disturbing. Most of my bloodlines are English/Anglo-Saxon. However, we need to arise to ensure we don't reach that level here in the it may be too late.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
British swimming pools are imposing muslim dress codes. i also find it interesting that Labour is "opposing" the move, since they are in large part responsible for Britain's mass immigration problem.

<DIV =story>
<H1>Swimmers are told to wear burkinis</H1>
<H2>British swimming pools are imposing Muslim dress codes in a move described as divisive by Labour MPs. </H2>

Under the rules, swimmers â€" including non-Muslims â€" are barred from entering the pool in normal swimming attire.

Instead they are told that they must comply with the "modest" code of dress required by Islamic custom, with women covered from the neck to the ankles and men, who swim separately, covered from the navel to the knees.
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The phenomenon runs counter to developments in France, where last week a woman was evicted from a public pool for wearing a burkini â€" the headscarf, tunic and trouser outfit which allows Muslim women to preserve their modesty in the water.

The 35-year-old, named only as Carole, is threatening legal action after she was told by pool officials in Emerainville, east of Paris, that she could not wear the outfit on hygiene grounds.

But across the UK municipal pools are holding swimming sessions specifically aimed at Muslims, in some case imposing strict dress codes.

Croydon council in south London runs separate one-and-a half-hour swimming sessions for Muslim men and women every Saturday and Sunday at Thornton Heath Leisure Centre.

Swimmers were told last week on the centre's website that "during special Muslim sessions male costumes must cover the body from the navel to the knee and females must be covered from the neck to the ankles and wrists".

There are similar rules at Sc**thorpe Leisure Centre, in North Lincolnshire, where "users must follow the required dress code for this session (T-shirts and shorts/leggings that cover below the knee)".

In Glasgow, a men-only swimming session is organised by a local mosque group at North Woodside Leisure Centre, at which swimmers must be covered from navel to knee.

At a women-only class organised by a Muslim teacher at Blackbird Leys Swimming Pool, Oxford, to encourage Muslim women to learn to swim, most participants wear "modest" outfits although normal costumes are permitted.

The dress codes have provoked an angry reaction among critics who say they encourage division and resentment between Muslims and non-Muslims, putting strain on social cohesion.

Ian Cawsey, the Labour MP for the North Lincolnshire constituency of Brigg and Goole, said: "Of course swimming pools have basic codes of dress but it should not go beyond that.

"I don't think that in a local authority pool I should have to wear a particular type of clothes for the benefit of someone else. That's not integration or cohesion."

Labour MP Anne Cryer, whose Keighley, West Yorkshire constituency has a large number of Muslims, said: "Unfortunately this kind of thing has a negative impact on community relations.

"It's seen as yet another demand for special treatment. I can't see why special clothing is needed for what is a single-sex session."

Muslim swimming sessions are also held at a number of state schools around the country. At Loxford School in Ilford, east London, a local Muslim group organises weekly sessions for Muslim men, with the warning that "it is compulsory for the body to be covered between the navel and the knees.

"Anyone not adhering to the dress code or rules within the pool will not be allowed to swim".

The practice of holding special Muslim swimming sessions has led to non-Muslims being turned away.

David Toube, 39 and his five year old son Harry were last year refused entry to Clissold Leisure Centre, in Hackney, east London, after being told the Sunday morning swimming session was for Muslim men only.

Council officials later said staff had made a mistake and both Mr Toube, a corporate lawyer, and his son should have been admitted.

After discovering the rules at Thornton Heath one Croydon resident, 34-year-old Alex Craig, said: "I think it is preposterous that a council should be encouraging this type of segregation over municipal facilities.

"Surely if Muslims want to swim then they should just turn up with their modest swimwear at the same time as everyone else."

Douglas Murray, director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, last night condemned the practice. He said: "This kind of thing is extremely divisive.

"Non-Muslims see these extremist demands as an example of Muslims wanting things to fit into their lifestyle, when there aren't similar things organised for Hindus, Buddhists or Jews.

"It also puts moderate Muslims in an awkward position as it suggests, wrongly, that they are not devout enough, simply because they choose not to cover themselves in a shroud in a pool."

A press officer at Croydon council, which introduced Muslim-only swimming in 2006, claimed that the wording on the website was a mistake and the dress code should be regarded as a suggestion rather than a requirement.

The website was late changed to remove the reference to the dress code.

However, an official at the leisure centre said the dress code remained compulsory.

Earlier, defending the segregation policy, a Croydon council spokesman said: "We appreciate that certain religious groups, such as Muslims, have strict rules on segregation for activities including sports, so in response to requests from the local community, we have been running these sessions at Thornton Heath Leisure Centre."

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Race-Riot "cover-up."

A police force slammed for being politically correct tried to COVER UP a weekend race riot.

More than 60 Asians were said to have stormed The White House pub where families gathered after a football game.

Several people were beaten up as terrified women and kids fled.

But Bedfordshire police, who sent in 100 officers, said the Luton attack "did not warrant comment."Â

Steve Dann, 26, who was hit by a bottle in the incident, said: "There was blood everywhere."Â

Earlier this year Bedfordshire police stood by as Muslim fanatics abused hero British soldiers on a homecoming parade in Luton town centre.
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apparently, the Sun is not running this article on its website, hence the link goes to the UKtabloid.


on a related note, it seems like "British" is becoming more exciting these days, as diversity makes life "better."

Police in Oldsbury tackle tension between Sikhs and Muslims.

<H3>Police in Oldbury tackle tensions between Sikhs and Muslims</H3>
9:54am Tuesday 18th August 2009
POLICE in Oldbury have made ‘reducing community tension' between Sikhs and Muslims its top priority after repeated clashes between young males from the two communities.

The Oldbury Neighbourhood Policing Team is ‘tackling and reducing tension' after meeting worried residents at a neighbourhood meeting at Burntree Primary School.

A police spokesman said: "Following recent disorders involving groups of young Muslim and Sikh males, community tension has been perceived to be rising in the Burntree and Temple Way areas.

"In order to identify the underlying problems, neighbourhood officers have attempted to engage community leaders from both communities with a view to improving relations.

The police are working hard to diffuse tensions and are cooperating with Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council in a bid to calm the situation down even extending its operation into local schools.

And in a newsletter to residents the police promised: "The local neighbourhood policing team are currently working with partners to reduce tensions in these areas.

"The Police and the Council are looking to engage the community at the forthcoming surgeries to discuss the needs of the community and officers have also worked alongside local schools to monitor tensions."Â

After investigating the disorders the police have had some success, already singling out several troublemakers from each side.

The police spokesman said: "The neighbourhood police team has taken positive action against a number of individuals within each group with a view to prosecution Officers are also working closely with youngsters in the area of all backgrounds."Â

As well as the simmering racial tensions the Burntree area is blighted with chronic anti-social behaviour including blatant drug taking and underage drinking.
i can only imagine that Richard the Lion Hearted is rolling in his grave ...

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Four "youths" savagely attack, nearly kill cyclist. you'll note how the race of the thugs is completely left out of the "report."

<DIV ="small color-666">August 20, 2009

<DIV =clear-simple>
<H1 =ing>Attempted murder hunt after cyclist is pulled off bike and attacked</H1>

An attack on a cyclist by four youths is being treated by police as attempted murder. Felipe David, 39, a Portuguese man living in Epsom, Surrey, was set upon in nearby West Ewell on Tuesday evening. The youths chased Mr David and one pulled him off his bike. He was beaten to the ground, suffering severe injuries including a fractured skull, and last night was seriously ill in hospital.

The four people, thought to be in their late teens or early 20s, chased Mr David before one of them pulled him off his bike.

He was beaten to the ground in Cox Lane, suffering severe injuries including a fractured skull, and is now seriously ill at St George's Hospital, Tooting.

Surrey Police are attempting to find a motive for the attack, and believe an altercation may have taken place before he was chased.

Det Chief Insp Maria Woodall said: "This was a savage attack which has left Mr David fighting for his life and we are determined to identify and catch those responsible."Â￾

East Surrey's Neighbourhood Superintendent Kul Verma said: "Understandably people in the local area will have concerns in the wake of this attack, but I would seek to reassure them that we have deployed significant resources to this investigation and officers from their Neighbourhood Team will be out today speaking to members of the community."Â￾

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Immigrants behind most cases of sexual assault.

The Oslo Police have over the past three years investigated 41 cases of aggravated sexual assault, which resulted in rape. All of them were carried out by non-western immigrants to Norway.

The police nowurge that more efforts be put intopreventive measures among men with immigrant background.

The police have investigated all reported cases of aggravated sexual assault over the past three years, and have gained a clear imprssion of the offenders:

Most of therapists have a Kurdish or African background, NRK reports. The cases of aggravated sexual assults all have one thing in common, namely the use of gross violence.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Euarabian safari.

Thomas Landen, Hudson Institute, August 27, 2009
Eurabian safari.

It is hot in Brussels. Ramadan has begun. The faithful in the predominantly Muslim borough of Molenbeek are not allowed to eat or drink from sunrise until sunset. Non-Muslim policemen, patrolling the streets of Molenbeek in their sweltering cars, are not allowed to eat or drink either. As every year during Ramadan, that they have been told by their superior, Philippe Moureaux, the Socialist mayor of Molenbeek, they have to respect Muslim sensitivities and not to "provoke" Muslims by violating Islamic Ramadan restrictions in public. In effect, Islamic or Sharia law is already appliedâ€"for everyoneâ€"in the Muslim areas of Brussels ...

Some friends in Brussels organize one-hour trips through Molenbeek. They go in an inconspicuous car, driven by a local who knows the escape routes, and with a bodyguard. Otherwise the risk would be too great. These trips are called "safaris." Similar "Eurabia Safaris" are organized in other European cities. One of the highlightsâ€"though absolutely not the most dangerous oneâ€"of the safari in Rosengaard, the Muslim section of the Swedish city of Malmö, is a short stop, to give the visitor the opportunity to take a quick snapshot, in front of Malmö's "Jihadskörkortsteori" (Jihad Driving School).

The Sharia areas of Europe are expanding rapidly across Western Europe. While currently still restricted to what the French officially call the ZUS (zones urbaines sensiblesâ€"sensitive urban areas) these areas are growing fast. Even today, eight million of the sixty million inhabitants of France already live in one of the country's 751 ZUS.

The month of Ramadan is traditionally the most dangerous time of the year in Europe's sensitive areas. After sunset, the Ramadan ban on eating, drinking and engaging in sexual activities expires until the following sunrise. Ramadan is a period of nightly feasts for Muslims. Young Muslims are extremely touchy. These feasts easily spill over into nightly spasms of mayhem, vandalism, and violence. Europe's Ramadan riots often go on for days or weeks, during which hundreds of cars, shops and public buildings are set on fire.

In Muslim countries, such as Indonesia, the police step up patrols during Ramadan in order to crack down on illegal nightly activities. In Europe, however, the police have been given orders to adopt an extra-low profile not to "provoke"Â Muslim populations. In countries such as Britain, police officers have had to attend "Ramadan awareness"Â courses. They have even been ordered, "for reasons of religious sensitivity,"Â to avoid the execution of arrest warrants for Muslims during the month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, Europe is a tinder box.

The most widely reported Ramadan riots so far, which were even covered by the American press, took place in France in 2005. Since the 2005 riots, the French authorities have asked the media not to report about waves of violent unrest in the ZUSâ€"a request which the media seem to have followed. During the 2005 Ramadan riots, several sociologists suggested that polygamy was one of the reasons for the large-scale rioting in Muslim communities among youths who lack a father figure. This theory seemed to have impressed France's political leaders. Gérard Larcher, then France's employment minister and currently the president of the French Senate, explained to the Financial Times (Nov. 15, 2005) that multiple marriages among immigrants lead to anti-social behavior, such as criminal activity. Bernard Accoyer, a leading parliamentarian of France's governing UMP and currently the president of the French National Assembly (France's Congress), said that children from large polygamous families have problems integrating into mainstream society ...
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood


Oct 26, 2008
What is the purpose of bringing these people into Europe? It's so stupid.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
at least some Europeans still have some sense ... on the other hand, they were dumb enough to actually pay money to attend a Madonna concert. *smirk*

Madonna booed in Bucharest for criticizing discrimination against gypsies.

BUCHAREST, Romania - Thousands of fans have booed pop star Madonna after she spoke out against the discrimination of Gypsies in eastern Europe during one of her concerts.

Madonna paused in the two-hour concert in Bucharest to say that Gypsies, also known as Roma, were discriminated against in eastern Europe.

She said that made her "sad" and nobody should be discriminated against.

Thousands in the crowd of 60,000 booed her. She did not react.

Roma musicians and a Roma dancer were featured in her show, held just yards from the giant palace of ex-communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. Their performances were applauded by the crowd.

There are officially some 500,000 Roma in Romania, but the real number could be around two million. They face prejudice and discrimination in Romania and other east European nations.
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Obviously Madonna remembers her days in Soho and venturing into Harlem where dark swarthy men did Three Card Monte tricks and taught her how to jump the turnstiles to fare dodge....


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
white is right said:
Obviously Madonna remembers her days in Soho and venturing into Harlem where dark swarthy men did Three Card Monte tricks and taught her how to jump the turnstiles to fare dodge....

...And also taught her to "serve" as a world-class mudshark no doubt!

Europe, these "turd" worlders are imported into your namesake by the Globalist Elite to water-down the host/native populace and its traditions, values, etc. In order to better implement their One World government, the Elite target sovereignty of Western nations and the indiginous (sp) population who support their national sovereignty.
Oct 24, 2005
Somebody on this site from Europe has to explain why you are putting up with these moslems. Want to get rid of them? Just cut off all their welfare and medical benefits. No aid for non-citizens! You can sell the idea as a cost cutting measure. They either leave or starve to death.
The alternative is just to round them up and kick them out, but some weinie liberals might complain.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
screamingeagle said:
Somebody on this site from Europe has to explain why you are putting up with these moslems. Want to get rid of them? Just cut off all their welfare and medical benefits. No aid for non-citizens! You can sell the idea as a cost cutting measure. They either leave or starve to death.
The alternative is just to round them up and kick them out, but some weinie liberals might complain.

i think the same questions can and should be asked of us Americans, because the situation is very similar to the one we have. only instead of hordes of muslims, we have mostly mexicans and africans.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Jimmy Chitwood said:
screamingeagle said:
Somebody on this site from Europe has to explain why you are putting up with these moslems. Want to get rid of them? Just cut off all their welfare and medical benefits. No aid for non-citizens! You can sell the idea as a cost cutting measure. They either leave or starve to death.The alternative is just to round them up and kick them out, but some weinie liberals might complain.
<div> </div>
<div>i think the same questions can and should be asked of us Americans, because the situation is very similar to the one we have. only instead of hordes of muslims, we have mostly mexicans and africans.</div>

...As well as massive waves of H-1B visa workers (Indian & Oriental) taking American white collar jobs (mostly IT sector)!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer