Martina Navratilova on Trans Female Athletes Competing as Women


May 1, 2015
Martina Navratilova Says Allowing Trans Female Athletes to Compete as Women is 'Insane and Cheating'

It shows just how far Western society and culture has fallen when people like Martina Navratilova (and second-wave feminist, Camille Paglia) now seem like members of the "far right" (to steal a disingenuous phrase from the Fakestream Media). It shows just how far left the Overton Window has moved.
Ol' Martin will probably be given a talkin' to by the handlers. It doesn't matter how many Women's Singles Titles that dude won. He may have been the man during all those years and showed some serious sack beating Chrissy Everett and Billie Jean King and a lot of women, but just because he had the balls to beat those great women in stunning tennis talents doesn't mean ol' Martin is gonna get away with this. The dude just went too far on this. The guy really has to be put in his place...
LGBTQXYZ Group Severs Ties with Navratilova After Her Remarks on Trans Athletes

Here's her full quote:

"A man can decide to be female, take hormones if required by whatever sporting organization is concerned, win everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune, and then reverse his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires," she wrote.

“It’s insane and it’s cheating,” she continued. “I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.”
It just shows how far to the extreme left the "culture" continues to go. Martina was the first (semi) open high profile homosexual athlete, and the first heavily muscled, high-T female tennis player. She changed the women's game from one that emphasized long rallies and grace to today's power game.

Martina also was always and still is an outspoken feminist. Yet she is now a virtual reactionary compared to the latest insanity of 57 genders and the rest of the ever-shifting crazy crap we're all supposed to accept and bow to.
It just shows how far to the extreme left the "culture" continues to go. Martina was the first (semi) open high profile homosexual athlete, and the first heavily muscled, high-T female tennis player. She changed the women's game from one that emphasized long rallies and grace to today's power game.

Martina also was always and still is an outspoken feminist. Yet she is now a virtual reactionary compared to the latest insanity of 57 genders and the rest of the ever-shifting crazy crap we're all supposed to accept and bow to.
Nothing new under the sun. This type of radical revolutionary thinking always eats it's own. Another small point the radical left doesn't understand. This concept of radicalizing children will blow up in their face. When you radicalize children, you have a tiger by the tail. You may seem to have control for awhile, but you never know when the tiger will turn on you.
This subject of course has come up in Track and Field and they have made the situation so muddled it is mind boggling.

To me it is simple. Transgender athletes should never be allowed to compete against the sex they were not born into. In other words those that were born male should never be allowed to compete against females. The built in advantage is very clear in my mind and it ruins the idea of sports being a field of fair play.

For the life of me I can't understand why sports officials tolerate this complete nonsense. A male born athlete who becomes a transgender and wants to compete should only be allowed to participate against men. So I am not saying they should ban "transgender" athletes. It is just that they should compete in their natural spot which is their birth sex.

Why this concept gets muddled is beyond ludicrous.
The bureaucrats have really screwed up this situation at the high school level with guys in dresses who aren't even post op racing in 100 meter dashes winning 100 state finals in blazing times for women ie 11.5, but these same fine young fellas would be lucky to get out of the sectionals for men with those times. Navratilova knows what can happen if this allowed at the world class level as she was playing when an old Renee Richards smashed her(his) way to near elite female tennis rankings at the ancient age 44. What would s(he) have done at 24? I think we would being comparing Ray Lewis jr. to Rene Richards.

PS my tongue is firmly planted in my cheek but when I was high school I used to wonder if I dawned a dress and ran in the 100m and the other sprints If I could have made and possibly won the city championship for Toronto with my mediocre sprinting ability.
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W i R, You're new avatar totally cracked me up!!
Of course, I agree with Navratilova. Men shouldn't be allowed to compete against women in sports. However, in that is just more insanity, it does serve a purpose I think. It serves the purpose of exposing this whole Transgender "equality" derangement as the stupid phony hoax it all is.
There have been several incidents at a local high school where the top 3 finishers in various "girls" track and field events were all tranny boys "identifying" as girls. The tension and confusion were clear as PC-minded people were trying to figure out what to do about an obvious farce while not offending LGBTQwhatever.
These people (even and especially the ones behind all this) need to be immediately institutionalized:

This is what I am talking about, I always though Black women were strong domineering figures that would slap their kids upside their heads if they tried this stunt, but now I'm starting to wonder about that stereotype....
Being a s0domite proves one’s mental instability & perversion, but being a “transformer” verifies one’s complete insanity & utter depravity. IMHO, none of these sickos should be allowed to walk the streets. There’s three viable “destinations” for these reprobates...a nuthouse, an outhouse (internment) or in Hell (as God’s Word clearly prescribes in Leviticus 20:13).
What's the problem with trannies competing with women? From what I see on the TV and in movies women are superior to men physically. I've never seen a man win a fight in a movie, all the toughest people on TV are women, so why is there any advantage? And the trannies are the ones that can't compete as well with the men so it should be even easier for the women to dominate them. The narrative is going to have to fine tune their agenda better.
What's the problem with trannies competing with women? From what I see on the TV and in movies women are superior to men physically. I've never seen a man win a fight in a movie, all the toughest people on TV are women, so why is there any advantage? And the trannies are the ones that can't compete as well with the men so it should be even easier for the women to dominate them. The narrative is going to have to fine tune their agenda better.
Absolutely right on target, Flint!!!!

How could we ever forget all the reeeeaaally accurate portrayals of women and their inherent superior ball-busting dominance over men, and especially the faggoty White ones in all of the movies and tv??!! And after all, gay males are theeeeee veeeeeery best that Whites have to offer!!!! The alpha musclebound woman of today is unleased from the misogyny held over her noble head for so long and they are also truly shown to freakin' lead the starships across the effing galaxies to bring the New Order to planets and worlds unknown that were previously held down somehow by evil Whites from eons past!!!! Today's female!!! Our lords and masters!!!!! All hail!!!!!
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