Lloyd Marcus face of Tea Party


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Excellent article!


Uncle Tom Lloyd Marcus becomes the face of the Tea Party movement

All across America, we've seen literally thousands of Tea Parties, Obamacare town hall protests, and the recent march on Washington. Hundreds of thousand of people, if not millions, have come out to voice their anger at what's going on in their country courtesy of President Rahm Emanuel and his puppet, Barack Obama. And 99% of them have been white. That's a fact. In fact, it's probably higher than that, like 99.99%. It's a white movement, plain and simple. But white people have been taught to hate themselves, and so they go out of their way to recruit Uncle Tom's for their movements, hoping the media won't call them racists. The family values crowd enlisted "Bishop"Â￾ Harry Jackson in their fight against gay marriage. And Harry Jackson promptly repaid the favor by inviting "black conservative"Â￾ crackhead criminal Marion Barry to speak at a rally for traditional marriage. And who can forget Julius Caesar (JC) Watts, the darling of the conservative movement in the 1990s, simply because he was the only black Republican in Congress? After being coddled and promoted by white Republicans for years, in 2008 Watts paid them back by saying he was probably going to vote for Obama, and hinted that he thinks the GOP is "racist."Â￾ And don't get me started on Harry Alford.

Republicans have been doing this for decades, groveling and pandering to blacks in the hope that blacks will see just "color-blind"Â￾ they are, and start voting GOP. And year after year, election after election, blacks continue voting for the Democrats by a factor of at least 9-1. In 2008, it was 19-1. 95% of blacks voted for Obama. And have conservatives learned anything? Nope. Look at the tea parties for proof. Until a couple days ago, hardly anyone could name a person associated with the tea parties. They came out of a true grass roots movement, and except for the few politicians and washed up C-list celebs who latched on to them, like Chuck Norris, there wasn't a face attached to the movement. It was truly a mass movement, that didn't revolve around a personality.

But in the past couple days, one person has become the face of the tea parties. And surprise, surprise, it's a black guy. Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people show up at tea parties, and about 7 of them are black, and now one of them has become the public face of this white movement. I wrote about Marcus a long time ago. He wrote some lame song that's now the Tea Party Anthem, and so he was invited up on stage to play and sing for the crowd at the Orlando protest. I said that his presence was proof that the tea parties aren't serious, and that they were going nowhere. And after his Orlando performance, he was asked to perform at a whole bunch of other "conservative"Â￾ political events and protests, by stupid white people who are eager to show they're not racist.

Never mind that's he's "married"Â￾ to a white woman. Oh hell no, that's no problem. Conservatives will gladly embrace their own genocide if they think the media will stop calling them racists.

But in the past few days, Lloyd Marcus has become the national symbol of the Tea Party movement. He wrote a column for the neo-con website American Thinker denouncing liberals and Democrats for, you guessed it, "racism"Â￾. (Do blacks, "conservative"Â￾ or "liberal"Â￾, ever talk about anything else?) Then influential columnist (and substitute host for Rush Limbaugh) started praising him on the National Review website. More prominent "conservative"Â￾ writers picked up the theme and ran with it. Here's one. There are lots more.

Unbelievably, even Peter Brimelow is now praising Lloyd Marcus.

So once again, a white movement has been completely neutralized by political correctness. Millions of white people are looking for a group that will speak out for them, and speak up for their interests, without apology. Then they find out that the tea party crowd not only won't speak up for them, but their public mascot is a black man who's engaged in white genocide.

Yeah, that's a real smart plan for winning the hearts and minds of the millions of fed up white people in this country.

And conservatives wonder why they never make any progress, or win any big battles?

It's fine for white women to marry black men, but two men getting married is a big deal?

Interracial marriage is hunky dory, but high taxes are an abomination?

Immigration is bad because we're replacing the founding stock of this country, but it's just dandy for the founding stock of this country to breed themselves out of existence by "marrying"Â￾ blacks?

This is insane.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
well said, Mr. Edwards. well said, indeed.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
That's a great post by James! I'm going to have to email that one around.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Does anyone know where I can find powerful anti-miscegenation quotes that strike at the heart of the negro buck pathology? I saw a good quote before on Stormfront, but that doesn't mean I can find it now.

Something to the effect of, "Why create something, a mixed daughter for instance, when you could have chosen a mixed broad as a mate but IT WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU. Oh no, you didn't want that. You wanted a pure White woman, despite having acursed genetics that only mongrelizes."

You don't care that you have bore a mixed daughter that will likely eat herself to obesity because of confusion and an innate understanding of great evil in her midst. Why am I mixed daddy and mommy beez White?