Live To 100?

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
The last paragraph of this commentary is thought provoking. Longevity may not be all it's cracked up to be, but extending life span while avoiding being an invalid may be of benefit in more ways than one - seen in the light of combating political enemies.

<h2>2/12/2010</h2><div =""><div align="right">



Is Government Planning to Control our Lifespans?</span>

by James Buchanan

A recent article
on longevity reports "A pill to help people live to 100 free from
debilitating health problems is set to revolutionise ageing, experts
said yesterday. The breakthrough has come after scientists identified
three 'super-genes.' People born with the genes are 20 times more
likely to reach a century â€" and 80 per cent less likely to develop the
senility disease Alzheimer's. Even being overweight or a heavy smoker
does not stop a third of those with the genes living to 100. Now US
researchers are working to produce a drug that can mimic the genetic
benefits and hope it will be ready for testing within three years"¦ Life
expectancy for men in the UK is 77, for women it is 82. At the same
time nearly half a million Britons are affected by Alzheimer's. Lead
scientist Dr. Nir Barzilai said: ‘The advantage of finding a gene that
involves longevity is we can develop a drug that will imitate what this
gene is doing. If we can imitate that, then long life can be terrific.'
Professor Judith Phillips, president of the British Society of
Geron­tology, said the discovery would change how people look at
growing old. She said: ‘It's a huge opportunity because the ageing
population is growing anyway. They would be a huge resource because
people would be able to work longer and they would have a healthier
life, and it would r­evolutionise the way we look at older people. And
it would reduce costs in terms of care.' "Â

Scientists already know what causes an individual cell to fail. A string of "telomeres
on the end of the cell's DNA sequence determine how many times that
cell can successfully duplicate itself. Genetic engineers already know
in theory what they need to do to create cell longevity. Solving the
problem of aging is simply a matter of repairing telomeres on the end
of an existing cell inside the body. In the meantime there may be
shortcut gene therapies that will help us live to be 100, which will
give science the time it needs to develop an immortality pill.

The article
continues "a third (of the people in one study) were obese or had
smoked two packets of cigarettes a day for more than 40 years, they
shared three super-genes that extended life expectancy. Two genes
produced ‘good' cholesterol, which reduced the risk of heart disease
and strokes, while a third gene protected against diabetes. Those with
the longevity genes had a one in 500 chance of reaching 100, compared
with a one in 10,000 chance in the rest of the population. The specific
genotype that seemed to protect against diabetes also appeared to
radically cut that person's chances of developing Alzheimer's."Â

Most likely the first available life-extending treatments will be
expensive. Maybe that's why the Democrats are pushing so hard to create
a government health care system. They want White people to die off.
They want to tax White people so severely that we won't be able to save
up the money for age-extending drugs. Then they'll quietly supply these
drugs free to aging Latinos and Blacks at our expense.

There's another reason why our government would not want people
living to a grand old age. With age often comes wisdom. Most people
eventually learn the crooked little tricks politicians like to pull
after they've lived through a few decades of adulthood. The two-party
system has exploited public ignorance to get one crook after another
elected. Having a electorate that doesn't fall for the same old lies,
would be a problem for these scoundrels.

~~~~~~~~~~~Until a pill comes along, fish oil is one thing that may help us live healthier and longer. The telomeres mentioned in the piece are effected by fish oil.

<div id="main-article-info">

<h1>Fish oil slows burn of genetic fuse in ageing, say scientists</h1><h1>Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils have a direct effect on biological ageing, US research suggests</h1>


Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Saw this on ANU News. Regenerative medicine brings to mind about a billion questions. For starters, if the technology became practical in the future, would athletes be allowed to receive therapy. Imagine a Peyton Manning having two consecutive careers. How about Brett Favre coming out of retirement at age seventy-five? It’s one way to solve the insolvent social security system, people could work forever. Will we evil White people be able to receive life prolonging medicine and forestall our march to the dustbin of history?

Virtual Immortality

By Patrick Cox | 01/30/13

Immortality is the sole domain of the Almighty. But “virtual immortalityâ€￾ is fast-becoming the domain of groundbreaking stem cell therapies.

These therapies fall generally under the banner of “Regenerative medicineâ€￾ — a field of medical innovation that seeks to reverse cellular aging by using rejuvenated cells to repair parts of the body that have been damaged due to illness, injury or age.

You may have seen the video of my rejuvenated heart muscle cells. Dr. Michael West performed this process in the offices of the company he runs, BioTime (AMEX:BTX). Starting with fibroblasts, or skin cells, from inside my left bicep, he increased the number of cells many times through routine cell propagation techniques. Then, he used genetic engineering technologies to convert some of those cells into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, identical to the embryonic stem cells that I grew from.

Read more: Virtual Immortality