Live Man in Mine Shaft Abandoned

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Interesting case here. 29 year old White man falls down 200 foot abandoned mine shaft and Nevada state officials decide it's too dangerous to rescue him after getting within 50 feet of him and leave him to die. His family is fine with the decision, they seem like typical Judaized Christian sheep. The man quoted below that no one is trained to do the rescue properly seems to have hit on the real issue.

Ending rescue at mine debated

<DIV id=updated>Posted: Mar. 7, 2011 | 2:00 a.m.
Updated: Mar. 7, 2011 | 7:19 a.m.
<DIV id=>

RENO -- A father of five plunges into an abandoned mine shaft. Nearly 200 feet down, video images show he is injured but breathing, trapped by debris.

The century-old shaft is unstable, its walls crumbling. As a rescuer tries to descend, he is hit by a rock, splitting his hard-hat. Other efforts yield more falling rocks and clear evidence: This will be a dangerous mission, maybe too dangerous.

The scenario unfolded under&shy;neath Nevada last week, when rescue teams were told to stand down in their effort to reach 28-year-old Devin Westenskow, even as they had evidence that he was alive.

The ethical questions are universal: How do you balance the desire to save a human being in peril with the equally important priority of keeping emergency workers safe and alive to rescue another day?

"You're playing God in a sense," said Rob McGee, secretary-treasurer of the United States Mine Rescue Association.


McGee said he can't recall a mine rescue operation that was halted while someone was still alive. But, he noted, a rescue gone awry compounds such a disaster, adding another layer of grief. Only officials on the ground can know how best to proceed, he said.

"Whoever made the call in Nevada, I'm sure they're hearing it from both ends because there's always someone who's saying, 'No, don't give up,' " McGee said.

Family members of Westenskow praised rescuers for their efforts and, in a statement, said they understood when told early Friday of the decision to call off the mission.

"It was extremely difficult for all of those involved with the rescue attempt. We all sat there in shock and disbelief trying to process the terrible news," said a family statement released Sunday by Ronald Schrempp, an uncle of the victim's mother. "Family members offered prayers and said their goodbyes to Devin. We asked for the angels to be with him. It was the hardest thing ever to leave Devin on that mountain in the mine shaft."

Such understanding wasn't unanimous. As news reports of the trapped man gained national attention, newspaper readers and others online reacted with a mix of comment that included strong opinion that no one should be abandoned in such a situation.


Corey Schuman, owner of Gold Rush Expeditions, a Salt Lake City-based company that locates and files claims on abandoned mines, questioned the decision to stop while Westenskow was alive.

"I have no doubt we could have pulled him out without a problem," Schuman said Sunday. "It's really not too dangerous. It's a lack of experience that causes problems. Nobody really trains for this and goes into abandoned mines. I have been down shafts 200 or 300 feet, and it's not a problem."

J. Davitt McAteer, who directed the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration in the Clinton administration, said mine rescues might be subject to intense second guessing, in part because they are followed closely by the public and media, and tactics in solving the crisis come down to a judgment call.

"There are no rules for mine rescues. Each situation is different, and each mine-rescue decision has to be made by people on the ground," McAteer said. "The decision has to be made on a judgment that they won't put the rescuers at risk, and it's a balancing act that they have to decide."

Since 1869, 151 rescuers have died in 39 mine accidents in the United States, with 17 of those fatalities occurring in three accidents since 2000, according to statistics compiled by McGee's organization, based in Uniontown, Pa.

The most recent involved three rescuers killed in a collapse at Utah's Crandall Canyon coal mine in August 2007 in an incident that involved debate over whether additional lives should have been risked to save the trapped miners.

Such life or death decisions aren't confined to mining accidents. Firefighters and other first responders on the scene of crises face choices on, for example, whether to rescue people in burning buildings.

Steve Frady, a former fire chief in the historic mining town of Virginia City, noted that "people get emotionally tied into these situations, whether they are friends or relatives of victims or on&shy;lookers who don't understand the risks simply because they have not been involved in emergency situations. ... It's easy to try to second guess what's going on from the outside."


Officials with the Pershing and Lander county sheriff's departments were involved in the Nevada rescue effort, but they did not comment on details, including whether one person or a team made the final decision to halt. Also helping were personnel from Newmont Mining Corp., the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and the Nevada departments of public safety and minerals.

Schrempp said the family was told that rescuers were able to get within about 50 feet of Westenskow before they had to pull back early Friday.

Westenskow, of Evanston, Wyo., had children from 1 to 9 and was divorced but engaged to be married, his family said. He was a hunter and snowmobiler. He worked at a geothermal drilling operation in Nevada and was with two friends exploring Wednesday during his off-hours when he fell 180 feet into the open shaft.

"He was a quiet guy. A hard worker," Schrempp said. "He loved to explore the outback of Nevada and Wyoming."

About 50,000 abandoned mine shafts and openings have been identified as the most hazardous in Nevada, but the shaft where Westenskow fell wasn't among them, BLM officials said. Authorities say they plan to permanently seal the shaft with his body entombed in it.

"The family feels that if Jesus Christ was buried in a tomb, it's good enough for Devin," said his grandmother, Lois Westenskow.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Liverlips said:
I guarantee they would not leave a black man to die.

Of course not. If they did the black community would blame the fact that they didn't rescue him on racism. No one wants to witness the Katrina whining all over again. It's always a different standard when it comes to blacks and whites.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
The fact that this is the first time someone has been left to die like that is just another sign of how far down the mineshaft our society has fallen. Human life doesn't mean much anymore, especially if it is someone other than our own self. Shame on the people responsible for that decision. The lack of proper training or having the right personnel in place is also shameful. The fact that it is a young, virile White man makes this case all the more infuriating to me.
Nov 8, 2006
This is probably the only society in human history where the people most responsible for keeping it running properly are considered totally expendable.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Liverlips said:
I guarantee they would not leave a black man to die.

The family should have thrown a Negro down the shaft.

A world wide relief effort would have ensued. Charlie Sheen and Sean Penn would have been the first to arrive on the scene.

Sad, but true.


Nov 23, 2008
It seem OK to let a family-oriented white man to die.

It seems OK to let any white person die in fact... expendable.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
A bunch of totally incompetent, cowardly yellabellied dolts. The need to pull out the stops to rescue this man. Good analogy to a "international emergency" being claimed had a precious groidian fallen down that shaft.
Oct 24, 2005
Good lord! They made an effort to get those miners in Chile. All they had to do to get this guy is to get more rope.Edited by: screamingeagle

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I am rather ignorant on the situation but can't they use machinery to clear the rocks or will the potential lifting of rocks by the crane cause an avalanche that would have killed the man in the shaft?