Lions and Bears and MMA Oh my!


May 20, 2005
You know, there are all kinds of people, like our friend Sailer, who love to put together a few biometric statistics and declare us hopelessly inferior athletes.

"Yes you're better at swimming, you blubbery white man", they'll admit. As has been pointed, Strongman competition, MMA, and the Klitschko brothers are conveniently left out of these people's reckoning.

But what of their contention, oh White man, that because your body naturally has a highter percentage of heat-retaining fat (you are a NORTHERN subspecies of the "naked ape" after all) ,and because, (let's face it), your average sprinting speed is somewhat slower, why, you're just almost a eunuch compared to the all mighty *******?

Well, being the gentle nature loving pagan I am (ha ha ha), I believe I've found a good answer in observing the world of animals.

The lion is Africa's largest and most powerful predator. The bear is Northern Europe's "king of the beasts." Leo certainly carries less fat than Ursus, especially around this time of year. The big cat, lacking a thick layer of fur, probably has the all important "cut look" that for some reason becaome confused with being powerful. It's even possible that the lion is faster in a sprint than a bear, though a grizzly can catch and kill elk, horses, and cattle, and thus is no slowpoke.

Among the many ingeniously depraved entertainments to be had in San Francisco and other towns in the gold-rush days were blood sports of every kind. Bull-baiting, Bear-baiting, *******-fighting, dog-fighting, and of cours, the prize ring of the era. Now it is a historical fact that among other things, full grown lions were sometimes imported and induced to fight with grizzly bears. Not just 1200 lbs bears against 500 lbs lions mind you, most often they were rougly equal in size. The interesting part is that the bear quickly killed the lion nearly each and every time. While the lion's claws and swipes can make grievous swiping cuts, a bear typically uses his paws to make blows with tremendous strength, blows that can break skulls, spines, limbs, and pelvises. Indeed bears often kill things like bison and cattle in this manner. In close grappling and biting power, there is also no comparison.

This historical footnote struck me as so strikinly similar to the usual results of MMA matches as to be the perfect natural metaphor, and makes me wonder if the North Gods don't have their own unique sense of humor.

I don't know how much others might appreciate your analogy, White Savage, but I definitely got a... swipe out of it!
Actually, I've never understood why the lion is considered "king of the
jungle." Master over zebras and hyenas, perhaps, but there are several
members of the animal kingdom that can defeat the lion in battle.
Tigers are much bigger and stronger- it is doubtful that any lion could
hold its own with a full-grown tiger. Not only grizzly bears, but polar
bears as well would demolish a lion in a fight. In their own African
homeland, rhinos and elephants are simply too big and tough for any
lion to defeat in battle. And then there is the hippo, who probably
deserves the title of "king of the jungle" if any animal does. If all
the species got together in a pro wrestling-type of battle royale, the
hippo would probably be the eventual winner.
My son loves to watch the Discovery channel and one show is called "Animal Face off" where they have different animals face each other in a mock computer simulation. One program was Grizzly vs. Siberian Tiger. The largest bear vs. the largest cat. They compared jaw strength, fore limb strength, claw length, speed, etc. The bear destroyed the tiger in the mock battle.
If you want to carry the analogy a bit further...

- male lions don't do much hunting, its the females who do the hunting (work)

- male lions roar and make alot of noise (bravado), but usually don't do anything besides sleep all day

- male lions aren't actually as courageous as their reputation

but I think his point was that the strength, tenacity, and ferocity of the bear (white people) is often overlooked, while that of the lion (black athletes) is overhyped and mythologized. That lions are labeled "king of the jungle," without actually living in a jungle, and not actually being the toughest animal around, is a perfect analogy of the way black athletes are trumpeted as "kings of sport," without actually being so.
Well, it was a combination of reading Sailer, watching various scouting/athletic reports, plus the discovery channel, all mixed with beer
that got me thinking along those lines.

I mean, I read a Sailer essay and it says "Many personal trainers set a bodyfat % goal of 12% for blacks, 15% for whites, 18% for Asians. Or I'm watching football and they are bragging on some ******* because "He only has 7% bodyfat." And I'm like, what the hell? What does this have much of anything to do with anything? If they both lift lots of weights and are fairly in shape, you probably wouldn't even be able to tell much a difference between the guy with 7% and the guy with 15%, much less 12&15. I mean, Ronnie Coleman is on top right now in the "sport" of bodybuilding largely because he carries so little fat that you can for instance, see the striations in his buttock muscle
I can't see what this has to do with REAL sports, except the guy with the level of sub-cutaneous bodyfat found in a normal athletic White will have more raw strength and long term muscular endurance, and bleed alot less from surface contusions, than a semi-anorexic. (All documentable medical facts I can back up from someone who's done research on the matter.) Oh yeah, and Tank Abbot could beat up 99% of the blacks on planet Earth with a spare tire around his gut.

BTW, male lions DO hunt more than was previously thought. Lionesses tend to hunt relatively small prey solitary or in small groups during the day, so this is what was observed. But Male lions hunt primarily at night, assisting the group as a whole to pull down really large prey. While male bears bonk the females and then go off by themselves again, and, why the devil am I picking apart my own analogy anyway?
I remember "Tank" Abbot. He was pathetic. Put him in there with someone who wasn't 100 pounds lighter than him and he lost. I remember one match he had against some other big fat guy and my buddy called them saturated and unsaturated. I was wondering when he was going to fight polyunsaturated.
While male bears bonk the females and then go off by themselves again, and, why the devil am I picking apart my own analogy anyway?

Good question. Are you a "thread traitor?"
Tank? Hell, he nearly beat Mo Smith once. Would have if the ref hadn't stood them back up. Tremendous strength, punching power, and he knew how to wrestle. All he needed was cardio. His performance was very off and on though.

I know that say, DON FRYE beat him, but how many ******** do you think could beat him?
Some Historical/Mythological notes:

The bear was venerated as the most fearsome of animals in antiquity in far Northern Europe, where no lions roamed until carried there by Medieval heraldry. However, Lions did roam as far north as France in Neolithic times. While not ultimately as dangerous as 1200 lbs of angry Ursus, lions are apparently genetically more likely to make a meal of man and his livestock than are tigers, bears, wolves, or nearly any other large predator. Thus man would have come into conflict and experienced their ferocity first hand.

Here's the thing you need to remember: Even though it was the pride of the Masai that every male goes on a lion hunt with spears before he can be called a man, Africans never eliminated the lion from their midst. Nordics DID, having the job mostly complete before the rise of recorded history, at no time having any weapons more advanced than an iron lance. We also managed to eliminate the larger and stronger bears from many localities. I've always thought this fact says something crucial about the bedrock qualities of Nordics and ********.

(The liberal would say that the African tribesman are simply more gentle and respectul of nature of course, but I think with Rwanda and New Orleans as our example, we can safely put such ideas behind us.
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