Limbaugh- Abu Ghraib- Photo's


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I must admit to having a negative opinion of Arabs, wouldn't want to live in a Moslem country for all the tea in China. However, the Abu Ghraib prison photo's totally disgust me. The fanatical Moslems hate us enough already, why do we take pictures of them in degrading positions.Images ofArab men led around like dog's on a leash by a woman can only inflame them even more.

If the situation was reversed and it was American soldiers humiliated by Arabs we would be incensed. And yes, I realize other countries have been guilty of worse , but still it just bothers me. Limbaugh has been joking about the treatment , making light of the situation in Club - Ghraib. If he was dragged at the end of a leashor forced to pose in sexually perverse positions I don't think he'd find it so amusing. Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
Limbaugh has been joking about the treatment , making light of the situation in Club - Ghraib. If he was dragged at the end of a leash or forced to pose in sexually perverse positions I don't think he'd find it so amusing.

Maybe he'd like it!
I read an article, I can't remember on what site - ANU or perhaps somewhere here on Happy Hour - about a porn site trading site access for snuff shots of dead Iraqis.

The porn site has devoted an entire section to these photos. The article itself contained a small sampling - an Iraqi burned to a crisp with smiling Marines kneeling around it; another one with a guy's head blown off; another of a pile of some kind of flesh, with the caption: "Identify this body part;" and so on.

The article said that this will be the next scandal our nation and military will have to face. And its going to be way worse than Abu Ghraib.
Limbaugh is a fat, pathetic, disingenuous disgrace -- a poor excuse of a man.

Imbeciles such as Limbaugh and Hannity are on the radio for 1 reason
and 1 reason only --- they further the sham of the "two-party system"
in America. I cannot describe in non-profane words the
utter contempt I have for those jackas#es. Although they seem to
believe that there is a HUUUUUGE difference between Republicans and
Democrats, you'll never hear either of them criticize Bush's
irresponsible and unprecedented expansion of the federal
government. The media-masters control those dopes like
marionettes; they are "owned opposition," in every sense.

Limbaugh and Hannity use the word "conservative" to describe themselves
and their god-idol, Jorge "Viva la Mexico!" Boosh. It's
embarrasing ---- neither of those cretins knows the meaning of the word
"Conservative." Bush is no more conservative than FDR (who I
consider to have been a Marxist puppet).

Limbaugh and Hannity are big-government proponents, who implicitly
support the subjugation of American sovereignty in favor of Mexican and
Israeli interests. In short, Limbaugh -- for all his
"conservative" bluster -- is a just another traitor and coward, just
like Bush, and just like Hannity.
One other thing to consider ------- there is growing evidence that the
Israeli Mossad was "consulting" the American military on interrogation
techniques. Gee, don'tcha think it might have been those bastards
who wereusing the cameras?
Southern Knight said:
------- there is growing evidence that the Israeli Mossad was "consulting" the American military on interrogation techniques.

Abu Ghraib interrogator reveals Star of David tattoo.

Bart, do you really think someone from Mossad would go around with a Star of David tattooed on their arm?
White Shogun said:
Bart, do you really think someone from Mossad would go around with a Star of David tattooed on their arm?

Mossad recruitsheavily from theIsraeli military. Some of them being superstitious, wear Star of David tattoo's and jewelry as a Kabbalistic talisman for protection. They have defaced Arab property with the symbol as a show of force and dominance, similar to the way we raise the flag in turf wars. I'm sure they were well known to the Americans working with them, having no need to hide their identities. It's not like they werecovertly acting as spooks in that situation. Displaying the symbol at Abu Ghraib was probably an in your face gesture to the Arabs under their control.
Okay, I'll shut up now.

I thought of it more like an undercover CIA operative wearing an American flag tattoo while working in Moscow or Beijing somewhere. Wouldn't be the best way to stay undercover.
Southern Knight, I could not agree with you more. To me, the Republicans are a bigger threat because they have so many conservatives duped. The Democrats are our open enemies; we know they're anti-white, anti-male, anti-West. The Republicans ride on our backs but don't do a d*mn thing for us. Traitors are more dangerous than open enemies.

Of course, they might see it as a matter of survival; maybe they wouldn't be as powerful and influential if they weren't sell-outs. They're accepted by "the system" because they maintain the status quo. I read that 25% of the donations for the GOP is from Jewish special interests (and 50% of the Democratic Party.) That's pretty telling. If the GOP were truly conservative, they would see their funds drastically reduced, the media would endlessly smear them, they'd be marginalized, accused of being "racists" and "bigots," it wouldn't be pretty.Or maybe it could begin a renewal for conservatives, and we could really get something done in this country. It would be interesting to see what would happen.

Does anybody think that any truly conservative movement is bound to be untenable, with no potential to be anything more than a fringe movement- like the WN "movement" of today? How long has it been since true conservatives have had real political and economic power in America? Half a century? Over a century?

Perhaps conservatives aren't very good at obtaining power at least in part because they don't really believe in it. They want small government, little spending, few taxes, non-interventionist foreign policy, and they don't care to pander to problematic minorities and other special interests. In the race for power, real conservatives may always finish last. It's only the watered down "compassionate conservatives/ neoconservatives/ moderate conservatives/ Kosher conservatives" that can compete in that race against their brothers, the liberals.

And we're screwed regardless of which side wins. I hope that someday conservatives will have the brain power to understand how bad Bush and his ilk have been for conservative America. But since he's a Republican and a Christian, they'll probably never cease to defend him. Edited by: JD074
American Freedom News