Libby skates


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Poor Libby has suffered enough already!

Libby was convicted in March of lying to authorities and obstructing the investigation into the 2003 leak of CIA operative's identity. He was the highest-ranking White House official ordered to prison since the Iran-Contra affair.

Bush said of Cheney's former aide: "The reputation he gained through his years of public service and professional work in the legal community is forever damaged. His wife and young children have also suffered immensely. He will remain on probation. The significant fines imposed by the judge will remain in effect. The consequences of his felony conviction on his former life as a lawyer, public servant, and private citizen will be long-lasting."


Nov 26, 2004
Irving got away. That's nice.

While there are federal prisons considered relatively pleasant available to special persons there is a lesser known alternative for persons who tend to have first names like Irving.

FCI Otisville is 70 miles from NYC and has a complete kosher kitchen and an extensive library. Inmates from other federal facilities are flown in for high holidays, though this is not required by any court order. To be fair Otisville tends not to have the usual athletic amenities such as weight lifting equipment.

Gangs and serious violence are unknown. For many inmates the days are marked by study and intense Talumdic discussions. Scooter may have liked it, get in touch with his roots. Flesh out new scams.

Otisville was built in 1980 specifically to house Orthodox inmates. Special, oh so special.


Nov 26, 2004
And Clinton's pardons make it all okay. Which is to say two wrongs really do make a right.

There aren't two political parties, but rather two classes. There is an inner, privileged group and an outside group. Among others the inner group consists of Republican and Democrat politicians and operatives. They know each other, they like each other, they visit the same (male and female) prostitutes. They work at the same law firms and consulting groups. They pass into law the same legislation written by the same think tanks and lobbying groups.

The outer group? Those who don't get pardons or commutations. In fact, those not allowed to make any mistakes. The peons who defer to their betters. Those who operate under the illusion America is a classless society, or at least a society that is 90% middle class.

'Clinton(s) bad.' Really? A master of the obvious among us. 'Bush(s) bad.', doesn't signify much either. A good start is to make the blanket assertion they're all bad. Only when a person proves themselves worthy, such as a Ron Paul, are they exempted from the general rule.

It's touching anyone would defend Bush on the basis of party loyalty or the mistaken belief Bush is a conservative. It would be better to ask what Bush has done for you. And even better to ask what he has done to harm you.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Charlie said:
And Clinton's pardons make it all okay. Which is to say two wrongs really do make a right.

There aren't two political parties, but rather two classes. There is an inner, privileged group and an outside group. Among others the inner group consists of Republican and Democrat politicians and operatives. They know each other, they like each other, they visit the same (male and female) prostitutes. They work at the same law firms and consulting groups. They pass into law the same legislation written by the same think tanks and lobbying groups.

The outer group? Those who don't get pardons or commutations. In fact, those not allowed to make any mistakes. The peons who defer to their betters. Those who operate under the illusion America is a classless society, or at least a society that is 90% middle class.

'Clinton(s) bad.' Really? A master of the obvious among us. 'Bush(s) bad.', doesn't signify much either. A good start is to make the blanket assertion they're all bad. Only when a person proves themselves worthy, such as a Ron Paul, are they exempted from the general rule.

It's touching anyone would defend Bush on the basis of party loyalty or the mistaken belief Bush is a conservative. It would be better to ask what Bush has done for you. And even better to ask what he has done to harm you.

I Agree.


Nov 26, 2004
I have a feeling Bush will beat Clinton when it comes to the end-of-term pardon jubilee.

Officially Otisville isn't an 'Orthodox' or even a 'Jewish' prison. Which means if the topic comes up plausible deniability is employed.

The whole thing twists my niblets. If you're Jewish and you get a Federal rap you can opt for a mostly Jewish haven to serve your term. Granted this may be for the simple and laudable reason to protect Jewish inmates, but why aren't other groups offered the same option?


Nov 25, 2004
Fred Thompson has help fund Libby's (Leibowitz's) defense. Is it any wonder that he has come out of nowhere to be the presidential candidate media darling.

What do Scooter Libby and Clinton Presidential pardonee, Marc Rich (Marc Reich) have in common? I thought smelled a rat. Funny how the media hides all these connections that should be headline news.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Kaptain Poop said:
What do Scooter Libby and Clinton Presidential pardonee, Marc Rich (Marc Reich) have in common? I thought smelled a rat. Funny how the media hides all these connections that should be headline news.

The Globalist controlled "mainstream" media knows full well to bury any real stories that would expose the puppet-masters/puppet strings of those who control the fraudulant GOP & DNC "leadership".

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I haven't followed this story enough to know why this is a big deal. I got the feeling the whole thing against Libby was manufactured in the first place, to protect somebody else (Cheney?) And what about the angle that Valerie Plame was not a covert agent in the first place?

Same thing with the firing of the eight U.S. Attorneys. It's an appointed position; the president can hire and fire them at will. No one said a thing when Clinton cleaned out the entire Justice Department when he took office, so why is it a big deal when Bush does it?

My problem with the whole thing is Bush didn't pardon Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean, and didn't include Johnny Sutton among those U.S. Attorneys he fired.
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
Guys - whether you agree or disagree with the pardon, think of the timing and nature of it. Libby was a PART OF BUSH'S REGIME arrested and convicted on his watch. Never before has a pardon been used for this purpose. And why would he do this suspect act when the whole country is angry with his actions already? Does this not show that his judgement is suspect?

It also seems wierd that all these crazy acts get lined up to happen right before a holiday (memorial day for the immigration bill, independance day with this idiotic pardon). Do they hope we will forget over the holiday? How dare you do this near independance day you unamerican punks!

Impeach those arrogant bastards now! Both Cheney and Bush! Try them for treason with the immigration bill and lying to the american people! And let's put Ron Paul in there to fix this whole out of control mess that is our current government!


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I have a similar opinion to Shogun's. Don't mind the clemency and eventual pardon of Libby because there was no real crime there. I do have a problem with the two federal border agents that have not been pardoned. I guess this is a nation that has "political prisoners" now. Where is Amnesty international when you need them? Ditto on the firing of Sutton.


Nov 25, 2004
White Shogun said:
I haven't followed this story enough to know why this is a big deal. I got the feeling the whole thing against Libby was manufactured in the first place, to protect somebody else (Cheney?) And what about the angle that Valerie Plame was not a covert agent in the first place?

Same thing with the firing of the eight U.S. Attorneys. It's an appointed position; the president can hire and fire them at will. No one said a thing when Clinton cleaned out the entire Justice Department when he took office, so why is it a big deal when Bush does it?

Libby at the very least covered-up (lied) under oath about Valeria Plame case. Outing CIA agents is treasonist and dangerous. Jonathan Pollard caused the death of many agents when he sold secrets to Israel who then sold them to Russia. Knowing about a crime and then help covering it up as just as bad as doing the crime in my book. Think of street crimes like robbery, rape, and murder. Is it OK to cover them up?

Is it OK to be part of a conspiracy to lead America into costly war based on lies? I don't think so. It's treasonist to the highest degree. Where do you think Scooter's loyalities lay anyway? He defended Marc Rich (Reich) a Clinton pardonee. Where did his loyalities lie?

Clinton "cleaned house" just like every other president at the BEGINNING of his term. It's different when you do it in the middle of term with on-going investigations. That's why it's a big deal. BTW, Alberto Gonzales is a proud member of LaRaza (the race).


White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
C'mon, Poop. Obviously, I don't think that it is okay to be part of a conspiracy to commit the United States to war based on lies. Nor do I think it's okay to out undercover operatives.

Like I said, I don't know enough about the case to understand why it's a big deal that he was convicted, nor why he was pardoned. Some accounts say that Plame was never an undercover operative, that she was never 'outed' in the first place, so to speak. She was already 'out.'

Regardless though, Libby was a pawn in a much bigger game. His conviction and pardon really mean nothing in the big scheme of things.

btw, please don't take my stance on this issue as some kind of support for Bush, Gonzalez, or anybody else in Emperor Jorge Boosh's regime. I don't like any of them - Libby included. I'm just not up on the sensationalist part of either his conviction or pardon. More politicians looking out for themselves and their cronies is all it seems like to me.

One thing for sure, Libby should be glad he worked for Bush and not the Clintons. He might have suffered a plane crash or even committed 'suicide' if he was a Clinton stooge.
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
Plame was sent undercover to search for enriched uranium yellowcakes and aliminum tubing for the purpose of making nuclear weapons rumored to be for sale in africa. Supposedly Iraq was trying to purchase them. She returned with nothing, and the facts she did find pointed to the white house manipulating evidence to make a case for Iraq invasion.

They believe the Bush admion leaked her info as retaliation for her husband's article "what we didn't find in africa" that puts the focus on the bush admin for lying. They claim it didn't matter because one of her idenitities was revealed by a russian spy years ago, however, her documents list her as an active undercover agent.

Libby was punished apporpriately. They should have Plame tell more of what she found and indict the Bush cartel before they can do any more damage to this country.
Edited by: InfamousOne


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Pat Buchanan on Bush's disgraceful pardon of insiderLewis Scooter Libby Lieberman. Same ol' same ol'.

The act reeks of cronyism. The perception is that Scooter Libby got preferential treatment, a get-out-of-jail-free card because he was chief of staff to Cheney and assistant to Bush.

That perception is correct.

Because of whom he knew, Scooter got preferential treatment, big-time. The Godfather took care of the consigliere.

Nothing new. After all, one recalls that the attorney who rustled up a pardon for Marc Rich from Bill Clinton was also a Beltway hustler by the name of Scooter Libby. The insiders take care of their own.

And that is how the game is played in the big city.