Kobe Bryant claims his 5th white victim


Mar 6, 2007
Outside North America
In a row! http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/7501106

Last season Kobe managed to elbow 4 white players in a row. Marco Jaric, Nash, Ginobili and Mike Miller. 2 nights ago he managed a 5th white victim in a row and that was Nick Collison who has been left with a broken nose. Just check out the racist comment left at the bottom aswell, un fukin believable!!! Kobe aslo managed to fake an elbow against Pau Gasol.Edited by: TheEnglishman
Does no one care?
TheEnglishman said:
In a row! http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/7501106

Last season Kobe managed to elbow 4 white players in a row. Marco Jaric, Nash, Ginobili and Mike Miller. 2 nights ago he managed a 5th white victim in a row and that was Nick Collison who has been left with a broken nose. Just check out the racist comment left at the bottom aswell, un fukin believable!!! Kobe aslo managed to fake an elbow against Pau Gasol.

Look at the first sentence from the article referenced in the link:

SEATTLE (AP) - Sonics forward Nick Collison will miss at least the next three games after breaking his nose against the Los Angeles Lakers.

They make it seem like he broke his own nose, as though he happened to elbow himself in the face. Maybe he fell down just running down the court because his hips are too tight or something.
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