Kelly Pavlik



This weekend is a big one. White men will have an oppurtunity to dispell the myth of American white mediocrity in major sports on the world stage. First up is the number one contender, Kelly Pavlik. He seems to be the real thing. I observed his destruction of Edison Miranda, a black fighter all middle weights avoided for good reason. He seems to exude confidence and ability. I hope he wins and is not subjected to some corrupt decision if it goes the distance. It should be a great fight.

Next up is Brian Leonard, he needs to have a great game. A great game would be 120 yards and 50 yards recieving and maybe TD. This is our weekend to dominate. I hope these two understand whati s riding on their shoulders.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Welcome to Caste Football, Kukulcan.

Kelly Pavlik beat Miranda so badly, he should have been crowned king on the spot. It just boggles the mind that many people (caste-whores) still doubt Pavlik's ability. The man is a wicked fighter.
May 1, 2006
Pavlik must be making the Taylor camp nervous they switched trainers and hired Emmanuelle Steward.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Many people are saying that Pavlik is only getting this kind of hype because he is white. Come on now. How many white athletes really get much media attention. The heavyweight division is now dead thanks to Russian champs. These people always put a white man down when he is competing for a title.


Good afternoon mates. Regarding the last post, I think the media/Taylor managment is hyping the racial angle to sell the fight. Taylor's dispicable manger, Lou Dibella is the villian. He stated that the only reason that Pavlik is getting the shot is because he is white, when they gave feather fisted/no chance of winning black Cory Spinks a shot. I have never liked that "Heeb" looking jerk.

Like I said before, this fight will be a watershed moment in American sports. Much like when British Calazge destroyed American Champ Lacy. It is sort a like when Cooney lost to accomplished fighter in Larry Holmes. Cooney gave a good account for himself, but did not have the goods to beat Holmes. I really hope Kelly has the stamina and power to beat down Taylor. It will be interesting to watch and if Kelly wins, what will the major sports press say.


Jan 8, 2005
I've never been impressed with Taylor. I'm picking Pavlik by stoppage in the 8th or 9th.
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
I read that the article east side boxing. They said that Pavlik is being hyped because he is white. Bullsh*t! A white athlete has to do twice as much to gain the same notoriety. Everyone(mainstream nut huggers) seems to calling Edison Miranda a one dimensional bum now. Before the Pavlik fight these same fools were calling Miranda the future of the middleweight division. Truth be known. I think Miranda is one hell of a fighter. Not a bum, and not an easy fight for anyone. Pavlik is just a young lion. Miranda was, and is very very good. Pavlik on the other hand has the potential to be great!

In boxing anything can happen, lucky punch, low blows, etc. That being said, I see Pavlik winning this fight in the later rounds. Taylor has a tendency to tire. I have seen most of his high profile fights and Taylor is always sucking wind by the 6th, 7th round. I am not saying Taylor gets completely gassed, but winded none the less. Pavlik will not give him room to breathe. I see a KO coming and a new Middleweight king GO PAVLIK!

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
The Pavlik vs. Taylor fight is a PPV here in Canada - $45. It's worth it, but I was a little annoyed when I heard about it, since it's free in the US.

We don't have HBO here, but our TSN usually carries HBO Boxing After Dark and HBO Championship Boxing for free.
Jun 17, 2007
aussieaussie31 said:
I read that the article east side boxing. They said that Pavlik is being hyped because he is white. Bullsh*t! A white athlete has to do twice as much to gain the same notoriety. Everyone(mainstream nut huggers) seems to calling Edison Miranda a one dimensional bum now. Before the Pavlik fight these same fools were calling Miranda the future of the middleweight division. Truth be known. I think Miranda is one hell of a fighter. Not a bum, and not an easy fight for anyone. Pavlik is just a young lion. Miranda was, and is very very good. Pavlik on the other hand has the potential to be great!

In boxing anything can happen, lucky punch, low blows, etc. That being said, I see Pavlik winning this fight in the later rounds. Taylor has a tendency to tire. I have seen most of his high profile fights and Taylor is always sucking wind by the 6th, 7th round. I am not saying Taylor gets completely gassed, but winded none the less. Pavlik will not give him room to breathe. I see a KO coming and a new Middleweight king GO PAVLIK!

Edison is a good fighter. He does run his mouth to no end but is one of a few black fighters left who comes right at you and goes toe to toe and not afraid to face the best. He will be facing even more of our guys at 168 and may cause trouble. But with all that said, Kelly took it to him and Edison crumbled. I was at that fight at the FedExForum in Memphis and I tell you the african-americans and the few Latinos there were rooting for Miranda (of course
). The whites were actually split. Most for Pavlik and a few for Miranda. But when Miranda got KTFO, I did notice that everyone gave Pavlik a standing o and applauded the effort. Even the african-americans and Latinos gave respect. Not a ill word was spoken about either fighter that I could hear. What people were thinking, I'm sure that is another matter.

After that I watched the Taylor-Spinks fight. My fellow St. Louis resident Cory Spinks is VERY tough to look good against, probably the toughest in boxing. I watched Spinks-Karmazin at the Kiel in St. Louis and Karmazin was trying to make a fight of it but Spinks only counterpunched or should I say counterjabbed. Taylor tried to chase him down. He fell into Cory's gameplan and almost lost. That was probably the worst fight I have ever seen in my life. People were booing from the second round on. In fairness, Taylor tried to make a fight of it. Taylor will try to do the same thing and chase Pavlik down and Pavlik isn't going anywhere. That will be what does Taylor in. I see Taylor getting the first 3-4 rounds as Pavlik adjusts to his style. After that, I see Pavlik running away with it and nailing hard shots. Pavlik majority decision with a knockdown.


Kelly Pavlik came through and gave a extraordinary performence! Finally an American White man dominating on the world stage in recent memory. I knew he was the real deal. He displayed great heart and courage when he was clipped in the second rd by Taylor. It is the fight of the year. Kelly showed great determination by coming back and blasting out Taylor. To Taylor's credit, he was a true sportsman and stated that Kelly fought a great fight. No excuses which is usally the norm with other blk fighters. The caste system gets no play here. Now if Leonard can have a great game Sunday, it will be a exacta for the weekend. A weekend I truely will remember and proud of our people. Lets go Brian!
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
Interestin to see how Kelly comes back after that lopsided defeat he suffered. I like Pavlik alot. He is one of my personal favorites so I would like to see become a terot again.