John Edwards wants more diversity


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Great plan huh?

NEW ORLEANS -- Sen. John Edwards plans to warn later this week that the nation's schools have become segregated by race and income, and he will propose measures to diversify both inner-city and middle-class schools.

The plan calls for beefing up inner-city magnet schools to attract suburban kids, and providing extra money for schools in middle-class areas as a reward for enrolling more low-income students.

Edward lingered in the Big Easy this morning - admiring a 5-year-old Head Start pupil's sneakers and hobnobbing in a wood-floored café -- before racing into Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee as part of a three-day poverty tour designed to shine a national spotlight on the plight of often-invisible groups like struggling home-health-care workers.

During a town meeting staged in a New Orleans museum by ABC's "Good Morning America," he said the nation's schools reflect the "two Americas" that he wants to unite with the ideas he's proposing on this week's "Road to One America" swing through the South and Appalachia.

"We still have two public school systems in this country," Edwards said. "They're not segregated just based on race. They're segregated, to a large extent, based on economics, which has racial implications."

"The result is," Edwards continued, "if you live in a wealthy suburban area, the odds are very high that your child will get a very good public school education. If you live in the inner city or if you live in a poor rural area, the odds of that go down dramatically. And I think there are very specific things we can do to not only improve the quality of the education in those areas but also to improve the quality of our schools at large."


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Hockaday said:
He knows none of this crap will work. He's just fishing for votes.

Exactly!!! It's all lip-service from these meglomaniacal frauds. Like his fellow DNC "frontrunners" (Shillary Rotten ClinTAX & Barry O.)Edwards has a Marxist/Liberal shell...and a Globalist pawn core. He only cares about enpowering himself & lining his (already deep) pockets. The man doesn't give a rat's @$$ about the "poor masses". Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
Only when Mr Edwards sends his own kids to public schools will I listen to this hypocrite.

The Democrats are completely nuts this election cycle. Does it seem they are more left wing radical then ever or is it just me?
Oct 24, 2005
More diversity? When you move into a black neighborhood and sent your kids to a black school, then I will listen.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Yeah, The Breck Girl was in my county yesterday as part of his "poverty tour." What a joke. He should have called it the welfare vote tour.
Mar 8, 2007
screamingeagle said:
More diversity? When you move into a black neighborhood and sent your kids to a black school, then I will listen.

Excellent point. It seems that their own families are always exempt from the social engineering and celebration of diversity. When John Edwards takes up residence in a D.C. ghetto neighborhood and sends his children to the local public school he will have credibility with me on this issue. Until then, he is just pandering to some constituency whose votes he wants.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Steve Sailer put it best spin on this issue:

John Edwards' latest brilliant campaign issue: busing!

How clueless do you have to be to try to run for President -- as a purported populist -- as the Busing Candidate?

This isn't just a personal failing of Edwards -- it reflects how out of touch our ruling class has become. It's not merely how rich they are -- the Roosevelts, after all, were extremely rich -- but how political correctness has dumbed them down.

It's widely assumed that political correctness is just polite hypocrisy and that the big shots understand what's really going on even though they aren't allowed to mention it in public -- after all, the Clintons sure didn't send Chelsea to the local public school for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. -- but that's naive. What happens is that political correctness severs the mental connection between private and public thinking.

Everybody knows that they, personally, don't want a whole bunch of inner city kids bused into their kid's school, but nobody is allowed to articulate publicly the reasons why everybody feels that way. Partly, it's self-discipline -- if a public figure ever happened to candidly mention exactly why he sends his daughter to Sweet Briar Country Day School instead of to Malcolm X. H.S., he's toast. So, it's best if he never mentions it in private, either. It could leak out. In fact, it's even better if he never thinks it inside his own head. He might slip up.

So, concepts that can't be articulated publicly aren't, after awhile, even thought anymore.

Sailer blog
Mar 8, 2007
Great reply to Sailer blog. Every member of Castefootball should send a copy to John Edwards.

The question that should be asked--though it certainly won't be--is thus:

"Mr. Edwards, there is, as we are all well aware, no de jure segregation in public schooling; rather, the segregation in American schools is of a de facto nature, and is the result of self-segregation in housing patterns, which results from, among other things, white flight.

The easiest way to rectify the "troubling" lack of diversity in American public schools--far easier, in fact, than spending $100 million dollars and tearing apart communities--would be to encourage whites to live in black neighborhoods [and vice versa, but let's use whites as an example, as we can assume that, on average, they are in more advantageous financial situations than are blacks and, as a result, are more able to relocate easily] and to send their children to schools that are currently majority black--thus eliminating public school segregation naturally.

So, Mr. Edwards, given the rather obvious solution to the lack of diversity in American schools, which seems to trouble you greatly, why, when it came time for the Edwards family to choose a place to live, did you choose to purchase a palatial 28,200-square-foot home in a region of North Carolina (Orange County) that, according to census data, is 78% white?

Wouldn't it have been more in keeping with your professed political ideology to have chosen to live in an area with a more racially-balanced demographic profile?

Presumably, though, you send your children to a majority black school, yes?

Your daughter Cate, who graduated with honors from Princeton university--that Mecca of black academe--began law school, at Harvard, in the fall of 2006. Are we correct to assume that she will be transferring to the Howard University School of Law sometime soon, presumably to benefit from all the racial and economic diversity that was sorely lacking both at the undergraduate institution where she matriculated and in the circumstances of her upbringing?"

By Lysander Spooner, at 7/16/2007 5:48 PM

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
jaxvid said:
Steve Sailer put it best spin on this issue:

John Edwards' latest brilliant campaign issue: busing!

How clueless do you have to be to try to run for President -- as a purported populist -- as the Busing Candidate?

This isn't just a personal failing of Edwards -- it reflects how out of touch our ruling class has become. It's not merely how rich they are -- the Roosevelts, after all, were extremely rich -- but how political correctness has dumbed them down.

It's widely assumed that political correctness is just polite hypocrisy and that the big shots understand what's really going on even though they aren't allowed to mention it in public -- after all, the Clintons sure didn't send Chelsea to the local public school for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. -- but that's naive. What happens is that political correctness severs the mental connection between private and public thinking.

Everybody knows that they, personally, don't want a whole bunch of inner city kids bused into their kid's school, but nobody is allowed to articulate publicly the reasons why everybody feels that way. Partly, it's self-discipline -- if a public figure ever happened to candidly mention exactly why he sends his daughter to Sweet Briar Country Day School instead of to Malcolm X. H.S., he's toast. So, it's best if he never mentions it in private, either. It could leak out. In fact, it's even better if he never thinks it inside his own head. He might slip up.

So, concepts that can't be articulated publicly aren't, after awhile, even thought anymore.

Sailer blog
I think the Bush twins would have loved how to learn how to smoke rock from a coke can.....


Jun 29, 2005
This yahoo will come in fourth in NH, and will dropout of the race soon after. What a turd.
Nov 8, 2006
He always struck me as a little light in the loafers. Fortunately he has zero chance of winning. Unfortunately all the other options not named "Ron Paul" aren't much better.