Joe Guzzardi on Mark Sanchez

Dec 18, 2004
At, Joe Guzzardi has a story ( on former Dodger pitcher Fernando Valenzuela and USC QB Mark Sanchez. Guzzardi asks, "Why do Mexicans living in America have such a single-mined devotion to Mexico. Mexico has done nothing for them."

Guzzardi describes Sanchez as quite assimilated and non-political. Sanchez is learning Spanish "so he can communicate with his young fans."
Money. Mexicans are rabid nationalistic fans. At one time Mexicans used to shy away from asserting their nationalism and wanted to blend in. Since the late 60's to early 70's many have become quite radicalized and have asserted their"ethnic pride".
Excellent article as always by Guzzardi. I was reading another article about Sanchez recently and it's clear that this whole Mexican thing is being forced on him much like the Cherokee mania about Sam Bradford. Given that Sanchez is a third generation American it's about as meaningful and relevant as holding up say Joe Flacco as a role model and hero for Italians.
Like WIS stated, this whole learning proper spanish is driven by money. I live out here in Los Angeles, and Mexicans and a host of other hispanics need some hero to follow other that boxing stars. If Sanchez can speak half way decent Spanish, Spanish speaking networks will have a darling to trump over and over again and gain additional sponsors. It is all about the $$$$$$$$.

I am glad that Sanchez was brought up the proper way. No spanglish, wiggerism/ebonics. It appears he is a cool dude and great player. It appears his future is bright without all of the "affelet mannerisms."
Sanchez is turning pro and might become a Lion? Will the Lions ruin another prospect....
Edited by: white is right
The Lions don't really have a choice, though. While they may be wary about drafting a QB high after Joey Harrington, they certainly can't go anywhere with Culpepper. To put it nicely.
Matt Stafford has a stronger arm & reads defenses better than Sanchez. Depending on combine results, I say Stafford goes as #1 pick (as Mel Kiper predicted when Stafford was a HS recruit).
It really depends on how fellow posters define white. Many Mexicans are part Indigenous Indian. I'd say if he is at least 3/4 white, but not black; the NFL players, fans and media will treat him as a white player. Sanchez seems like a good guy so I'll wish him luck.
Most Americans consider Hispanics closer to whites athletically than blacks. So for caste purposes, I'd consider him white because if he was a DB, RB or WR dwfs would be stunned to see him play those spots. Hispanics are "caste busters."

Although with him being a QB it might be different, because Mexicans may be more associated with blacks mentally in the public's mind and QB is a mental position first. So many may be surprised to see a "Sanchez" excelling as a QB.

Culturally he seems to be very white.
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