Jim Traficant

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Former Congressman Jim Traficant is finally free after being railroaded into prison because of his populist stands, similar to what happened to George Hansen in the 1980s. Unlike Lou Dobbs, who is now singing hosannas to the hispanic lobby after someone fired a shot at his home during the summer, Traficant is feister than ever and ready to take on the PTB. Here's his latest column:
Powerful Israel Lobby Has Death Grip
On U.S. Politics, Elections, Policies

By Jim Traficant

"We, the Jewish people, control America and the Americans know it." Ã¢â‚¬"Ariel Sharon, Oct. 3, 2001.

Yes, folks they do! The Israelis manifest their control over America through a series of powerful lobbies. Yes, a series, hundreds of them, all under the umbrella of the parent organization known as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). No one ever told you this?

AIPAC controls America with money, big money, that is funneled into the campaign funds of U.S. senators, representatives and yes, even candidates for the president of the United States.

AIPAC channels money through a number of innocently named Political Action Committees (PACS) that no one (I don't believe anybody wants to) can trace to AIPACâ€"Israeli money.

As an exampleâ€"XYZ PAC (for example only/not real). Sounds like it could be an educational lobby, or a science lobbyâ€"but alas, it's money from Israel, routed to political candidates of their choice.

I can't name all these PACS, but I suspect there are 200 or more such phony lobbies whose real purpose is to elect politicians at all levels, especially state and federal offices, who will support Israel without fail. These politicians will support Israel even when Israel is caught spying on Americaâ€"yes, spying on America.

To provide background as the precursor to the official AIPAC lobby I cite an infamous Israeli spy. Check this out:

1. Jonathan Pollard was turned down by the CIA (after leaving graduate school) for failing a polygraph test. Pollard lied about his use of illegal drugs. He later admitted to prolific illegal drug usage between 1974 and 1978.

2. Guess what: That didn't hurt Pollard with the Navy. He was hired as an "intelligence specialist."Â The CIA refused to give the Navy any information they had on Pollard.

3. Within two months, Director Richard Haver wanted him fired on suspicion, but Pollard was only transferred to Naval Investigative Service (NIS).

4. In his new position, Adm. Sumner Shapiro ordered Pollard's official clearance be revoked for suspicious behavior. Once again, Pollard was reassigned.

5. Pollard now complained he was being abused, and, in 1984, he received "excellent performance"Â reviews and was returned to Naval Intelligence. How's that for a pat on the back?

6. Shortly after, in June 1984, documents show that Pollard "started to pass classified information"Â to Israel. The full extent of those crimes/info, that he gave to Israel has "never been revealed."
7. Israel claimed that Pollard was a "rogue" without Israeli authority or knowledge. If you believe that garbage, it's no wonder America is a puppet state for Israel. And guess what? Bingo! Israel's memory improvedâ€"10 years later Israel admitted that Pollard was indeed working
forâ€"and withâ€"Israel as a spy.

8. America asked for the return of all documents and materials that Pollard had given to Israel. Israel turned overâ€""a few, paltry dozen of lowly classified documents" even though our government knew that "Pollard had given Israel close to a million documents," according to U.S. informants. Uncle Sam really shows great concern over this? I wonder why? I think you can start to figure this out.

9. Israel's contact/handler of Pollard was withheld by Israel until finally pressured. One Aviem Selvia came forward to "satisfy"Â America, and then stepped down.

10. America now offered Pollard a plea agreement. In May 1986, Pollard accepted a life sentence.

11. Upon sentencing, Pollard's wife said, "My husband and I did what we were expected to do for Israel. As Jews, we had a moral obligation to Israel."Â Allegiance to Israel, not America! (I get sick reporting this to you, and you should be getting sick as well.)

12. Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Olmert all asked for Pollard to be pardoned. All of these leaders are/were prime ministers of Israel. They said, "He was only spying for Israelâ€"set him free!"Â

13. "After allâ€"Israel is America's greatest ally." They also said "Pollard is a dear friend of both our countries." Some friend to America!

14. Attorney Alan Dershowitz summed it up quite pointedlyâ€""as an American and a Jew, I am outraged at Pollard's life sentence. Pollard pleaded guilty to spying on America and should have received a lesser sentence." Yeah, he only spied on America! I guess that's no big deal for Dershowitz. I always thought traitors and spies were put to death. They should be.

You see folks, it's all about power, pure power. I say that Pollard had big, powerful American power brokers behind him from the very start.

Think again about what Ariel Sharon said again: "We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it!"Â

I keep reminding you of this statement because I'm the man who's been targeted by both Israel and America for proclaiming that "Israel has a stranglehold on American government, commerce and the media."Â

I also said, "Israel has involved us in foreign wars to aid Israel expansion, bankrupts our great nation and has our kids shipped back to us in body bags."Â
James A. (Jim) Traficant, Jr. was born in Youngstown, Ohio on May 8, 1941. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Pittsburgh, where he was a well-known football star. He also received a M.S. degree from Youngstown State University in 1976. For ten years he served as executive director of the Mahoning County (Ohio) Drug Program and from 1981-1985 he served as sheriff of Mahoning County, prior to his election to the U.S. Congress as a Democrat in 1984. He was re-elected by overwhelming margins every year up until 2002 when, following his conviction on trumped up corruption charges, he was expelled from the House of Representatives. Despite his conviction and expulsion and being sent to prison for a seven year term Traficant still won 15% of the vote running for re-election to the House in the 2002 election as an independent. He recently completed a seven-year prison sentence, having refused to seek a pardon or clemency, refusing to admit to or apologize for crimes he did not commit.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Sure gets quiet around here when the subject of Jewish/Israeli spying comes up.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
he hits the nail on the head, doesn't he? i wonder why he doesn't get more national media exposure that allows him to speak in anything other than carefully selected soundbite snippets? *redundant question*

these soundbites are put together in order to make him sound like a fool, of course.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Traficant's story is one that serves as a warning for everyone. People always wonder why someone like Ron Paul for instance never goes out onto a limb and speaks his mind on the Israel/Jewish issue? Why? And go to jail? Be discredited and insulted and made fun of? Or worse end up "accidentally" dieing.

I hope Trafican stays the course. He could become very, very, popular, amongst the pissed off white guy demographic. (a pround member!)

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Too bad Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, and Lou Dobbs don't have the same fortitude as Traficant. The more that stand forthrightly, the less pressure that can be brought to bear on them individually. Dobbs is a complete sellout as far as I'm concerned, groveling to hispanics almost the day after he left CNN with that cozy $8 million settlement.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Dr.Duke also shines a big light on Zionism...and we see what a demonized pariah he's been made into by the MSM.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
more Traficant ... It's All AIPAC of Lies.

<DIV align=center>It's All AIPAC of Lies
<DIV style="TEXT-ALIGN: center">By Jim Traficant

American Israel Public Affairs Committeeâ€"AIPAC. The single most powerful lobby in the world. So powerful that Washington politicians
carefully weigh each and every vote they cast based on the approval of this lobby.

Yes, a foreign lobby has that much clout, power and control over American leaders and thus, the American people. AIPAC has become sooverpowering that they have risen above government investigations and mainstream media scrutiny. So powerful that the following statement was NEVER reported in America's newspapers, magazines, or electronic media:

Every time we do something you tell me that America will do this and America will do that. I want to tell you something very clear; don't worry
about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.

You may think that maybe that statement was made by an overzealous Jewish Americanâ€"orâ€"an Israeli comedianâ€"orâ€"an Israeli talk show host. Maybe. Just maybe! No, that was no comment made at an Israeli barbershop or an Israeli weddingâ€"no maybes about it! That comment was made by the then Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon. Yes, the prime minister of Israel! The head of stateâ€"Israel's leader.

Think about it.You may not have even heard this statement or read about it were it not for AFP. In fact, this may be the very first time you've come to learn of this statementâ€"December 2009.

The power of AIPAC is so evident that the mainstream media of the USA hid it from your eyes and ears. Yes, you should be upsetâ€"really madâ€"because that statement was made October 3, 2001â€"more than 8 years ago. Eight years ago you didn't even know that a foreign leader announced, on an Israeli radio show no less, that "We, the Jewish people, control America."Â

And it didn't stop thereâ€"consider the far-reaching ramifications of the remainder of that statement: "And the Americans know it."Â

What Americans? Do you know it? Do your neighbors know it? Who are these Americans who know it?

Lets get to the point. Every politician in Washington D.C. knows it and has never uttered a word about it, NEVER even a whisper.

I opened up a can of worms in my September appearance on the Greta Van Susteren show, Fox TV Network. I said: "Israel has a stranglehold on America. Their lobby AIPAC has pushed and manipulated America into wars of little or no interest to our national security. . . . Our sons and daughters are being shipped home in body bags. These wars have now bankrupted America and no oneâ€"no oneâ€"has even whispered a warning from our nation's capital." I further stated: "Our one-sided foreign policy in the Mideast favoring Israel on every issue has turned the Arab world against us and has exported to America the terrorism, violence and danger resulting from these misguided policies."Â

I was called a "kook"Ââ€"demeaned by the mainstream mediaâ€"labeled an anti-Semiteâ€"on and on. The reason is quite clear. No one can even question Israel without being targeted, without retaliation.

"We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans; know it." (Ariel Sharon, Oct. 3, 2001.) I'm no anti-Semiteâ€"and Israel knows it. Israel also knows that I vehemently oppose any person, entity or
government that attempts to control, manipulate, influence or gerrymander our great nation. Truth is, Israel has done just that.

When a foreign leader such as Ariel Sharon can make such a statement, and get away with it without media or government scrutiny, it speaks to the awesome power that Israel wields over America's commerce, the American press and the American government.

Transparency? The new buzzword! Who's kidding whom? American politicians dare not even whisper their concerns about Israel.

It has come to pass. Yes, American kids are being shipped home in body bags to grieving parents who have lost their jobs and pensions due to these "Israeli wars."Â

That's right, "ISRAELI WARS."ÂWars of expansion for Israel, at the expense and pain of the people of the USA. "BEAM ME UP!"Â

Our first president, George Washington, warned:

"Beware of permanent alliances."Â George Washington is rolling over in his grave. GW could never have imagined an America being controlled
and manipulated by another government.

If Sharon's statement had been made by any other foreign leader, it would have been headlines in every newspaper in America. It would have been the hot subject of every American talk show, radio and TV. But not Israel. No talk show host, whether conservative or liberal will ever question Israel. If they do, they will lose their show. Beware, American politicians, or you, too, will become a target.