Jim Brown


Aug 9, 2005
This article was posted on New Nations News. I thougtht it was pretty good:

Jim Brown: Expert on the Bad Behavior of Black Athletes

Yahoo Sports ran an article recently that was a "Q and A" with former Cleveland Browns running back Jim Brown. The introduction to the article was as follows:

"Jim Brown looks at the NFL, and he sees a disconnection. With embarrassing off-field incidents becoming an almost weekly part of the league's fabric, and on-field angst bubbling over in a growing fraction of its youth, Brown sees a league that is losing touch with some of its players. With that in mind, the former Cleveland Browns great, currently an advisor to that franchise, discussed the health of the NFL and some of the league's pertinent issues with Yahoo! Sports. Among the topics, Brown shared his thoughts on why off-field conduct seems to be becoming a consistent problem. . ." blah, blah, blah.

It occurs to me that having Jim Brown speak on things like "off-field" incidents is a little like having O.J. Simpson speak about marital discord. Brown, as you should know, is a repeated abuser of women among his other criminal missteps. This big stud running back seems to find himself slapping the women in his life around a lot; he even threw one of them off of a balcony â€â€￾ good thing he's black and probably can't throw very well or she might have died.

Here is a quick list of some off field "incidents" featuring the guy that the NFL wants to help console players has been involved in:

In 1965 an 18-year-old accused Brown of forcing her to have sex after giving her whiskey, but a jury found him innocent of assault and battery in the 10-day trial in 1965.
He was accused of throwing his girlfriend from a balcony in 1968, but when the 22-year-old girl refused to name Brown as her assailant, the charge of assault with intent to murder was dropped. He was fined $300 for resisting a deputy.
Brown was acquitted of assaulting a man after a traffic accident in 1969.
He was fined $500 and spent a day in jail after beating up a golfing partner in 1978.
He was charged with rape, sexual battery and assault in 1985, but the charges were dropped when the 33-year-old woman gave inconsistent testimony.
The next year, he was arrested for allegedly beating his fiancée after accusing her of flirting. He spent three hours in jail, but three days later the 21-year-old woman said she didn't want to prosecute.

Monique Brown, wife of Jim Brown, arrives
for the the premiere of US director Spike Lee's
documentary feature Jim Brown: All American
(Getty Images, Inc)
In October 1999, Brown, by then well into his 60's, was convicted in Los Angeles of smashing the window of his 25-year-old wife Monique's car, but was acquitted of making terrorist threats against her. The judge sentenced him to three years' probation, when Brown refused counseling, he was given a six-month sentence. He was released from jail in Ventura County (California) in July 2002 after serving less than four months.
Brown certainly would be qualified to console players on the strange phenomenon of black players who are arrested multiple times for violent crimes yet somehow almost always avoid serious punishment. Perhaps he and O.J. could present a lecture series.

I would imagine there are other black former players around with less baggage in their backgrounds to discuss these issues. But for some reason you rarely see them.

What is it with the corporate media? Do they think that white people have the memory of a cocker spaniel? Jim Brown's many transgressions are numerous enough for anyone with an ounce of integrity to think to themselves, "Why have this piece of crap talk about 'off-field' incidents?"

Brown is hardly worthy of anything other than spending his life in quiet retirement away from the glare of attention that should rightly be shining, not on his words, but on his deeds. Yet once again Jim Brown is trotted out as some kind of moral spokesmen like so many other severely flawed black celebrities. White people are expected to experience the collective amnesia that infects the media concerning the past history of famous black people and instead worship at their feet.

It is absolutely amazing how many famous black figures are terribly flawed. Not flawed in the sense of having made some of the common misjudgments that are typical of people everywhere, but flawed in the sense of being really rotten SOB's.

Perhaps the most famous example of this is Martin Luther King. King was an accomplished man, no matter your view on him or his agenda, he did a lot in his lifetime. But in real life King was a sick pervert. His best friend at the time has testified to, and the FBI has evidence of, King slapping around the many prostitutes that the good minister spent much of his time with.

For some reason this plain and well-known truth never gets much exposure on the third Monday in January. Maybe it's because the fedgov went to the extreme measure in 1977 of ordering its records about King sealed for 50 years. King is the only person that has a national holiday in his honor. This aberration is illustrative of the moral rot inherent in our culture.

This odd dance by the media, where they play the emperor has no clothes with their audience by featuring horribly flawed black personalities as if they were some kind of saintly hero, is a disturbing facet of the level of appeasement that the white power structure inflicts on our people.

Yes! Let's cheer on whore mongering crack addict Lawrence Taylor, or better yet let's hear some words of wisdom from "not guilty of murder" Ray Lewis as spokesman for some moral or civil rights issue. Because even though they are despicable miscreants, they are black and famous, so everybody please stop and listen.

It's not like there are not black people of decent nature and solid achievement. But how often do you see Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams speaking to a wide audience? The media, which professes to support blacks and their causes, can only offer us the very worst of the group to represent them.

And all of white America is supposed to join in on the game. Ignore the real life actions of these lowlifes and act as if everything they have to say is important and profound. Furthermore, any attempt to bring up the true nature of the people involved opens one up to an accusation of racism.

The lesson is clear: Black people of low moral character are to be forcibly worshipped. This is done so as to inculcate in people, black and white, the notion that deviant behavior is acceptable and normal. It is only deviants themselves that would accept this premise and so it must be assumed that the people that ensure that this charade is continued are also themselves of that ilk.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I liked it too!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
A very nicely written article. It does seem vaguely familiar.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Yeah Bart, it does sound familiar, doesn't it?
Some people rarely look at other areas of this site or use the functions available to them in the forums. Oh well.