Jewish “conservatismâ€Â￾


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005

[url] jewish-conservatism/[/url]

Get a load of "conservative" Jewish pundit Debbie Schlussel's recent vomit. Not only is Pat Buchanan a Nazi, so is Sean Hannity. You've got to read this to believe it.

But, last night, on "Vannity &amp; Colmes," Hannity welcomed yet another fellow brownshirt-anti-Semite Pat Buchanan, and congratulated Buchanan on the success of his new book, "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War," which essentially argues that we should have let more Jews cook and be transformed into lampshades, that we made a mistake fighting the Nazis in World War II. I guess he forgot that we won.
That Vannity would let Buchanan on his show with such a warm welcome is bad enough. But to congratulate Buchanan on his book's success-a book that urinates on all the heroic American soldiers who gave their lives in what was ultimately a valiant triumph over Nazi evil-is sickening.
I like some of Pat Buchanan's views on domestic policy, but they are stained with the anti-Israel, anti-Semitic dye in which he has chosen to cast the world. Sorta like a delicious lollipop unfortunately forever coated in dung.</BLOCKQUOTE>

Unbelievable, huh? Heck, with the ability to crank out "commentary" like this, and that last name, I'm surprised she's not on staff at National Review.
Nov 8, 2006
You can't have an intelligent debate with a Zionist. Just as in discussions of race, the labels come out right away. Critical of Israel? You're an anti-semite, a Nazi, the next Hitler, and also oy The Holocaust, six million, etc, etc.
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
Jewish Conservatism =
1)Bomb all Arab countries who fail to bow properly to gods chosen.

2) Only Jewish immigration allowed in Israel.

3) Open door policy for all refugees into historically white countries.

4) Right to bear arms for all Israelis in Israel.

5) Ban all forms of firearms in predominantly white countries.

6) Push for Patriotic white males (preferably of the redneck persuasion) to enlist in the nations military for the purpose of fighting for Israels security.

7) Ban all interfaith (interracial) unions in the promise land.

8) Promote interracial marriage in all historically white countries.

Edited by: aussieaussie31