Jealous? Could get you 5 years

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Jealous? Could cost you 5 years in jail

In Mexico, you'd better talk to your wife, have sex with her
Posted: February 26, 2007
10:22 p.m. Eastern

© 2007

Has jealousy ever caused you to give your wife the silent treatment?

Do you ever call your woman incessantly to make sure she is where she is supposed to be?

Have you ever stopped having sexual relations with your wife because of suspicions about her fidelity?

None of these common symptoms of resentment and insecurity are advisable if you live in Mexico. A new law in that country could put you in jail for five years for any of these infractions.

That is the word from special prosecutor Alicia Elena Perez Duarte, who told Excelsior newspaper men found guilty of jealousy or indifference could face up to five years in prison.

The law was passed this month to protect women from domestic violence.

The prosecutor explained that about 75 percent of all murdered women in Mexico are killed by their husbands.

"If we do not stop this from the beginning, it turns into beatings, and the beatings turn into more beatings and rape, until it gets out of hand, and whoops, she died," she told Excelsior.

Perez Duarte said the law would be a weapon that women could employ to level the playing field with abusive men. She said indifference, jealousy or lack of love were crimes against women just as much as physical violence.

"Jealousy produces a particular type of stress in the person that comes up against it," she said. "It is exactly the same. They are wounds, psychological scars identical to physical scars."

Another example of an action that would put men in breach of the new law is attempting to control how wives dress.


This law will be on the books in the USA once the North American Union is in place. The femmes are probably already looking at writing similar legislation here in the states anyway.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
White Shogun said:
The law was passed this month to protect women from domestic violence.

The prosecutor explained that about 75 percent of all murdered women in Mexico are killed by their husbands.

"If we do not stop this from the beginning, it turns into beatings, and the beatings turn into more beatings and rape, until it gets out of hand, and whoops, she died," she told Excelsior.

"Jealousy produces a particular type of stress in the person that comes up against it," she said. "It is exactly the same. They are wounds, psychological scars identical to physical scars."

As someone who has had his faire share of dating some hispanic women in the past, just let me say this... Those men have EVERY RIGHT to be jealous and suspicious. Latin women are THE MOST sexually premiscuous of them all. They rank right up there with black women.

And as far as the law goes, all I can say is...Wow. Just when I'd thought I'd heard it all. So, men are no longer allowed to be inquisitive as to the whereabouts of their women anymore, are we? I'd last about five minutes in that country, as I have some trust issues with women, to say the least. If a female told me she was going to the supermarket, you can bet I'd be hiding in the freezer section, behind the snow-cones, just waiting for her to do something wrong.
But this law is so far beyond ridiculous, I don't even know where to start.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Ground Fighter said:
As someone who has had his faire share of dating some hispanic women in the past, just let me say this... Those men have EVERY RIGHT to be jealous and suspicious. Latin women are THE MOST sexually premiscuous of them all. They rank right up there with black women.

It isn't just Hispanic women. Having a 'movida' or 'sancha' is almost expected of Mexican men. It seems like it is the norm, not the oddity, for married men to have multiple affairs going with different women at the same time. And traditionally, the wife is supposed to stay home and put up with it.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
White Shogun said:
It isn't just Hispanic women. Having a 'movida' or 'sancha' is almost expected of Mexican men. It seems like it is the norm, not the oddity, for married men to have multiple affairs going with different women at the same time. And traditionally, the wife is supposed to stay home and put up with it.

Really? I never knew that about Mexican women. But, I should have elaborated more when I said that I dated some "hispanic" women. I know, that was too general of a description. What I really meant to say was that I dated some Brazilian, Colombian, and Cuban women when I was a bit younger. But I never dated a Mexican girl, so I'm not too aware of the specifics regarding their culture. And from what I know personally, Brazilians (BOTH male and female) "get around" quite a bit, so to speak. I mean, I don't date anything but White girls now, but I remember when I was in high school, and these girls were ruthless whores even back then.
Cuban girls, however, usually come from good families (most of which are Republicans), so they are pretty upstanding. Colombian girls can go either way.Edited by: Ground Fighter