Japanese baseball update 2004


Dec 22, 2004
OF Norihiro Akahoshi led league in SB with 64. Lots of speed. Perhaps fastest Japanese player is SS Takashi Toritani who ran 50 meters in 5.75. The former is 28 and the latter is 23. Keep in mind baseball speed is usuallytested on grass which is unfavorable for speed. I believe that some baseball prospects could be olympic sprinters but of course they choose to play baseball instead which makes financial sense I guess. It is safe to assume one has a chance of making more money playing baseball here in the states than sprinting. Then again it is very hard to make the majors.
I have a Japanese baseball question:

Are their leagues operating under black quarterbacks?
I believe each team is limited to two foreigners (usually Americans).
That's a major reason Japan has been out of favor with the powers that be in this country in recent years -- they stubbornly protect their culture, their racial homogeneity, their jobs and industry, and yes, even their sports teams, from foreign takeover and "multiculturalism." What's wrong with those people, don't they know that a deindustrialized, deracinated non-culture is now obligatory for all countries?
American Freedom News