Ivins believed Jews God’s chosen


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005

Published: 08/04/2008

The government scientist who killed himself as he faced arrest for the 2001 anthrax attacks was an evangelical who believed Jews were God's chosen people.

The Frederick (Md.) News Post republished letters from Bruce Ivins in the wake of his suicide last week. Ivins was an anthrax researcher at the government's biological weapons research lab in Fort Detrick, Md.

In one letter he praises a rabbi for refusing to engage in dialogue with a controversial local Muslim cleric.

"By blood and faith, Jews are God's chosen, and have no need for 'dialogue' with any gentile," Ivins wrote in 2006.

Earlier letters suggest that he saw President Bush's re-election as a victory for evangelicals.

"You can get on board or get left behind, because that Christian Nation Express is pulling out of the station!" he wrote after the election.

Ivins killed himself as the U.S. Justice Department prepared to arrest him. Ivins' beliefs are significant because the 2001 attacker in notes appeared to be a radical Islamist, writing "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is Great."

The attacks, coming in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, helped galvanize support for the Bush administration's plan to invade Iraq.


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Why didn't he convert to Judaism if he idolized them over those of his own religion? In fact, why don't all the Judeo-"Christian"-Zionists become Jews? That would be the logical thing to do and might bring into clearer focus the problem that the U.S. isdoing the biddingof a foreign power.


Jan 8, 2005
Real born again Christians don't try to kill people with anthrax.

Everytime some nut kills people or commits some crime, he's an evangelical or a protestant "christian". But Christians don't do those things! I get extremely mad and irritated at the medias continual lambasting of the name Christian, by throwing these completely unsaved people up to the forefront as if they were true believers


Nov 25, 2004
I don't know about all these so-called "suicides." Seems like a lot of people that could open up a can a worms with their mouth suddenly commit suicide before they do. Funny how little we heard about what apparently was a false flag operation performed right after 911 - perhaps in concert. I remember the Anthrax stuff being all over the news and then suddenly disappearing when the plot actually thickened. I've heard there is cover-up going on to protect one known as Dr. Zack. I'll have to research more - but it seems like "suicides" go hand in hand with cover-up.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Justin Raimondo's take:

The Patsy
Was Bruce Ivins the anthrax killer?

The media narrative now being woven around the apparent suicide of U.S. government scientist Bruce E. Ivins - a prominent anthrax researcher who worked at Ft. Detrick's U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases bio-weapons research lab (USAMRIID) - is that he was a lone nut, a "homicidal maniac" who poisoned the five people killed in the 2001 anthrax attacks and was determined to go on another killing spree at his workplace as the Feds closed in on him. The Times of London headline says it all: "Mad Anthrax Scientist in Threat to Kill Co-Workers."

However, as we sift through the reams of media coverage occasioned by this startling development in a 7-year-old case, we get quite a different story from the alleged objects of his rage: his colleagues on the job at Ft. Detrick. As the Washington Post reported:

"Colleagues and friends of the vaccine specialist remained convinced that Ivins was innocent: They contended that he had neither the motive nor the means to create the fine, lethal powder that was sent by mail to news outlets and congressional offices in the late summer and fall of 2001. Mindful of previous FBI mistakes in fingering others in the case, many are deeply skeptical that the bureau has gotten it right this time.

"'I really don't think he's the guy. I say to the FBI, "Show me your evidence,"' said Jeffrey J. Adamovicz, former director of the bacteriology division at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, or USAMRIID, on the grounds of the sprawling Army fort in Frederick. 'A lot of the tactics they used were designed to isolate him from his support. The FBI just continued to push his buttons.'"

Rest of article: http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=13251


Nov 25, 2004
The anthrax mailed attacks took place just days after 911. We know that the Anthrax came from our own government institute in an attempt to frame arabs. We are supposed to believe that it was just some wacko government scientist that completely lost his mind. My question is, how doesn't anthrax take awhile to develop and grow in culture. How did this supposed "wacko" get his hands on anthrax so quickly after 911 if this "one lone wacko" had no prior knowledge of the attacks? We are supposed to believe that right after 911 a government scientist suddenly goes beserk, breaks into a secured lab, steals anthrax without anyone noticing, and mails it to high profile people with a letter trying to frame arabs??? What was this "wackos" motive to frame arabs? Most serial killers who lose their mind want credit for their misdeeds. Noway do I buy this most recent story. and noway will I buy yet another timely "suicide."


Nov 25, 2004
Scientist Ivins Behind Anthrax Attacks, U.S. Says (Update1)
By Greg Stohr and James Rowley
Aug. 6 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. law enforcement officials said they believe government scientist Bruce E. Ivins was the only person behind the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks, pointing to newly unsealed evidence.
``We believe that based on the evidence we had collected, we could prove his guilt to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt,'' said Jeffrey Taylor, U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia. ``We are confident that Dr. Ivins was the only person responsible for these attacks.'' Taylor said the investigation will be closed.
Five people were killed and 17 others were infected when anthrax-laced letters were mailed to news organizations and members of Congress during the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Ivins, 62, was a scientist at the U.S. biodefense laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and helped investigators analyze anthrax samples used in the attacks. He died July 29 from an overdose of prescription Tylenol in what police are treating as a suicide. He had recently learned he was about to be charged in the attacks.
The FBI's investigation previously came under criticism, and in June the agency agreed to pay a multimillion-dollar settlement to another government scientist who said he was unfairly identified as a ``person of interest'' in the case.
At a news conference, Taylor pointed to evidence released by a court earlier today that indicates Ivins tried to mislead investigators and couldn't explain his late-night hours in the lab before the deadly letters were mailed. He said the materials were released because of the ``extraordinary and justified public interest in the case.''
Briefings for Victims
Government officials briefed victims of the attack or their survivors earlier today.
The documents describe Ivins as feeling pressure to justify his work on an anthrax vaccine which had come under criticism for possibly contributing to illness among Gulf War veterans. ``He's very concerned that this vaccination program he's been working on may come to an end,'' Taylor said.
Ivins's lawyer, Paul F. Kemp, last week asserted his client's innocence, and some of his co-workers expressed their own doubts in published reports. Kemp's office said he would issue a statement later today.
The newly released documents include a postal inspector's statement that Ivins ``is believed to have submitted false samples of anthrax from this lab to the FBI for forensic analysis in order to mislead investigators.''
An analysis of the electronic security system that controlled access to the tightly guarded facility showed that Ivins spent more than 30 hours at night in his lab during the month of September 2001, when the attacks began, court papers said.
15 Hours at Night
He spent more than 15 hours at night in the lab in October, 2001. In all of 2000, Ivins had never spent more than five hours in the lab at night each month, the papers said.
The spike in his evening hours began in mid-August, almost a month before the Sept. 11 attacks, investigators said.
The anthrax attacks disrupted the U.S. mail and forced the shutdown of Senate offices after letters were delivered to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. Television news anchors Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather were also targeted.
Daschle, a South Dakota Democrat who has since left the Senate, said Aug. 3 on ``Fox News Sunday'' that he had ``real concerns about the quality of the investigation'' from the beginning.
A social worker who had treated Ivins in group therapy, Jean C. Duley, testified in July that he had shown violent tendencies, threatening her and talking about killing his colleagues. Duley obtained a restraining order against Ivins after his release from a four-week stay at a Maryland psychiatric hospital.
`Kill Co-Workers'
During a July 9 group therapy session, Ivins told his social worker and fellow group members that, rather than face the death penalty for the anthrax killings, he ``had a plan to kill co- workers and other individuals who had wronged him,'' said an affidavit filed by law enforcement officials.
Law enforcement officials suggested that Ivins's ``mental- health issues'' were caused by ``significant stress in both his home and work life.'' Ivins, who complained in e-mails of feeling paranoia, was treated by a psychiatrist in 2000, the court papers said.
Even with the treatment, ``the counseling, the depression episodes still come and go,'' Ivins wrote in a June, 27, 2000, e- mail. ``What is REALLY scary is the paranoia,'' he said, adding that he felt the return of ``feelings of isolation -- and desolation -- that I went through before college.''
In June, the U.S. agreed to pay a settlement valued at $5.8 million to resolve a lawsuit by another Fort Detrick researcher, Steven Hatfill, who claimed the government improperly identified him as a ``person of interest'' in the case.

So, now they finally release documents? Why not on 911 and other cases? MLK etc. Still begs the question that if this guy is really the bad guy than I guess it was just a coincidence that he was supposedly planning this before 911 staying at the lab late in August 2001. I don't buy it.


Nov 25, 2004
Philip Zack
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Philip M. Zack, Lt. Col. (retired), Ph.D., DVM is an American microbiologist. 'Phil' Zack worked at USAMRIID in Fort Detrick through December 1991, then at the US Army's Walter Reed Institute, then for Eli Lilly, and then to a company in Colorado acquired by St. Louis' Nexstar Financial Management.

The Hartford Courant newspaper ran a series of articles in December 2001 and January 2002 which discussed Dr. Zack as a "person of interest" in the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US, his relationship with Dr. Marian K. Rippy, and their harassment of Dr. Ayaad Assaad at USAMRIID in 1991. [1] After Zack had been fired from Fort Detrick, a surveillance camera recorded him being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992, apparently by Dr. Marian Rippy.[2] Salon magazine ran a story by Laura Rozen on January 26, 2002, which reported that Zack was among those: "eager to continue working on projects USAMRIID said they should stop. What followed, the documents reveal, were scientists sneaking into the Army biowarfare lab to work on pet projects after-hours and on weekends, former workers like Zack, who left in 1991, still being let in to do lab work, pressure applied to technicians to help out, documents going missing, and deliberate mislabeling of specimens among other efforts to hide unsanctioned lab work."[3]

According to the Zanesville Ohio Times Recorder, Dr. Zack was a member of the St. Nicholas Catholic Church when he lived in Ohio.[4] (Some websites mistakenly claim he is Jewish, citing his name as evidence.)

Ok, a guy that hates Arabs (he was fired for harassing the arab) and was let in after hours to access anthrax labs in a place of work where he was fired. ??? Not a suspect??? Ivins may have been involved and he may not have. The "suicide" makes me suspect that he was not, but he sure wasn't the only one involved. And again how does this happen to time in perfectly with 911 - did they have advance knowledge?

edit: Ivins looks to be involved but certainly not acting alone. The suicide is a classic cover-up. Apparently Ivins ranked as "expendable." - the same ranking all Christain zionists will eventually get.Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Nov 25, 2004
Controlled Media Suppresses Scientist's 'Big Secret'

By Michael Collins Piper â€â€￾ AFP

Although we are not likely to ever know whether accused anthrax terrorist Bruce Ivins really committed suicide, one particularly interesting aspect of the case has been buried by the mass media in America.

Although page after page of excruciatingly detailed information about Ivins' personal life and career appeared in the major newspapers, the "big secret" about Ivins has been blacked out: he was a virulent Muslim-bashing supporter of Israel, a Christian by faith who trumpeted the mantra that the Jews are "God's Chosen People."

The Jewish Telegraph Agency acknowledged candidly on August 4 that these facts about Ivins were, in its words, "significant" because the notes accompanying the anthrax sent to various locales were designed to appear as though they were written by "a radical Islamist," featuring such rhetoric as "Death to America, Death to Israel, Allah is Great."

The JTA article, which was published in Jewish community newspapers across America, revealed that the Frederick (Maryland) News Post had recently republished several letters that Ivins had written to that newspaper over the last several years, including one in which Ivins praised a rabbi for refusing to engage in dialogue with a Muslim cleric. Ivins wrote: "By blood and faith, Jews are God's chosen, and have no need for 'dialogue' with any gentile." (The term "gentile" is a term of derision often openly used by Jews to refer to non-Jews, essentially meaning that non-Jews are akin to insensate beasts.)

But no major media in America took note of these revelations regarding Ivins' ideology. And it has hardly even been noted on the Internet. A Google search of the Internet on August 17 of the terms "Ivins" and "God's chosen" indicated only 564 references. A similar search of Google's "news" section on the Internet indicated only four references to this storyâ€â€￾and none of those references were in the pages of The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times or any other "mainstream" daily newspaper.

Clearly, the masters of the media determined that American newspaper readers had the right to know the most personal details of Ivins' life, but chose not to permit those readers to know of the pro-Israel ideological fervor that drove Ivins to mask his murderous attacks as the work of Muslim terrorists.

After all, this might cause Americans to raise questions as to whether other acts of terrorismâ€â€￾ascribed to "Muslim terrorists"â€â€￾were really the work of Muslims at all, but instead "false flag" measures by Israel and its adherents to turn Americans against the Muslim world.

And if Ivins was involved in the mailing of anthrax-laden letters after 9-11, was he acting alone or at the behest of others?

Both Mark Glenn and Victor Thorn have written authoritative articles for AFP regarding the Ivins case. Among other things, they noted data suggesting Ivins was murdered and and evidence pointing toward involvement in the anthrax affair by yet another pro-Israel scientist, Philip Zack. Zack is accused of trying to frame a Muslim colleague for the crime. So the entirety of the scenario remains a mystery. What we do know is that the controlled media is not telling us everything we need to know. 


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Kaptain Poop said:
...Ivins praised a rabbi for refusing to engage in dialogue with a Muslim cleric. Ivins wrote: "By blood and faith, Jews are God's chosen, and have no need for 'dialogue' with any gentile."

Amazing, isn't it? A gentile proudlychampions subservience tothe chosen.
Just another brain-washed lemming. Thecommiescalled their dupes useful idiots.


At Freakistan I had one of the jewish posters explain his sect's version of the "End Times", and it was whitewashed to basically mean at the end there would be peace for the jews and they would staff upper managament over the gentiles. As for the cults that comprise the Evangelicals I assume they finesse the Jew version of the End Times by wedging Jesus in there somewhere, but like all cults they are very tight lipped about the "truth."