Is the push to pay college athletes Caste related ?



ESPN and the rest of CM media constantly whine about how collegiate athletes deserve to get paid. They act as if it's this great injustice that these poor student athletes are being exploited by evil white men. It's even become a trendy cause among non sports journalists to talk about. Of course those of us here know better when it comes to those poor affletes. We know who's exploiting who. My question is, is this all just part of the caste system and the CM media ? One of the axioms of CM is that blacks should always be propped up. Is paying them as collegiate athletes just all part of that ? Hey Lavontrell the 4 star rivals recruit is already attractive to all those brainwashed freshmen white girls, but what if we boosted his status even more by giving him a BMW, we could probably make him even more desirable.


Aug 22, 2012
The real problem with college athletes is most of them belong nowhere near a college. I've always felt college athletics were stupid and that NFL and NBA would benefit much more from soccer style lower level professional leagues. Instead we have have a plethora of college graduates who are functionally retarded outside of their ability to play a sports that only few make it professional in.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
ESPN and the rest of CM media constantly whine about how collegiate athletes deserve to get paid. They act as if it's this great injustice that these poor student athletes are being exploited by evil white men. It's even become a trendy cause among non sports journalists to talk about. Of course those of us here know better when it comes to those poor affletes. We know who's exploiting who. My question is, is this all just part of the caste system and the CM media ? One of the axioms of CM is that blacks should always be propped up. Is paying them as collegiate athletes just all part of that ? Hey Lavontrell the 4 star rivals recruit is already attractive to all those brainwashed freshmen white girls, but what if we boosted his status even more by giving him a BMW, we could probably make him even more desirable.
This has been debated on this board before and the site was divided. But if you don't think Reggie Bust, Matt Leinhart, Tim Tebow and Johnny Football all could have made mid 6 figures to low 7 figures if they were allowed to then you don't understand the economics of celebrity. This level of college star is getting ripped off, even the level of Tyrell Pryor is getting ripped off. It's the scholarship athlete who plays for Central Michigan who can't sniff the NFL who is getting adequate compensation. The NCAA is similar to the Olympic committees of various countries where the heads make high 6 figures to low 7 and the athletes starve on monthly stipends.
Dec 10, 2012
This has been debated on this board before and the site was divided. But if you don't think Reggie Bust, Matt Leinhart, Tim Tebow and Johnny Football all could have made mid 6 figures to low 7 figures if they were allowed to then you don't understand the economics of celebrity...

I'm speaking in general philosophic terms, bcuz I'm not real knowledgable on all the NCAA rules.. but I agree with u, I think the rules should be relaxed, so college players can make money on their own w/endorsements, etc.. I don't see anything wrong w/a guy in his early 20s going out & trying to make $ while he's a college student. Most college students are trying to make $, while they are simultaneously studying toward their degree.

But, I don't think the college itself should have to pay student-athletes for playing.. schools are already compensating players w/scholarships, room & board. That's a good deal if it's utitilized all the way to a degree.

The same thing w/alumni gifts.. I don't care if ppl who love their alumni wanna buy, share gifts & services with players.. I dont see anything immoral or harmful in that, that kinda' courtship is part of a free market.. but the school, to me, is in the clear.. they're giving a spot in school that's valuable (in and/of itself) & helps thousands of athletes get a start in life.

& ps, regarding the original ?, I personally do think this issue is underwritten by a caste mentality.. affletes, enabled by their pimps (aka- agents), are putting forth an argument that collegiate affletics is a form of economic slavery.. & to some degree, they're right.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Of course the push to pay college athletes is Caste related. They're not thinking of college baseball and rowing when they bring it up. The whole idea comes from the fact that a college education is of little value to a guy who was too stupid to get into college based on his grades.

A college education including room board and books is a LOT of money. It's very valuable to someone that is going to get a degree and go on to make money in a good job. It's worthless to an ignorant thug that is going to drop out or not graduate. A few will win the lottery and get pro contracts but that is not good enough in obamas amerika. Each and every black has to have full access to free benefits and a comfortable life. That's the rule.

Think about what happens when the college starts to pay athletes. Since most White non-Qb, non OL are walk-ons it means this will just be another money transfer to blacks. And when the university pays people they become employees. And employees get benefits, and employees form unions. And unions create rules and structures to benefit their members. But wait! Men can't make more then women! Title IX!! So the women will get money too.

How does the college afford to pay all of these people? The same way any government has to fund their unions--through taxes. So taxes will go up. And that will mean sports will have to be cut for "savings". If your area is anything like mine the public high schools are all out of money and everything except football and basketball (the black sports) are pay to play. So college sports will become basketball and football and that's it.

Now Average American brought up a good point about players making their own money on endorsements, and boosters giving money to who ever they want. I had not thought of that, and that is a way for them to make money without using public funds but in the end that will just mean scandal after scandal as people bribe and extort money from young kids to get them to throw games and alter scores. Most of those kids are not going to be pros and a few thousand dollars would look pretty good to them.

But college sports is a mess now and only going to get worse so they might as well go all in on screwing it up and turn it into a true minor league sports system.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
I wish the NFL was like hockey. Have Junior leagues and minor leagues with the sole purpose of developing players. Players can elect to go to college if they want to, but this would definitely weed out many of the illiterate idiots that have no business being on a college campus.