Is college football the problem?

Jun 2, 2007
Outside North America
The fact of the matter is that college football in the SEC, Big-XII South and ACC are more caste-oriented than the NFL. The only reason Western and Northern schools don't have more black players is that they are in areas with far fewer black players to choose from (see these maps).

Judging by the tendency of modern academia to be more "Liberal", "anti-bourgeois" (anti-white and even anti-Asian), and "politically correct", I think the academic administrators have as much a hand in this phenomena as corporate big-wig owners do in the NFL. The fact is, they give coaches their recruiting budgets, so I think they have a little to say about who coaches should go after, and so on.

Is the solution to the football problem to take it out of the hands of academics and into the hands of independent, alternative "minor" leagues? Football is way too centered around academic institutions, while basketball and baseball have more alternatives for developing players.

In their efforts to give academically "underprivileged" minorities more education opportunities, the college administrators may be hurting white players' football careers the most. There should be another way. Football shouldn't be dictated by academia anyway.Edited by: FieldThrower
American Freedom News