Interracial Windows PC commercial

Jul 14, 2007
I'm surprised this topic hasn't come up, because I would have to say this is the worst commercial I have seen on TV in my life.

The Capital One commercials were pretty bad with the insanely retarded dad who took the family on poorly thought out trips (riding in a box car, or on a crop duster plane, landing on a tribal island) because the his credit card had black-out dates. The Gatorade G commercial with the black power fists was terrible, but at least it got pulled.

But this one I think is the worst because the commercial portrays these actors as if they were a real couple that just happened to walk into the store with cameras following them. They give them real sounding names, and they act as if they're just normal people looking at computers. Of all the millions of same-race couples there would be the choose from, the odds that they would end up with a white female-black male couple is just ridiculous.

The problem is that the directors of this ad choose the racial dynamics, and it wasn't pure coincidence as if "those were the best actors we could choose from." I'm sure when they casted for the roles, they were very specific with who they wanted. I have read somewhere that for many castings now, they want males that are not obviously white, to exclusivly minority. The only time they pick white males, who make up probably 90% of potential male actors, is when race isn't specified.

Just everything about this is just the lowest of the low, fortunately I haven't seen this ad on TV for about 2 weeks. I know these things can reappear, but lets hope they put this one to rest.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Is that the commercial with the brunette broad that maybe looks a bit Spanish or part Latin Indian?

She has their chillin' wiff her?


Oct 26, 2008
I am so sick of this stuff. I am tired of these minorities trying to take our white women.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
ES, good point. I've seen that miscegenation/cultural marxism agenda'd "ad" before. Although the gal doesn't appear Aryan & might be mestiza or part Rubyknoggin...the "powers that be" who puppeteer these scumbag marketing companies are bent on pushing race mixing.

**BTW, most mudsharks aren't nice looking, except some of the "afflete" gold-diggers or rap=crap video harlots. Most mudskippers are DFBs or look like meth-heads. Tbat ad is total propaganda.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
A little off-topic, but did anyone notice the recent commercial for State Farm insurance, where an SUV tries to parallel-park? This is taking place in the middle of a typical storefront area. On the left-hand side there's a store where everything is written in Espanol.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
All people have to do is get rid of their TVs. It works like a charm.
The only time I see TV is when I'm at a person's house who has one on, or in some office of some kind somewhere. Otherwise, I never see this nonsense. But of course, I'm not immune from seeing the real deal on the street. Can't have everything.

Tom Iron...


Oct 26, 2008
Tom Iron said:
All people have to do is get rid of their TVs. It works like a charm.
The only time I see TV is when I'm at a person's house who has one on, or in some office of some kind somewhere. Otherwise, I never see this nonsense. But of course, I'm not immune from seeing the real deal on the street. Can't have everything.

Tom Iron...

So you never watch a sporting event?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Tom Iron said:
All people have to do is get rid of their TVs. It works like a charm.
The only time I see TV is when I'm at a person's house who has one on, or in some office of some kind somewhere. Otherwise, I never see this nonsense.

I don't have cable or a dish and tossed my ancient tv's to the curb because of the digital thing. Almost never watched them anyway, except for tornado alerts and some sporting events. Don't miss it at all. Who needs the constant brainwashing?
Jul 14, 2007
I understand about not wanting to watch TV and the incessant brainwashing that occurs. I have had periods of time, due to heavy workloads or for other reasons that I didn't watch very much TV. And the funny thing is that the less amount of TV you watch, you don't catch the ads for other shows and you don't seem as eager to watch as much anyway. My problem is, once I do get to watch some TV you see the promos for other shows and such.

And unlike some on this forum, there are various sitcoms that I'm a fan of from Family Guy to 2 1/2 Men. I know some may find these deplorable, but I find them entertaining and there's enough content inbetween things that are culturally Marxist. At least on 2 1/2 Men, I can't remember any scenes where they show any blacks. And while the show is very degrading of traditional families, at least they are not doing this while showing white men to be inept losers that women do not desire. This is unlike many other shows and ads lately where they show loser white males being rejected by females. Even Charlie's nerdy brother will on occasion have success with women.

Getting back to the topic, I think this ad did choose to cast a woman who looks more race neutral, but very much white though. They didn't go all-out by having a blonde barbie-doll type, but they are still promoting the goal of "normalizing" interracial relationships and miscegination, esepcially black male-white female.

Again, this ad is very much different as it's shot to look like real people who just happen to be buying a computer. This is instead of most ads where it's supposed to simulate real life situations, but you have to suspsend your disbelief because if you think about it you realize there's a script, a director, lighting, make-up, takes and re-takes, etc.

This commercial makes it looks like raw un-cut real-life footage, and only intelligent observers realize that it is a dramatic production just all the rest of commercials commercials you see on TV. People who are in the acting industry would realize this. It's dangerous because many young girl would look at this and figure it's a real couple with their real child.

While this ad would not make a young white woman want to go date a black man, it subtly puts the idea in their unconcious mind that interracial relationships are becoming more normal, and that woman who do it are attractive and can even end up on TV like the chick in the ad.

What's very ironic is that I'm sure that actress doesn't date black guys, because there are very few white female model types that do, less than 90% I'm sure. Dixie is very right that most mudshark women are unattractive, fat, or have the meth/crack head look to them. Others may have some underlying beauty, but just have a disturbed look to them, because I know of several white women who had bad relationships with their father or come from broken homes that end up with black men.

This should go as a warning to all the men who read this to not produce children in situations where they will not be well taken care of. Make sure children that you do have are well taken care of by you, and that you set a good example because the biggest impression women have of men is of their father.

I know it's a long message, but I had a lot to say! Haha.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
How many couples featured on commercials are black male/white female? My guess is less than one in a hundred, maybe as low as one in a thousand. Whatever, it's far less often than the percentage of such couples in real life, which is also low but often seems higher because white men (and black women) always notice them and hate them. The PTB obviously still believe there would be a strong negative reaction to a full frontal assault of such couples on commercials. Their favored tactic for decades is to put mixed couples in the backgrounds of scenes. Often what is shown in the background is just as important as what's in the forefront, when it comes to symbolism and the overt and covert messages being sent.

My theory continues to be that the PTB no longer believe that they can induce a sufficient number of white women to mate with black males. Too many never will because they fear them, have had personal negative experiences with them, or just plain aren't attracted to them. Check the dating sites that are aimed at middle class and upper middle classAmericans and then look at the preferences of the women when it comes to the race of a propsective date. Very few whites, asians and hispanics mention blacks as even a possibility. By contrast almost all asian women will mention white men as one of their choices, often only white men.

I still maintain that the system has milked the black male/white female thing to the point that it has reached diminishing returns. The newer thrust is pushing hispanic/white couples and asian/white couples, particularly white men and asian women. Stop looking only for black male/white female couples and notice the growing number of white men/asian women couples being shown. Notice how many commercials feature an asian female as a cast member, whether a young girl or an old woman, but usually an attractive young woman of childbearing age. It's wildly out of proportion compared to their percentage of the U.S. population.

I think the NWO gameplan has moved from miscegenating the U.S. through massive black-white intermixture, to promoting an asian-white "Melting Pot" primarily and an hispanic-white Melting Pot secondarily. The blacks are permanently atthe bottom of the social and economic order, so they areappeased throughimportant pandering schemes like rabid affirmative action in sports and entertainment, and in the portrayal of authority figures and hard-ass, super-tough men on TV and in the movies, along with all the hypocrisy and double standards that exist when covering and discussing racial issues. Besides wanting to appease blacks, it is demonstrably effective in getting most whites to fall in line like good sheep who always think before stating anything that can in any way be construed as "politically incorrect."Edited by: Don Wassall


Oct 26, 2008
Electric Slide said:
IAnd unlike some on this forum, there are various sitcoms that I'm a fan of from Family Guy to 2 1/2 Men. I know some may find these deplorable, but I find them entertaining and there's enough content inbetween things that are culturally Marxist. At least on 2 1/2 Men, I can't remember any scenes where they show any blacks. And while the show is very degrading of traditional families, at least they are not doing this while showing white men to be inept losers that women do not desire. This is unlike many other shows and ads lately where they show loser white males being rejected by females. Even Charlie's nerdy brother will on occasion have success with women.

The Big Bang Theory makes intelligent white men look like they are terrible with women.

There is also a commercial for Dick's Sporting Goods that has two black "athletes" competing in the store and then you have this white guy putting out the fires that they create in the store. Why couldn't they have a white and a black athlete instead of two blacks?

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Europe, So you never watch a sporting event?

No, I don't watch TV. I follow sports on the computer (videos) and newspapers. I can't stand the TV. Otherwise, I go to minor league baseball games around here. Nice night out.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Electric Slide says:

"They didn't go all-out by having a blonde barbie-doll type, but they are still promoting the goal of "normalizing" interracial relationships and miscegination, esepcially black male-white female."

You should really check out 2 "ABC Family" programs -- "Lincoln Heights" and "Greek"... Both promote young White males with black females! What are the odds of that?

In "Lincoln Heights," the black cop's high school daughter is with a White boy. But at least they show the couple getting severely harassed by the black bucks in the school.

BTW, the black girl isn't good looking in the least and the White boy is a MODEL-TYPE - so the scenario isn't realistic but they are still pushing miscegenation towards our White male youth.

In "Greek" - there's a college-aged mulatta who's quite attractive (no reason for me to lie), and she's always with them White boys! She's always dreaming of making out with the one's she's attracted to. The reason I use the term "White boys" is because the guys in that show, like in many other shows, are WEAK.

I'm still waiting for the writers' to pair her with a big/tall White jock... and then when they are out in public - a Jamal gets furious and physically harasses the couple - and he promptly gets curb-stomped by the White jock. The couple embraces and the man says, "they hate us out of jealousy and because of their own impotence, for they can't have the love we have for each other."

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

BTW, the black girl isn't good looking in the least and the White boy is a MODEL-TYPE - so the scenario isn't realistic but they are still pushing miscegenation towards our White male youth.

I'm sure you're right, but what these people don't understand is that when you start trying to do the things they're trying, you're playing with fire. They could let a genie out of a bottle they couldn't control and might very well turn on them. There could very well be an explosion in this country the likes of which, the world has never seen. This type of thing that's going on today is territory never traversed before in history. As we used to say a long time ago, "Stay low."

Tom Iron...


Oct 26, 2008
Tom Iron said:

BTW, the black girl isn't good looking in the least and the White boy is a MODEL-TYPE - so the scenario isn't realistic but they are still pushing miscegenation towards our White male youth.

I'm sure you're right, but what these people don't understand is that when you start trying to do the things they're trying, you're playing with fire. They could let a genie out of a bottle they couldn't control and might very well turn on them. There could very well be an explosion in this country the likes of which, the world has never seen. This type of thing that's going on today is territory never traversed before in history. As we used to say a long time ago, "Stay low."

If the amount of black guys with white women really starts to increase, there are going to be a whole lot of angry white guys, especially if the women are decent looking. It's a very small percent now, but if it gets large, watch out. White men generally aren't attracted to black women. I see Mexicans and Asians with white women in my area also. I think a white guy with a non white women is the rarest.

Tom Iron...
Jul 14, 2007
Wow there is a lot to comment on. Don, that was a very brilliant analysis of how they portray interracial couples in both the forground and the background. In the most recent chapter or Harry Potter, which didn't do as well as previous releases, there is a scene where Harry and a few others are sitting at a table. There is a white guy there, and he notes that his sister is sitting in the background at another table. His sister is with a black guy, but he shrugs it off as if nothing will happen, even though they start holding hands. About 10 seconds later, the girl sitting at the table tells the white boy to look, and the camera looks back for about a second and the two are kissing. I saw this movie in the theater, only because the girl I was with wanted to see it. You could even hear a gasp in the crowd when this happened. Even though it was in the background, it was still a provocative scene. What's ironic is that they never make anything of that situation, and the girl who kissed the black boy ends up pretty much in love with Harry. Again, I think the writers and directors were looking to push the envelope racially, while still not causing a revolt in the audience. But it almost plays into the pattern that I've heard black comedians claim, that white girls "experiment" with blacks, even though they end up back with white men, "just to see what it's like."

You are certainly right though that you definitely see many situations with white men with asian women, and just a lot of asian women on TV period. I think the idea behind it is a two-front attack, if more white women are with black men, then there's less white females for white males, who in turn are with asians, leaving less white males for white females which creates a viscious cycle of miscegination.

You do not see too many situations with white females and asian males, the notable exception being the now seperated John and Kate Gosslyn from the TLC reality series "John and Kate Plus 8." I have been at places with that show on, and trust me it is excruciating to watch. Anyway, Kate is a semi white-hating woman who said she is glad the kids look very Korean, because that's how she wants them to be, even though the family practices no Asian customes or anything of the like.

As far as mixed race latino and white goes, I think this is the one most in society find acceptable since often times the offspring will end up looking like the woman from the commercial that sparked all of this. This is because many mestizos are over 50% white anyway I think. Either way, I agree with you they are trying to increase the appeal of white men to both Asian and Latino women, while not necessarily doing so for black woman so much.

Now, to the Big Bang Theory, and the Dick's commercial, again both propaganda to show white males as inept dorky nerds, the steriotype that black comedians like Dave Chappel play on. This is despite infinite evidence to the opposite that most white males are not like that. I don't know why they have to show the dorky types getting no girls at all, because I know some people like this and they still get women, just not as frequently and not as good of quality.

And the show Greek, I too watched the first season of this for a little while, but gave up after I realized that their life in college was not like a real life in college. What is definitely funny about that show is the black/mullato girl who's only interested in white guys, and the athletic black male who is gay. Now, I never like it when they have homosexual main characters, black or white, but I'm just saying I'm surprised they chose a black male to be the only gay character on the show.

And Tom Iron, that is interesting that you see white females with Asian males. I would say around where I live you see asian women with white males at least five times as much as you see the other way around. Very interesting.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
ES, I've watched "Jon & Kate + 8" with my wife a few times. That harpy Kate seems very fame-oriented and heavy-handed with (Asian) Jon. However, I think they're both being very selfish with splitting up. I'm not an advocate of divorce (save for adultery or (legitimate) abuse...from either spouse). All in all, "reality" TV is semi-scripted and mostly crapola from the Sheepletainment industry (which has ran short on creativity). I don't watch much "Hellivision" & very little "reality" TV, save for UFC's TUF. Edited by: DixieDestroyer