Interesting comment on the NFL


Apr 13, 2005
"I think it's (the NFL) a great entertainment spectacle. They've done a fantastic job of promoting it. I think it's exciting. I think the playoff system is good, and I think you have certain who are great because they love the game. But I think money has affected the game, cheapened it, and I think the buffoonery has taken a lot of dignity out of the game. A lot of players think those antics are amusing, but it's buffoonery. If you're conscious about images and history, African-Americans had to fight off the caricatures of buffoonery all through history; they made mockery of watermelon eating, big eyes, shuffling, dancing, shaking your booty. We had to fight to get rid of those stereotypes, then the modern-day football player comes out and shakes his butt and all that (expletive), excuse my language, but it's embarrassing because the population likes it in one sense, they laugh at it, but then they ridicule it. So if you're Ochocinco, he thinks he's cute, but in essence it's a lack of dignity."

Who said it?

Jim Brown.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
On that particular point, Jim's totally correct. The NFL is full of such buffoonery...and criminal/thug element.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i've noticed a rapidly growing trend in this country ... the relative importance of a statement is determined exclusively by who makes said statement.

for example, if a black man says something (like in the above example or the black partner of Sgt. Crowley in the race-baiting Harvard professor soap opera), the statement is given a much greater validity. whereas, if a White man says it, it is either dismissed out of hand or he is called a "racist" and then his statement is dismissed out of hand.

this bothers me more than i have words to describe. the facts or arguments presented should matter FAR morewith regards tothe credibility or power of the statement than the skin tone of whomever says it.

it's justa disturbing trendi've been noticing a lot of lately ...
Aug 16, 2009
Pac. Northwest
Jimmy Chitwood said:
the facts or arguments presented should matter FAR morewith regards tothe credibility or power of the statement than the skin tone of whomever says it.
<div>it's justa disturbing trendi've been noticing a lot of lately ...</div>
</div><div>One suspects this has to do with Whites tendency to believe in what is known as 'Objective Reality' (note Whites are the ones who created Science.)</div><div>
</div><div>This entirely subjective trend you have noted is rooted in a rejection of the ability for one to duly note Ojective Reality. It is also against the spirit of Freedom of Speech! Why can't a White Man make the same observation!?!?!</div><div>
</div><div>It is the loss of Freedom of Speech that I am VERY concerned about. It used to be liberals that were concerned with such things (arguing for the right of Nazis to march Skokie for instance) but one can see that it has just been a bait and switch and that the real battle for Freedom of Speech belongs to us Far Rightists!! Just look at the Free Speech struggles of David Irving, Ernst Zundel and the Heretical 2!!! </div>

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
good points, Mr. Stonebreaker. also, welcome to the boards.

as President Ronald Reagan said, "Don't be afraid to see what you see."

he also said, "Facts are stubborn things."

too bad too many folks refuse to incorporate these obvious truths into their lives.