In Census, Young Americans Increasingly Diverse


Jul 29, 2008
Here's some truly depressing news, if you haven't seen it yet. The government has been releasing various demographic related stats from the 2010 census, and this one is particularly alarming. Simple mathematics don't lie, and unfortunately, when illegal hispanics are having 6-7 kids a piece, compared to 1-2 (or zero) among Whites, it makes for a bleak future and I don't think this tide can be reversed.

The best thing I can think of is to look for trends in various states and find the ones where White populations are trending positive (or at least neutral) and maybe consider moving there. Places like CA and AZ are well on their way to becoming third-world dumps like Mexico in the next 10-20 years thanks to the exponential growth of their latino populations.

(my emphasis in bold text)

WASHINGTON â€" Demographers sifting through new population counts released on Thursday by the Census Bureau say the data bring a pattern into sharper focus: Young Americans are far less white than older generations, a shift that demographers say creates a culture gap with far-reaching political and social consequences.

Mississippi, Virginia, New Jersey and Louisiana all had declines in their populations of white residents ages 18 and under, according to the bureau's first detailed report on the 2010 Census.

That drove declines in the overall white population for the decade in three of the four states. Only Virginia, whose northern suburbs have been growing fast, had a rise.

Growth in the number of white youths slowed sharply in the 1990s, up by just 1 percent in the decade, as the number of white women of childbearing age fell, according to Kenneth M. Johnson, a demographer at the University of New Hampshire.

More recently, it has dipped into a decline. The number of whites under the age of 20 fell by 6 percent between 2000 and 2008, Mr. Johnson said, citing countrywide census estimates.

Instead, growth has come from minorities, particularly Hispanics, as more Latino women enter their childbearing years. Blacks, Asians and Hispanics accounted for about 79 percent of the national population growth between 2000 and 2009, Mr. Johnson said.

The result has been a changed American landscape, with whites now a minority of the youth population in 10 states, including Arizona, where tensions over immigration have flared, said William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution.

"This is a huge demographic transformation,"Â￾ Mr. Frey said. "A cultural generation gap is emerging."Â￾

The growing divide between a diverse young population and an aging white population raises some potentially tricky policy questions. Will older whites be willing to allocate money to educate a younger generation that looks less like their own children than ever before? How will a diverse young generation handle growing needs for aging whites?

The rapid change has infused political debates, and they have been noisiest in the states with the largest gaps.

Arizona is the leader, with whites accounting for just 42 percent of its young people, compared with 83 percent of its residents 65 and older, according to Mr. Frey. Over all, the state's Hispanic population nearly tripled between 1990 and 2009, and is now a third of all residents. Nevada ranks second in the gap between aging whites and diverse youth, Mr. Frey said.

Declines in the youth population over all have occurred twice before in the last century, according to Mr. Frey. First in the 1930s, when the Depression gripped the country, dragging down the birth rate, and then in the 1970s and 1980s, as the baby boomers aged out of childhood and women delayed marriage and went to work.

The current decline is potentially more permanent, he said, because it is related to the aging of the white population, a reality that will not change anytime soon.

According to last year's census estimates, of the 24 states that gained children in the last decade, whites contributed to the growth in just 8, Mr. Frey said. The highest was Utah, where their share was 43 percent.

Even in Virginia, a largely suburban state whose white adult population rose considerably over the decade, the young white population registered a decline.

In contrast, the number of mixed-race children doubled, Hispanic children doubled, and Asian children were up by more than two-thirds, according to Mr. Johnson.

"Living in the suburbs used to mean white family, two kids, a TV, a garage and a dog,"Â￾ he said. "Now suburbia is a microcosm of America. It's multiethnic and multiracial. It tells you where America is going."Â￾


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
This is troubling news, but it should re-affirm our need to educate, find a mate, and procreate.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
The overall picture looks bleak, but I'd be careful about throwing Census data around as if the numbers are anywhere near correct, especially when you think of the disproportionate number of ignorant blacks who did the numbers crunching in many areas.


Nov 23, 2008
In every US Census data, both local and national, there's always a marked decline of varying degree for whites. The black population remains quite constant with slight increases, while Hispanics and Asians alike enjoy the largest jumps.

Number wise, the white population is still increasing, though barely, with large numbers aged 50 plus. Percentage wise, the decline is very startling. Other than the fact the very people who founded the USA are getting phased out, so goes the ENGLISH language. Most Hispanics and Asians treat it as a SECONDARY language, conversing with very visible native accents... as in broken English.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Interesting site I found. Here is the link.

Some important statements.

July, 1997: We are now at approximately 72.9%,

down from 1950's 89.5%.

The Third World immigrants breed 2-3 times

faster than White "Gentile" Americans.

They also bring in millions of relatives through

chain immigration...who start breeding

as soon as possible to ensure their immigration status

with a child born on American soil.

Now, here's what's ahead for you and your children

and grandchildren--and these are conservative estimates.</font>


Nov 13, 2005
Non-whites usually have more children than whites do, but on average not a huge amount more, except for some Asians, who actually have less. But the real one-two punch is the year after year unending stream of more and more third world immigrants. This unending stream is what is turning the US into the Brazil of the north.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Gentlemen, believeth ye not (for 1 second) that this is mere happenstance. This demographic shift is totally by design. The PTB have long sought to dismantle our Republic's strongest element...White, Christian & working/middle class.


Dec 7, 2008
The trend is very disturbing.Unfortunately, there probably no way to reverse it. The majority of imigrants years ago coming to America were white europeans. That is no longer the case. Most of the white populations in europe are also beign overrun and displaced by imigrants.

This trend needs needs to wake up white guilt ridden parents into telling their children when you get married you better bring home a white man/women or be disowned.
Nov 8, 2006
Nothing says "diversity" more than a sea of identical looking brown people.

It seems the best hope for our survival lies in Balkanization along racial lines following the collapse of central authority. The survivors will have to rebuild a White nation from scratch and hopefully will learn the lessons of history this time. Golden Ages usually follow such a time of trouble so we can hold out hope that this surviving White enclave will eventually reclaim all of our lands, sweeping aside "minorities" who will see greatly reduced numbers when the protective hand of the White civilization is removed and they are left to their own devices.
Jul 14, 2007
newguy said:
The trend is very disturbing.Unfortunately, there probably no way to reverse it. The majority of imigrants years ago coming to America were white europeans. That is no longer the case. Most of the white populations in europe are also beign overrun and displaced by imigrants.

This trend needs needs to wake up white guilt ridden parents into telling their children when you get married you better bring home a white man/women or be disowned.

"You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" (Matthew 8:26) Just remember another thing it says in the Bible, that time and time again has proven true "With God, all things are possible."

Do you really think for one minute, that the same people who survived bone chilling ice ages, the ravages of war, and other such calamities; reemerged from the dark ages, produce incredible art, discovered scientific facts, invented and innovated things which made civilized possible can withstand a simple social screw up we've been doing?

The answer is very simple. The only way Third World populations survive is on the production, heart, soul, effort and energy of white people.

The life of Third World people is not possible otherwise. If we stop schooling, feeding, housing them and giving them jobs it actually serves two purposes. One they have no reason to live in the United States, and two, we would have less of a burden supporting them, which frees us up to have even more kids.

Just remember there are plenty of sub-groups of white folks that are having plenty of kids. Just like the cultural Marxists infiltrated the media, so to can we. We can make white men, women, and families look cool and enviable. We can make white stars popular and nefarious forms of entertainment like rap and hip-hop look gay and stupid.

I know there's mixed feelings about the Duggers here, but TLC makes that family, and good values look cool, they love being with each other, the settle differences like humans, and they have a blast!

It's in our hands. Like Col. Reb and others said, find a good mate, have kids that you can take care of (remember, if you don't take care of your kids, the chances of them engaging in drugs, micegination, and other antisocial behavior goes way up). Hang out with other white people who have kids and don't believe in multi-culturalism.

This only works if we stop feeling like pawns in a grand scheme, and work to subvert the forces against us. The system only works with our permission. Obviously we have a lot of convincing to do, so lets get to work! As Dixie Destroyer often says, speak to all who have eyes to see and ears to here!