Immigrant porn vendor makes threats

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Sign threat costs vendor his corner
By MARK McDONALD 215-854-2646

The porno magazines on eye-blitzing display near Independence Hall ran the gamut from slick Penthouse to sleazy CHERI teens.

But it was the threatening, handwritten message that seemed to promise rape and worse to anyone who complained about Muhammad Shaukat's newsstand that got city inspectors and legislators on the case of the squat immigrant with poor eyesight and limited writing skills.

A City Council committee yesterday gave initial approval to a bill that bans vending on either side of 6th Street between Chestnut and Sansom streets.

Shaukat, a native of India and the sole supporter of his wife and two daughters, said he's been at the touristy location in front of the Public Ledger Building for about eight months.

Councilman Frank DiCicco, who represents the area and is chairman of the Licenses and Inspections Committee that heard the bill, said L&I inspectors had received complaints about the too-public display of pornography and the placement of racks on the sidewalk.

After inspectors told Shaukat to rein in his wares, DiCicco said, "He posted a sign saying that he would rape and kill anyone who interfered with the operation of his newsstand."

Shaukat, who said he went into vending because of an eye condition, responded, "I'm not bothering anybody. Everybody sells those magazines."

His sign said, in part, "I gone a f--- his mother, sister, wife or her... who complain my newsstand. Come front of me."

Shaukat in an interview said he was angry when he scribbled the sign and posted it. He agreed that the message was that he would rape and kill anyone who took away his business.

But the soft-spoken, diminutive vendor said he regretted what he'd done and would never commit any violent act.

During the hearing, DiCicco lectured Shaukat, saying: "You don't threaten people. You don't threaten city employees. That's not the way it's done."

Shaukat responded that he had not threatened anyone.

"People were polite to you, giving you an opportunity to provide a service and earn a living," DiCicco said. "For some reason, you thought physical intimidation would make us go away. In fact, what you did, sir, is cause us to make you go away from 6th and Chestnut."


Lots I could add, but this article pretty much speaks for itself. This story has it all - immigrant, porn, crime, forgiving white folks, he didn't mean it... it has all the elements of everything we complain about on this site every day.