I’m so #%&%# mad!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
This story has just sent me over the edge!! To hell with our criminal court system. You will not believe this !!

DOUGLAS, Ariz., Aug. 18 - Spent shells litter the ground at what is left of the firing range, and camouflage outfits still hang in a storeroom. Just a few months ago, this ranch was known as Camp Thunderbird, the headquarters of a paramilitary group that promised to use force to keep illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border with Mexico.

Now, in a turnabout, the 70-acre property about two miles from the border is being given to two immigrants whom the group caught trying to enter the United States illegally.

http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/19/national/19ranch.htmlEdited by: Bart
I was just going to post this. Beat me to it!
That boils my blood too Bart. So much so that I can't even write anything that wouldn't be threatening.
heres another absurdity

News that Texas is the fourth state in which non-Hispanic whites make up less than 50 percent of residents has renewed discussion about whether the term "minority" has outlived its usefulness; critics include both liberals and conservatives.

While some think the complaints are mere nitpicking, others argue the word is increasingly inaccurate, obsolete and even offensive.

"Twenty or 30 years ago, we saw the country as a majority-white country with a black minority, but now you have places where that is a woefully poor description of what is going on," especially given rapidly growing Hispanic population, said Roderick J. Harrison, a demographer with the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a black think tank. The word "minority" is "a confusing term as one of thinks of today's population."Full Article
Thanks for the link Bear-Arms.I always sign these petitions, hopingof course they will have an impact. But based on his prior actions, I doubt Jorge Boosh is amenable to our cause or shares our sypathies.

I feel your pain, gents

For every little victory, our side endures twenty defeats

The Maryland Governor has decided to take on an Illegal-immigrants activistcounty councilman over preferential treatment for new illegals in house-hunting . Guess which side will win

Hey, who needs Bush or Hillary ..... Morris Dees for President!
Morris Dees founded the Southern Poverty Law Center. It promote civil rights & anti-discrimination. He is also involved with the Tolerance website. It's like the ADL. Also, wasn't he accused of being a child molester?
Right-O, Bear Arms! Morris Seligman Dees (good Irish name,
don'tcha think?) is a Marxist pervert who once made moves on his
girlfriend's daughter, and he once had sex with another man while Mo's
wife was in the SAME ROOM. The briefs filed in his divorce case
have been circulating on the Internet for several years, and they
clearly show him to be a hypocrite, liar, and sexual deviant,
which is typical of the American left-wing. I don't have the link
but they are easy to find in a websearch.

By the way, you won't be surprised to learn that the SPLC has never had
a full-time black employee. Jewish organizations push for
affirmative action for every institution but their own.
What the &^%$ is going on in this country... If I had thousands and thousands of ILLEGAL's running through my backyard every night, I might be forced to threaten someone myself. How are these americans supposed to protect themselves?
Morris Dees is one of the most despicable and spineless cowards I have ever known of. I hope his organization fails.
cubes48 said:
What the &^%$ is going on in this country... If I had thousands and thousands of ILLEGAL's running through my backyard every night, I might be forced to threaten someone myself. How are these americans supposed to protect themselves?

Welcome to the board cubes48! Guess you don't live by the moto: diversity is our strength!

Damn, two guys with a bear icon. Now I'm going to have to start reading the names again.

Personally, I think we need more avatars like right winger's.
Southern Knight said:
The SPLC is a well-funded organization, with a $120 million budget.

Not only that, they have well over $100 million just sitting in the bank. The exact figure is a matter of dispute but whatever it is it's huge.

Surprisingly, a Birmingham newspaper broke this story some years back. The SPLC was sending out the usual hysterical fundraising letters with their "klansmen and nazis are everywhere and are ready to take over" nonsense while all that dough was sitting unused in their coffers.Edited by: Don Wassall
American Freedom News