I’m pissed


Aug 10, 2005
Tonight Beaumont Ozen stole a game from a better Friendswood basketball team. How did they do it? Two of the three refs were black. I've seen cheating, but this was the most blatant crap I've ever seen. It's a shame because Friendswood had an awesome team. They could have won state. They would have blown out Ozen by 20 pts in regulation if it hadn't been for the refs. I'm surprised I didn't get kicked out of the game. I made a scene. I've been considering going into coaching, but I would have probably punched one of those refs if those were my boys being cheated. My career probably wouldn't last long.
Details, KG, give us some details. What happened?
I would like to hear more details as well.
Ok, I was too upset to write more last night. No. 19 Friendswood, who had an all white starting lineup was playing No. 6 Ozen(Beaumont) in the second round of the 4a state basketball playoffs. Ozen is an all black school from the principal down to the janitors. Friendwood came out and played great. They were dominating the entire game and would have been up by at least 20 going into the fourth had the game been called fairly. As it was they were up by 7 going into the fourth. Andre Boutte, ozen's coach, kept calling the two black referees over to him throughout the game even though he was getting all of the calls. He was looking at them like "help us brotherman". In the fourth they really stepped it up. They started allowing Ozens' players to throw players down to knock the ball loose. Friendswood rebounded the ball despite being knocked to the ground from behind (hard) and then they would call a foul on the Friendswood player who was pushed. It was unbelievable. Finally, the Friendswood coach started yelling when an Ozen player blatantly traveled (no call) directly in front of him and and one of those black refs. The ref turned around like he was going to hit the coach and started yelling. No one could hear what was being said because eveyone on Friendswood's side was yelling. But this is when I freaked. I wasn't too far behind the coach and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. Everyone says my voice really carries when I yell. The referee, who was in the face of the coach trying to act like some tough guy, started blinking and looked up at me, then walked away. All of the people in the stands stopped their protests and started stairing at me about halfway into my tirade. I exclaimed," Your ridiculous! Your pathetic! You and your buddie are trying to fix this game! Why don't you put a jersey on and suit up for them you cheating bastard!". I called the other one a cheating mf after that. It took everything I had not to come over the scorer's table and take a swing. I was out of control. Even the guy on the clock (black) tried to run out the clock when Ozen took the lead. Friendswood was resilient. They hit a three at the buzzer to send it into overtime. The refs looked very unhappy about that. Then they continued with their cheating and Ozen won by 3 in overtime. I was yelling at Ozen's coach after the game to tell his players how they got help. I got in a mini-confrontation with one of their players because I told them they didn't earn it. One of their assistants who knows me from playing basketball around town pulled him away. I started lifting weghts again this week. I feel like my old self. That's good and bad I guess. I hope I don't end up in jail.



I don't blame you for being angry, KG. I'm sorry, bro. Sounds like total and utter bullsh*t.
Man, that is some crap. Blacks, when confronted with the possibility of being shown up by whites, always use gang tactics or whatever it takes to see that the outcome is in their favor. I have been in rivalries where things like that happened, just not because of race. I'm sorry you and those white players had to experience that mess, KG.
KG, that's the status quo for even High school games these days especially at tournament time when a all-black team faces an all-white team. In BB the refereeing is sooo subjective that it makes it a truly flawed game. Typical black teams play an over-agressive mugging defense because they are allowed to by black refs and brainwashed white refs. Black teams also have no virtually no organized plan on offense other than to "take it to da hoop" and wait for a whistle. Their brand of BB ball is complete monkey-ball - not any fun to watch. It's frustrating watch a once beautiful team sport turn into monkey-ball.
Thanks fellas. It does me good to have a sympathetic ear.

KP, Ozen's coach is actually very clever in a drug dealer sort of way. If he takes a small lead over a team that he thinks can beat them he will run a stall offense the entire quarter or half if he can get away with it. There's no shot clock. You're spot on about the mugging defense. The lone white ref may make a call or two, but then he doesn't want to seem racist so he starts "letting them play" like the rest of the crew. They do call fouls on the white team though.

I'm seriously considering leaving Texas. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Only about 36% of Texas schoolchildren are white.Edited by: KG2422
KG2422 said:
I'm seriously considering leaving Texas. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

My truck was vandalized today at the mall. 2 PM on a Saturday broad daylight, somebody used a screwdriver to pry the logos off my truck, on the doors and tailgate. Keyed the tailgate and one taillight just for fun, I imagine. We were in the mall for about 30-45 minutes tops.

On the way home, I was involved in a road rage incident with two cars full of Mestizo gang bangers. The light changes to green but these two vehicles sit there while they talk to each other out the window. Everyone starts honking - except me. I know the type, the more you honk the more they sit there. But one of these guys decides to eyeball me and start yelling at me. I yell back. He leans out the window waving his hand at me, I roll down my window and cuss a blue streak at him, spittle flying out of my mouth. I'm enraged. He's actually yelling at me asking me who I think I am?? WTF?? YOU'RE THE ONE BLOCKING TRAFFIC *******! Anyway, he takes off down the street, his buddies in front of me follow him in short order. The cooler head of my passenger prevailed so I went to my original destination on another street instead of following these ********. I would have ended up in jail today, for sure, had I done so.

I mean, is this a normal Saturday in the United State of friggin' America nowadays?? W T F MAN.

So, KG, I hear you. I am ready to move, too. That's what we always do but I don't know what else to do about it.
White Shogun said:
KG2422 said:
I'm seriously considering leaving Texas. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

So, KG, I hear you. I am ready to move, too. That's what we always do but I don't know what else to do about it.

Shogun, this country is getting so screwed up it's not funny. I am glad you didn't decide to press the issue with the beaners. We need you posting at Caste Football. Son tontos peligrosos! Usted necesita tener más cuidado.
<DIV style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0.6em; PADDING-LEFT: 0.6em; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.6em; PADDING-TOP: 0.6em">
I don't think moving is bad idea, but you have to realize that wherever you
go, the blacks, hispanics, and other third worlders will only follow you
because you're the ones who they live off of. If people abandon the state,
then the mexicans will be one more step closer to owning the southwest,
like they are doing in southern CA. Your federal tax money will be
redistributed there when they turn it into another mexican dungheap. The
only way to really escape them is to move them south, not you move north.

I don't know how this stuff is going to be resovled without using violence.
If all the whites left the Us the blacks and hispanics would have to follow us. Who else is going to pay the taxes so they can get their welfare check.
Some of you guys need a sorely needed and well deserved vacation. We don't wan't a Caste Football version of someone going "postal". After hearing KG and Shogun's stories of what's going on in Texas, I'm not so sure I want to move back there.
Well, I'm feeling a little better tonight. My all white ymca team pasted another all black team by 21 points. The two refs were black. Didn't matter. They started allowing them to manhandle my buddies in the second half. I started just blasting some of their players. I make my fouls count. We hit a couple of threes to secure the lead and they fell apart.
Kinda cathartic, wasn't it KG. It sounds like you guys play Big Ten basketball. Lots of physical play and the occasional three pointer. I wish I had a similar outlet at the moment.
Where are you going to move to? The whole country is going that way. Trust me, if the Shenandoah Valley can be overrun, which is has been, there is no place left to turn. Better stand your ground. I think we all need to do that.
I know whar you're saying cslewis and I used to feel the same way. But - this place is too hot, too polluted, and majority non - white. Besides, I feel like I'm the only one around here who stands my ground sometimes. Their all so brainwashed, especially the young people. If this country is ever ripe for revolution during my lifetime, I'm up for it. But in the meantime, if I find someplace my wife and I can have a better life, I'm going. White flight is good. The deterioration of the abandoned areas serves as evidence for nationalist ideas. Look at New Orleans. That's opened some eyes. Things will change. That is the one thing that is constant. I may not post for awhile. We're going on a trip. Take care fellas.
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