How WE get into B.S. Wars


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Yep. War without end for Israel and Wall Street. Patrick Buchanan can be real sharp. Too bad he deliberately destroyed the first real viable third party we had here in many years, the Reform Party.

War without end. War is peace.

PS When an earlier Ferguson setup was being orchestrated by the controlled USSA media - the Rodney King "motorist" thing - with the media playing the out of context film clip of the officers trying to subdue the drug pushing career criminal without shooting him (which they should have done) over and over and over 24/7, their usual modus operandi when they're trying to start a black riot, Pat Buchanan was running for president, and he was the ONLY one of the candidates that did not, at least initially, support the black rioters.

So now those degenerate hirelings in Washington - whose multiracial multisexual army has got its ass kicked everywhere from Granada to Somalia wants to f'ing start a war with f'ing Russia and China!?