How to talk to a commie

That was South Vietnam's Chief of National Police executing a Viet Cong in 1968. He was using the original Smith & Wesson Bodyguard, an aluminum frame 5 shot .38 spl, a very good gun but a very bad war.
That's probably the second most famous picture from the Vietnam War, after the terrified Vietnamese children fleeing from an Agent Orange bombing.
I cant say anything positive about executing POWs, regardless of which side they are on. That picture makes me unhappy.
I think its too complicated to summarize it into a simple "we're pretty sure he killed people, so he should be shot without any trial".
If a US airman who bombed a village and thereby killed civilians was executed upon capture, itd be equally distasteful for me.
But screw it, war is hell and I dont have the inside knowledge that the shooter has. So I could easily be wrong.
I think its too complicated to summarize it into a simple "we're pretty sure he killed people, so he should be shot without any trial".
If a US airman who bombed a village and thereby killed civilians was executed upon capture, itd be equally distasteful for me.
But screw it, war is hell and I dont have the inside knowledge that the shooter has. So I could easily be wrong.

You put this in quotes:

"we're pretty sure he killed people, so he should be shot without any trial"

What are you quoting? It is certainly not from what i posted before, "The Story behind the famous “Saigon Execution” Photo". That tells quite a different story than what you are trying to convey.

That being said, the Vietnam war was monstrous, and based like all their other ******** wars upon the lies of the politicians - lies, false flags and setups, every single war the USA has ever been involved in. Every one. Almost 60,000 young Americans died, and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, all for politicians' devils lies about "domino theories" and whatever other crap their speechwriters could come up with.

Today Vietnam is a thriving country, at odds with China, and the "dominoes" bullcrap is long forgotten, and presidential candidate and senator for life John McCain, "tortured" by the Viet commies (yeah right - that's why he gained 40 pounds during his captivity while real American POW's lost about 75 pounds) according to the official story line, suddenly became the number one PR guy for Vietnam after the war, not to mention PR guy for the mafia (his boss Joey Joe Bananas Bonanno), Keating 5 gang, ISIS, Mossad, the beer rackets...
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Obviously i wasnt making an actual quote but summarizing what was essentially said in the article. Just like you dont accept the Government's word that the war was justified, i dont unquestioningly believe some vietnamese officials account of who the young man was and supposedly did to deserve his execution.
The still photo is dramatic but the live film is more disturbing. The terrorist has his brains ooze out of the hole in his head and falls to the ground like a sack of flour. Liberal pansies don't understand war. The Viet Cong wouldn't have shown any mercy to the officer if they captured him, war is man in his most primitive state.
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My Dad served two tours of duty in Vietnam, & says we shouldn't have been there. He feels it wasn't fought to (truly) win. He's staunchly anti-communist & also pro-liberty (America 1.0).
If the Vietnam War had been fought to win, the U.S. would have invaded and conquered North Vietnam. Instead it was fought as an endless defensive standoff, sucking up huge amounts of taxpayer money for all those years, resulting in over 58,000 Americans killed and more than 300,000 injured. Vietnam vets were treated like dog crap when they returned home, and the war was the catalyst for the Permanent Cultural Revolution to launch its assault on everything good about America 1.0. Now the children and grandchildren of the radical left are firmly in control of all institutions of power, and their totalitarian nature is constantly on display. It was always about power, about the communists' "long march through the institutions" as enabled by their slightly more conservative (((elders))) even as the government claimed to be fighting communism abroad, while the old "WASP" ruling class was too timid and deracinated to put up much resistance.

The scum running wild through the streets today have no interest in protesting against Washington's endless wars in the Middle East, because there's no draft, and because those wars are being waged in large part at the behest of the Zionist neo-conservatives. Today's communism is focused almost solely on replacing and eliminating Whites as rapidly as possible, and mobilizing en masse to destroy any hints of pro-White awareness and survival instincts.
If the Vietnam War had been fought to win, the U.S. would have invaded and conquered North Vietnam. Instead it was fought as an endless defensive standoff, sucking up huge amounts of taxpayer money for all those years, resulting in over 58,000 Americans killed and more than 300,000 injured. Vietnam vets were treated like dog crap when they returned home, and the war was the catalyst for the Permanent Cultural Revolution to launch its assault on everything good about America 1.0. Now the children and grandchildren of the radical left are firmly in control of all institutions of power, and their totalitarian nature is constantly on display. It was always about power, about the communists' "long march through the institutions" as enabled by their slightly more conservative (((elders))) even as the government claimed to be fighting communism abroad, while the old "WASP" ruling class was too timid and deracinated to put up much resistance.

The scum running wild through the streets today have no interest in protesting against Washington's endless wars in the Middle East, because there's no draft, and because those wars are being waged in large part at the behest of the Zionist neo-conservatives. Today's communism is focused almost solely on replacing and eliminating Whites as rapidly as possible, and mobilizing en masse to destroy any hints of pro-White awareness and survival instincts.

Speaking of treating Vietnam vets "like dog crap when they returned home." that was a "Jewish thing" in large part. The American soldier in Vietnam was (is) bashed relentlessly in so-called (((Popular Culture))) by media types, film makers, TV screenwriters (in 70's cop shows, the villain was almost always a white Vietnam veteran) and books.

One method was when a Vietnam vet was depicted favorably, he'd be black. When showing a vet in a negative light, he'd be white.

A favorite (((trope))) was to compare the US soldier in Vietnam to the Nazi soldier in WW II. Several times I've seen a neocon columnist begin a paen to "our men and women fighting the war against terror" by admitting to taking part in antiwar demonstrations during the Vietnam period. Mona Charen is an example.
If the Vietnam War had been fought to win, the U.S. would have invaded and conquered North Vietnam. Instead it was fought as an endless defensive standoff, sucking up huge amounts of taxpayer money for all those years, resulting in over 58,000 Americans killed and more than 300,000 injured. Vietnam vets were treated like dog crap when they returned home, and the war was the catalyst for the Permanent Cultural Revolution to launch its assault on everything good about America 1.0. Now the children and grandchildren of the radical left are firmly in control of all institutions of power, and their totalitarian nature is constantly on display. It was always about power, about the communists' "long march through the institutions" as enabled by their slightly more conservative (((elders))) even as the government claimed to be fighting communism abroad, while the old "WASP" ruling class was too timid and deracinated to put up much resistance.

The scum running wild through the streets today have no interest in protesting against Washington's endless wars in the Middle East, because there's no draft, and because those wars are being waged in large part at the behest of the Zionist neo-conservatives. Today's communism is focused almost solely on replacing and eliminating Whites as rapidly as possible, and mobilizing en masse to destroy any hints of pro-White awareness and survival instincts.

Excellent post, Don, and truly an accurate summation of the last 50 years of the agenda being carried out. You have had some humdingers of posts over the years but that may be my favorite of all of them.

You summed up the things that make for an internal conflict; underlying how we can be gracious and loving toward some people in this world, and then feel the antithesis and be livid toward the enemies of humanity, as clearly evident in some of my posts. (Yeah, I know, that ain't a news flash)...

I hope my fellow CFers can "relate" ;)
My Dad served two tours of duty in Vietnam, & says we shouldn't have been there. He feels it wasn't fought to (truly) win. He's staunchly anti-communist & also pro-liberty (America 1.0).
Two tours - that's something - Semper Fi to your dad. One was enough for me. Here's something I've thought for a long time. The disaster of the Vietnam war came afterwards. It's my belief that those men who didn't do anything but stay out of the draft and go to college formed the real disaster of that war. What should have happened after that war was that the men who served should have been elevated in the society and that didn't happen for the most part. The men who sat out the war in colleges (Bill Clinton) were the ones given priority which is a** backwards. After all these years we see the damage done to the idea of America (America to me has always been and idea). Young men who stand aside and do nothing for their nation during such a time as Vietnam will raise their children to be the same as they are. There are many aspects of all this such as feminism. Once women and their handlers saw this, they knew the door was open to them. I'll shorten this up. If the young men who stayed at home had been serious they would have gone out in the thousands/millions and burnt their draft cards and thrown bricks through the windows of recruiting booths and been locked up for it. That would have stopped the war. But they chose to sit and play footsy with Suzy Q. and be comfortable which is not allowable to young men during such times. The nation is paying the price for their choice now in spades.
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