How much time?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
How much time do we have left to advance our thoughts and ideas? We know what has been happening throughout Europe. Writers are being punished and jailed for expressing opinions. Not just the so-called holocaust deniers,but anyone critical of the Usual Suspects, or speaking against multi-culturalism, can be charged with violating hate laws put in place to stifle opposition.Whatever your point of view, all should be concerned.

[url] e-seek-asylum-over-thought-offense-charges_4209.html#more-42 09[/url]

Two British citizens, Simon Sheppard and Steve Whittle, have sought political asylum in the United States after being convicted under Britain's notoriously repressive race laws. Their case made legal history because they were convicted in connection with a website which is based in the United States, where its contents are legal.

The website concerned publishes articles satirising many aspects of modern liberal politics. Readers may disagree with much of the site's content, but the criminalisation of Messrs Sheppard and Whittle is an especially worrying extension of the continent-wide attack on European freedom.

Until recently it had been thought that authors and publishers had some degree of legal protection if their work appeared on websites hosted on U.S. servers. The Sheppard and Whittle case shows that British courts are now claiming that their jurisdiction extends across the Atlantic.

The U.K. currently has no law specifically prohibiting Holocaust revisionism, but the Sheppard and Whittle case implies that the existing laws against "racial hatred" will be reinterpreted to criminalise some forms of revisionism.

Simon Sheppard and Steve Whittle have chosen to publicise this attack on freedom by flying to California and claiming political asylum. This bold course of action has seriously embarrassed the British authorities, and puts the spotlight on the contrast between the First Amendment protections enjoyed by Americans and the increasingly severe crackdown on political dissent across Europe. (snip)

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Wow, amazing! I hope they win!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Me too. Incredible story, and very sad. Of course its just a coincidence thatinfringements upon freedom such as these are made in a country where hardly anyonecan own a usable firearm.
Nov 8, 2006
The truth doesn't need to be protected by laws. The anti-white fantasy land created by modern academia is a house of cards that can't stand up to even the most cursory critical examination.

Thus, laws.

Just look at the official stories. Gas chambers with wooden doors and glass windows? Swimming pools and theaters in death camps? Different color smoke (note, crematoria don't produce huge clouds of smoke) depending on the ethnicity of the jewish victims? Blood shooting out of the ground?

Even a child wouldn't fall for these stories, but the miracle of jew-run cultural marxism has taken away our ability to point out the obvious lies. If being labeled a "hater" and having your life ruined isn't enough, it's into a government gulag. It's an outrage.