How it's going to go down.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I had to stop in a ghetto store the other day on the way home from work to pick up some milk. It was the middle of the day and I wasn't worried as there was a lot of people around, and anyway I don't much care cause that's how I roll. So I'm in line behind about 5-6 people and each one is putting their stuff in the protective glass case to get rung up and then swiping their cards to pay for the stuff.

So I get up and put in the milk container and swipe my card and it beeps. What's wrong asks the guy and I show him my card and he goes: "We don't take Visa or mastercard here" I'm like, wha..? Who doesn't take credit cards? so I foolishly say "what did all those people in front of me use?" And he tells me "Bridge cards" And then it hits me, everyone in there was, of course, on public assistance. This store can take the governments funny money but not the hard earned bread I earn. And to top it off I didn't have cash! HAHA Jokes on me.

I leave the store and watch all those people talking on their cells phones (probably smart phones-I don't have one), getting into newer cars then mine. And it hits me. This is how its going to go down. How long before it becomes apparent that guys like me are dumb asses for going to work everyday just to maintain the same basic lifestyle as those deadbeats. And the govt will have an easy time issuing every person in the country a card and filling it up based on how much the govt. thinks you should have.

The system is in place for a cashless society. Forget the dollar, inflation, currency debasement. It's all going to be electronic and all doled out by Big Brother and it won't matter how much you are worth or how hard you work. That is going to be the way it is when the SHTF, when the economy collapses, when NO stores take credit cards because the banks won't back them. You will get Uncle Obama's card and they will fill it up for you and that is what you will have. That's my prediction anyway.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Jax, interesting story. I bet that fine establishment isn't used to patronage by members of the working class. ;-)

I think the PTB will initially use a system/approach similar to what you described. However, I think their goal is a (mandatory) microchipped populace. This will be the "mark of the beast" which the Bible speaks man being able to buy or sell without. <:-(

What's your "gut" feel for when the SHTF?? I've heard some recently estimate as soon at 2-3 months. I'd guess they'll use the dollar collapse as their lynch pin (within 6 to 12 months). I hope that I'm wrong on that time projection (for all our sakes), but it's looking very dire. :-(

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
I don't have much to add but wanted to let you know I appreciated this thread. It's amusing, albeit in a sad way.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I don't have much to add but wanted to let you know I appreciated this thread. It's amusing, albeit in a sad way.

They'll be nothing amusing when the economy implodes, widescale riots commence, martial law is declared, troops are in the streets & FEMA camps are filled. If you doubt that, re-assess that in 12-16 months.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
They'll be nothing amusing when the economy implodes, widescale riots commence, martial law is declared, troops are in the streets & FEMA camps are filled. If you doubt that, re-assess that in 12-16 months.

Alex Jones is controlled opposition, he has people believing that the Bilderbergers have meetings where they worship giant owls. His mission is to obfuscate, distract and disrupt. Our masters don't need FEMA camps. They own us already, and the masses are beyond reprogramming.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Alex Jones is controlled opposition, he has people believing that the Bilderbergers have meetings where they worship giant owls. His mission is to obfuscate, distract and disrupt. Our masters don't need FEMA camps. They own us already, and the masses are beyond reprogramming.

I've read that sentiment expressed on SF as well...that Alex is a z10nist shill, etc. Whether he's been co-opt'd or not, I don't know. I do know that what few liberties we have left are quickly fading.

You don't think the PTB will stage another false flag or collapse the (fiat currency based) economy sometime soon?


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
This is the future of our nation unfortunately. We're getting to the point to where the takers outnumber the makers. Thanks to Obama for making it a more lucrative option not to work as opposed to being employed, expect to see more situations like this where our money is rendered worthless.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
I remember a radio interview with Jared Taylor some years ago. The discussion eventually turned to the subject of intelligence and race. An evidently offended black person called into the program and asked, “If we are so dumb, how come we get everything from the government free?â€￾ Taylor could only say the caller makes a good point.

I’m not wise enough to know how the Ponzi scheme will end. I do know one day there will be some very, very irate people who worked and saved all their lives only to find their pensions and savings consumed by the debt bubble. I worry about the elderly the most in a worst case scenario.

Here’s an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts that’s chock full of good stuff. Digital money, collapse, gun control and war are brought up. I was unaware of something called a Tsunami bomb until I heard this.



Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I realize CF members are spread across this once great land. But I will chime in on this important thread.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a gas station to fill up. Once inside I went to the ATM to pull out some righteous earned income. Above the ATM machine it stated, we accept EBT cards!! This means these losers, welfare baby mama's and assorte miscreants can pull out US currency and use it for everything other than substance! Which it was meant for. F***

Not alcohol, strip clubs, hookers, smokes and fast food or any other luxury. Our country is head down the ****ter. The sad and frustrating part is I have a considerable of retirement amount wrapped up in the stock market and mutual funds. Once the SHTF I will suffer as well. I did not get into gold quick enough.

God Help me and us.
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Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I realize CF members are spread across this once great land. But I will chime in on this important thread.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a gas station to fill up. Once inside I went to the ATM to pull out some righteous earned income. Above the ATM machine it stated, we accept EBT cards!! This means these losers, welfare baby mama's and assorte miscreants can pull out US currency and use it for everything other than substance! Which it was meant for. F***

Not alcohol, strip clubs, hookers, smokes and fast food or any other luxury. Our country is head down the ****ter. The sad and frustrating part is I have a considerable of retirement amount wrapped up in the stock market and mutual funds. Once the SHTF I will suffer as well. I did not get into gold quick enough.

God Help me and us.
Furthermore, I have had friends who would be stalwart CF members. But have he laid off. Now, their into "gaming" the BO system with bogus disablitity claims and fraudulent workmen comp claims.

One loser ex friend of mine is getting 6500.00 dollars a month to basically kick back at home and do nothing on a bogus workmen comp claim. He realizes this and works part time as a claim adjuster until further notice. His total income for work at most is 20 hours a week is 8000.00 a month! Unreal. I don't associate with him anymore. This mofo now goes to massage palors with happy endings on my taxes. F**K!

Alot of of White professionals laid off are now corrupt and seek the "free" or paper money that BO and his disgusting party are promoting. Its going to be wild ride with alot of responsible people getting hurt.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Finally, I had a co worker tell me that his loser son told his boss to fire him so he could get unemployement where his take home is substainly better. The place is "Pep Boys" an automotive supply store. The prick son got the manager to fire him for reason.!


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
The system is in place for a cashless society. Forget the dollar, inflation, currency debasement. It's all going to be electronic and all doled out by Big Brother and it won't matter how much you are worth or how hard you work. That is going to be the way it is when the SHTF, when the economy collapses, when NO stores take credit cards because the banks won't back them. You will get Uncle Obama's card and they will fill it up for you and that is what you will have. That's my prediction anyway.

its already starting, by march, everyone with social security, ssi, veteran's affair's, railroad retirement, office of personnel management, Department of Labor (Black Lung) will be forced to have electronic payments by March 1st. I know its more than old people that get social security and ssi but they seem to be the ones the most upset with this.

its supposed to prevent fraud, but how does sending a card through the mail rather than a check prevent fraud?

as far as workman's comp and any other benefits, it seems like it can be a vicious cycle, suppose someone really does need it for a while, they get reliant on it. It should be like unempolyment where it goes down after a while. For these people that hurt themselves, why no program to send them to school so they can get a career in something else that doesn't aggravate their injury instead of sending them checks to do nothing?
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Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
IMHO, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner guarantees a debt limit increase in a chess move that forces the opponent to give up ground. In an accounting move he is borrowing from pension funds to avoid going over the debt ceiling. No debt ceiling increase in the coming negotiations put the pension funds in jeopardy? Sinister.

Geithner says gov't will borrow from federal employee pension fund

WASHINGTON - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says the government has begun borrowing from the federal employee pension fund to keep operating without surpassing its debt limit.

Geithner says in a letter to congressional leaders that the move will free up $156 billion in borrowing authority while Congress debates increasing the $16.4 trillion debt limit.

The government reached its borrowing limit on Dec. 31, but began using bookkeeping maneuvers to keep from surpassing it. Geithner has told congressional leaders that Treasury expects to exhaust those measures by mid-February to early March.

The latest action has been taken by other Treasury secretaries and will not put in jeopardy any monthly pension payments. Geithner said he will replace the funds removed from the pension account after the borrowing limit is raised.


Bruce Pierce II

I would highly disagree that the takers are outnumbering the makers but we are on a slippery precipice with no real ' exit strategy '. Such is the Zio controlled melting pot of a cesspool we live in.