Home Depot Supports Sodomite Empowerment


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Sign the petition and join the stand against cultmarx HD & their enabling the sodomite's vile agenda...

The Home Depot promotes the homosexual agenda

For several years, The Home Depot has given its financial and corporate support to open displays of homosexual activism on main streets in America's towns.

Rather than remain neutral in the culture war, The Home Depot has chosen to sponsor and participate in numerous gay pride parades and festivals. Most grievous is The Home Depot's deliberately exposing small children to lascivious displays of sexual conduct by homosexuals and cross-dressers, which are a common occurrence at these events.

Judge for yourself by reviewing the photos below, taken during recent homosexual events sponsored by The Home Depot. Should The Home Depot be helping advance the homosexual agenda? And more importantly, will you choose to boycott The Home Depot?

The goal of every homosexual organization supported by The Home Depot is to get homosexual marriage legalized. The information below provides just a glimpse of how broad The Home Depot's support for the homosexual movement is.
The Home Depot's track record of support for the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage and exposing young children to gay celebrations in public.

* In June 2010, The Home Depot set up a "Kids Workshop" as a vendor at the several homosexual festivals and parades.
* In 2009, The Home Depot gave over $5,000 to be a major sponsor of the Nashville Gay Pride Festival. It also sponsored parades in Atlanta, Kansas City, Portland and San Diego. Read more.

* The Home Depot offers insurance benefits that cover sex-changes operations for employees. That insurance also extends to same-sex partners of homosexual employees, proving The Home Depot considers gay couples as "married." Source: Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index
* In 2008, The Home Depot sponsored the Durham Pride Weekend with a kid's workshop and parade march. The events include "massages for couples" and "Drag Shows."
* As early as 2005, The Home Depot placed a full-page ad in the Out & Equal homosexual workplace conference program guide.


The Home Depot proudly displays its support for homosexuality in this parade float. The company has placed corporate-approved floats in multiple gay pride parades over the past few years.

The Home Depot says it will continue to allow employees to participate in future pride parades and festivals "in any way" they choose.

The flags in these Home Depot cups promote a gay website which proclaims itself as "the men's social group for men who have sex with men."

The cups were given to children by The Home Depot gay parade marchers, while homosexual activists followed up by introducing them to gay sex websites.

The Home Depot has no problem aligning itself with gay activist groups who target children with a pro-homosexual message.

This Home Depot employee's apron sticker shows support for the nation's largest gay advocacy organization, The Human Rights Campaign.

In addition, employees decorate their company aprons with other pro-homosexual messages.
2009atlanta5smallNumerous Home Depot employees marched in the 2009 Atlanta Gay Pride parade, pushing shopping carts and passing out Home Depot items to the crowd.
hdpuppet_smallHome Depot sent its mascot to march in the 2009 Chicago Pride Parade. Here, he is posing with a parade participant.
gaydadboothThe Home Depot set up this Kids Workshop at the 2009 Central Pennsylvania Gay Pride Festival.

Boycott the Home Depot





Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I signed the petition and hope it has some effect. Sadly, Home Depot seems to be increasingly flaunting this connection. They are one of a plethora of companies that openly support the homosexual agenda.


Apr 22, 2006
I worked at a Home Depot here in Nashville, my night shift manager was gay. I remember during Christmas he "put cute lil Christmas lights in his truck". Man I hated that job.