Holder Spews Police State Propaganda


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The article mentioned Somali immigrants returning to Somalia for terrorism training, Al-Queda, etc. Didn't see much about home-grown terrorists, aka the NRA, militia, Tea Partiers, etc.

If you guys don't think Muslims are gonna blow stuff up in this country sooner or later, I don't know what to tell you.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
White Shogun said:
The article mentioned Somali immigrants returning to Somalia for terrorism training, Al-Queda, etc. Didn't see much about home-grown terrorists, aka the NRA, militia, Tea Partiers, etc.

If you guys don't think Muslims are gonna blow stuff up in this country sooner or later, I don't know what to tell you.

Agreed. Sooner or later it's going to happen. Suicide bombers in our shopping malls, schools, churches, bombings of our nuclear power plants and our water supply will be attacked, the list of easily accessible targets goes on and on.


Apr 6, 2007
White Shogun said:
The article mentioned Somali immigrants returning to Somalia for terrorism training, Al-Queda, etc. Didn't see much about home-grown terrorists, aka the NRA, militia, Tea Partiers, etc.

If you guys don't think Muslims are gonna blow stuff up in this country sooner or later, I don't know what to tell you.



Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

With all due respect, the Neocons have continously leveraged terrorism for a crackdown on our freedoms (Military Commissions Act, so-called "Patriot Act" & John Warner Defense Authorization). Now, the Demoncraps continue the Orwellian rhetoric (proving the fallacy of the Left/Right paradigm). Anyone who's researched the history of false-flag/black ops has to question the legitmacy of these so-called "terror" threats. I don't honestly believe there's a large-scale threat of (non govt asset) Islamic "terrorism" here. I think the only large-scale threat would be via (another) false-flag op. Uncle Scam does a good job of mixing a small amount of legit terror with more black ops to justify police-state growth. I suggest you all watch the outstanding documentary for more insight...

TerrorStorm - A History of Govt Sponsored "Terror"Edited by: DixieDestroyer

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
DixieDestroyer said:

With all due respect, the Neocons have continously leveraged terrorism for a crackdown on our freedoms (Military Commissions Act, so-called "Patriot Act" & John Warner Defense Authorization). Now, the Demoncraps continue the Orwellian rhetoric (proving the fallacy of the Left/Right paradigm). Anyone who's researched the history of false-flag/black ops has to question the legitmacy of these so-called "terror" threats. I don't honestly believe there's a large-scale threat of (non govt asset) Islamic "terrorism" here. I think the only large-scale threat would be via (another) false-flag op. Uncle Scam does a good job of mixing a small amount of legit terror with more black ops to justify police-state growth. I suggest you all watch the outstanding documentary for more insight...

TerrorStorm - A History of Govt Sponsored "Terror"

The vast majority of "muslim terrorists" are unable to successfully set off a 4th of July roman candle much less threaten institutions of power. And when they are arrested a federal agent is almost always at the center of it, organizing and encouraging the "conspiracy."

And even if there is the occasional terrorist incident, that's no reason to formally ditch the Constitution. Think back to the late '60s and early '70s -- bombs going off regularly on college campuses, large and violent anti-war demonstrations, planes regularly being hijacked to Cuba, Black Panthers on the streets, etc. We managed to survive all that and more without becoming a totalitarian police state. The huge, huge difference between then and now is that Americans have been carefully programmed to be fearful and gladly tradeliberty for a non-existent "security." In a vast country of over 3 million square miles one stands a far greater chance of dying from a lightning strike or a tornado than at the hands of terrorists. Edited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Thanks Don. You're extremely knowledgable on the methods of the Globalist Elite...in this case false-flags & fear mongering to justify a police state & erosion of our Constitutional rights! I used to be a mainline Republican...duped by the NWO puppet-masters, until I awoke to the truth & began researching the Globalist Elite...their history, pawns & agenda(s). I truly appreciate CF & ANU for being strong bastions of truth amongst a huge sea of propaganda & disinfo on the internet!
Edited by: DixieDestroyer

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I think our disagreement is over the nature and possible extent of Muslim terrorism, and it's relation to US and Western immigration law.

I am anti-Turd World immigration, and favor strict enforcement at the border; a curb or moratorium on legal immigration; and expelling of 'illegal' aliens, regardless of expense and time.

If the US continues to import Somali 'refugees' and plant them in small towns and cities across America, as well as refugees from other countries, in my opinion it is a matter of time until one of them commits a suicide bombing or other attack.

I do agree that this is no reason to encroach or limit our freedom any further; however, adding restrictions against the importation of Somalis and others is not in my opinion restricting my freedom at all.

The real test for Muslim immigration is Europe. Take a look at Europe and Muslim demographics. I read that over 50% of newborns in Belgium are Muslim. Once the population tipping point has passed, we'll see if Muslims are any threat to Western civilization or not.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
DixieDestroyer said:
Thanks Don. You're extremely knowledgable on the methods of the Globalist Elite...in this case false-flags & fear mongering to justify a police state & erosion of our Constitutional rights! I used to be a mainline Republican...duped by the NWO puppet-masters, until I awoke to the truth & began researching the Globalist Elite...their history, pawns & agenda(s). I truly appreciate CF & ANU for being strong bastions of truth amongst a huge sea of propaganda & disinfo on the internet!

Let's not joust with strawmen and assume that someone who is in favor of restrictions against immigration and recognizes the possibility of Muslim terrorism is a 'Republican.' After all, a Republican president is the one who signed into law most of the recent draconian restrictions on our liberty anyone.

I am neither Republican nor Democrat, as I see both as corrupt to the core and nothing good coming from either party (except Ron Paul, and even he is tainted by association with the GOP.)


Apr 6, 2007
I spent some years in the mid-east as an adviser before I retired. I keep up with news through contacts about the area and have watched Islam grow more radical into a "barracks religion." While I don't foresee anything like 9-11 happening, whats to stop some jihadists from going into a mall and just blasting away like what happened in Mumbai? The logistics and planning for that type of operation would be very simple and lord knows we already have WAY TOO MANY of prospective recruits here in the US. I'm surprised that it hasn't happened already


May 10, 2008
Menelik said:
I...watched Islam grow more radical into a "barracks religion."
Menelik, how did this happen? I mean, what was the "mechanism", the current "trigger"? Certainly, the seeds have been there for centuries, but something must have enabled or "watered" it. Sure, Zionism, but might there more to it than this? Oil wealth perhaps? Television?

I met a former Czech defector some months ago (he still does some work for a Czech opposition figure). He is convinced that the current re-radicalization of Islam was a conscious last-ditch effort by the Communist Russians, as part of the Gorbachev perestroika, to infiltrate and radicalize during their Afghani war.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
WS, I didn't mean to imply you (or anyone else) was a "Republicrud", but was only alluding to my having been one for years. Also, I'm totally for massive immigration reform...not just the illegal invaders, but ALL immigration (including the H-1B rubynogs taking American IT jobs). Also, I'm no fan of the Muhammedan heathen.
My initial post was in allusion to DHS/DOJ utilization of "terror" (legit or staged) to strip our Constitutional rights.Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I can see some small acts of terroism happening. I'm also surprised it hasn't happened yet. I don't see larger terroism happening though. Nuclear facilities are very well gaurded. Water and other utilities are also pretty well looked after.


Oct 26, 2008
White Shogun said:
I think our disagreement is over the nature and possible extent of Muslim terrorism, and it's relation to US and Western immigration law.

I am anti-Turd World immigration, and favor strict enforcement at the border; a curb or moratorium on legal immigration; and expelling of 'illegal' aliens, regardless of expense and time.

If the US continues to import Somali 'refugees' and plant them in small towns and cities across America, as well as refugees from other countries, in my opinion it is a matter of time until one of them commits a suicide bombing or other attack.

I do agree that this is no reason to encroach or limit our freedom any further; however, adding restrictions against the importation of Somalis and others is not in my opinion restricting my freedom at all.

The real test for Muslim immigration is Europe. Take a look at Europe and Muslim demographics. I read that over 50% of newborns in Belgium are Muslim. Once the population tipping point has passed, we'll see if Muslims are any threat to Western civilization or not.

I agree. Why do we need all these 3rd World people in this country? I can live without someone from Somali in my city. I wish they would move to New Canaan, Ct or Beverly Hills of Lake Forest. Why change the whole culture in this country? I just got something in the mail from our local schools and my district now has a minority-majority student population and this is a suburb that was almost all white a few decades ago. This is how we are giving this country away. And the school district says we embrace this.
It's a shame that Europe is being destroyed. I wanted to move there, since everyone in the world is moving here, but it might not be worth it now.


Oct 26, 2008
I also agree with DD that all immigration should be cut off. That includes all pro athletes and IT workers and all illegals should be expelled, but I am pessimistic that this will happen.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
It's ridiculous what is happening in America and other places that white people have carved out of the wilderness. Most white people are so oblivious to it that it makes me sick. One way to appeal to them is to frame the immigrant issue around two popular issues. First point out that more Americans is bad for the environment. Since most dumb ass whites have been convinced to worship anything environmentally sound, I use that to convince them that 3rd worlders coming to America will just expand the carbon footprint of the nation. It's also helps out to use overpopulation, crowding, and increased traffic as a reason to limit the importation of foreign retards. This is a good way to appeal to the selfishness of trendy whites and get them to take an anti immigrant viewpoint.

The other thing to bring up is how immigrants take jobs away from blacks who compete with them for lower skill work. Of course we know that there is actually nothing that would convince lazy ass black ghetto dwellers to work, but DWF's play like they don't know that so are forced to agree that yes it would be nice if Leroy had something else to do then sit on the corner with a malt liquer.

If a person calls your bluff using either of these talking points then you know that he may actually be on our side and you can give him the straight story.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
DixieDestroyer said:
WS, I didn't mean to imply you (or anyone else) was a "Republicrud", but was only alluding to my having been one for years. Also, I'm totally for massive immigration reform...not just the illegal invaders, but ALL immigration (including the H-1B rubynogs taking American IT jobs). Also, I'm no fan of the Muhammedan heathen.
My initial post was in allusion to DHS/DOJ utilization of "terror" (legit or staged) to strip our Constitutional rights.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, DD. I'm no fan of big government, either.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
While theruling classhas stoked internal and external fear of Muslims to justify building a totalitarian surveillance state, at the same time decades of open border policies -- even after 9/11 -- are bringing the tactics of the Mexican drug cartels into the Southwest -- an epidemic of kidnappings in Phoenix, and the other day the throwing of a hand grenade into a Texas bar. The armies of the Mexican drug lords are as ruthless as any in the world today.

ATF worries about cartel grenades coming into U.S.

It was a scenario U.S. law enforcement had long feared: A fragmentation grenade from Mexico's bloody drug war tossed into a public place.

Only the grenade thrower's bumbling prevented bloodshed in a south Texas bar _ he neglected to pull a second safety clasp. But the act was proof that one of the deadliest weapons in Mexico's drug battle is a real threat to the U.S., and investigators are stepping up efforts to make sure it doesn't happen again.

While Mexican drug violence has been spilling across the border in the form of kidnappings and killings, grenades are a particular worry because they can kill large numbers of people indiscriminately, and they are a weapon of choice among Mexican cartel members.
full article: http://asia.news.yahoo.com/ap/20090804/twl-drug-war-grenades-in-america-1be00ca.htmlEdited by: Don Wassall

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
this was on the Yahoo home page this morning: Officials see rise in militia groups across the US.
some excerpts:
Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends.

The stress of a poor economy and a liberal administration led by a black president are among the causes for the recent rise, the report from the Southern Poverty Law Center says. Conspiracy theories about a secret Mexican plan to reclaim the Southwest are also growing amid the public debate about illegal immigration.

Bart McEntire, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, told SPLC researchers that this is the most growth he's seen in more than a decade.

"All it's lacking is a spark," McEntire said in the report ...
people ideologically against paying taxes and so-called "sovereign citizens" are popping up in large numbers ...

"White supremacists and militias are more violent and thus more likely to conduct mass-casualty attacks on the scale of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing," the threat projection said ...

in addition to the normal anti-White sentiments in the piece such as quoting the SPLC as a legitimate source and condemning said people for disliking the illegal acts of the federal gov't, it purposefully denies the truth. there is no "secret conspiracy to take over the Southwest." it is VERY PUBLIC. jeez.

the propaganda machines are on 24-7 these days, but maybe the sheeple are finally waking up. hopefully ...


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Of course the Mexi-Invaders want to "reclaim" Azlan...as JC alluded to, that's common knowledge. As far as OKC95, I feel that was a false-flag op (ala 9/11) for Sick Willie ClinTAX & Reno to crack down on patriots (deemed "violent extremists"). BTW, the SPLC is a Marxist propaganda outlet funded by the Globalist Elite.