High Profile Domestic Violence


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I've been meaning to start this thread, and am doing it now. This thread is not a response to obese creep Keith Ellison and the allegations against him.

First things first:

Many of the highest-profile domestic violence homicides have involved Chosenites. Some people still don't realize this. There's something significant in Chosenites having that Inside Baseball understanding of each other's true nature. They will tear each other to shreds. Several of these cases have been featured on Investigation Discovery channel. Just some examples-

-Newlywed bucks kill wife for whatever reason, sometimes life insurance. The females have done this too.
-Married bucks on the downlow kill one or more wives.
-Married buck (who has a jewish wife) has a fetish for black females who look tranny. SHTF in one way or another.
-Step-moms seducing step-sons and boys in the neighborhood.

Uncanny how it mirrors the Chosenites own lifeless rotten smut!

The realm of color:

Acting-buck Michael Jace -- Went BOOM, brutally 'punishing' and murdering his mulatto wife in front of their two young children (because she was going to leave).

Football-buck Jovan Belcher -- Murdered his on again/off again black gf/baby mama. Went to KC Chiefs' stadium perhaps looking for management -- eventually got pushed back by security -- then kilt self.

Ex football-buck Tommy Kane -- Coldly murdered his estranged black wife at a house gathering (in the kitchen). Several black females were aghast at the public display of carnage and depriving her 4 kids of their mom. Tommy - a real piece of work going back to his days at Syracuse.

Supa fambly man Steve McNair and his Persian mistress are dead, either via the official story or something else. The Caste 'black godman' media got a few omelets splattered on their faces with this one, boy did they. McNair repeatedly cheated on his wife who gave him 4 kids.

(B-ball) Lorenzen Wright's black wife likely plotted against him - leading to his death - with a few other blacks (and everything should already be wrapped up)... but the AA Memphis police department is well, ya know, can't even follow a rather simple paper trail!

There are several other cases of deaths/near deaths, but I think the point has been made. The next case will be colored-on-colored in my estimation. After that, anything goes. Naturally, the MSM won't *play down* any case of high-profile White domestic violence like they've done elsewhere. If Michael Jace was White, it would have been absolutely blasted.

--Bison Dele and his White girlfriend, and his gibsmedat wanker brother be sailing -- a likely double lead poisoning and bodies thrown in ocean -- interesting cautionary tell about the company you keep. One or two programs have been aired on ID channel about this.
Yeah Chris Henry died while hanging in his wifes Truck during an a domestic dispute.
Yeah Chris Henry died while hanging in his wifes Truck during an a domestic dispute.

Yep. Reminded me-

(B-ball upsider) Bryce Dejean-Jones broke into the wrong apartment unit -- on the wrong floor -- while 'looking' for his baby mama and was shotgun-blasted to death. Someone was astute in Texas (not everyone is) and defended their turf. Just think about how the (((recruiting services))), boosters, coaches and sugary announcers' drop to their knees for these guys, just wow, we are living in a cartoon.
Looks like NW do gooder meets the realities of TeamBlackBoy.

The 21-year-old University of Utah student who was allegedly killed late Monday night by her ex-boyfriend -- a registered sex offender -- was reportedly on the phone with her mother just moments before the fatal shooting.

Lauren McCluskey, a senior from Pullman, Washington, was found dead soon after gunshots were heard near a residential dormitory on campus. Her suspected killer, Melvin Rowland, was found dead inside an off-campus church in downtown Salt Lake City.

All the world's a stage for diva boys

Chicago Mercy hospital domestic + wider rampage. Why you gotta involve other people in your drama, Juan Lopez? Well, you are dead, but so is a rookie officer and a pharmacy worker.

Black-on-Thug Life White female (search for her mugshot if you want; this public violence, however, is reprehensible) - https://www.ocala.com/news/20181124/update-victim-suspect-identified-in-walmart-shooting

Kenneth Johnson told the Star-Banner that his brother was turning his life around, adding that “he’s not this monster, but a man with a broken heart.”

He said his brother thought the victim “was the true love of his life.

Da blak mentality on display... hear that ladies? So romantic!

https://www.foxnews.com/us/the-latest-walmart-shooting-suspect-not-expected-to-survive (yeah, he died yesterday evening. This link is somewhat interesting.)
A lot of domestic violence in January, more than December (and some wannabe James Bonds who get caught in about 11 days -- cops were staking them out before finally going in and making the arrest). At least 9 higher profile cases - 1 White case and 8 black cases. One of these blacks - old pure blood - murdered his estranged Mexican wife in a church parking lot in Texas, also wounded their daughter, later taking his own life in a dwelling. Align yourself with a black and something is bound to occur - even if it takes two decades.

Getting back to the first sentence, there were a couple "ambush-style hits" in drive-ways where -- once again -- blacks concocted very poor alibis. (Black) Military love triangle leads to January 1st murder in Michigan, conspicuous much? Greasy Kemia Hassel and 70 IQ Jeremy Cuellar - I wuz dropped on muh head as a child will probably be his defense - complete AAs. Another case where the 'authorities' go soft on the trifling jezebelian female? The media calls it a 'love triangle' but their New Year's resolution was muh gibs pleaze. Sassy Shreveport cop Chateri Payne - gunned down in a plot by 3 diva boys - who get cuffed 3 or 4 days later. The boyfriend and two of his brainiac pals. Suckas! I have no sympathy for anyone here, but they will just kill and kill just because, all the while the media will be searching for a White version of this -- packs of Whites Going Wild like in the movies.
Mutant Man Russian Roulette


I was aware of this case for several months, her manner of death, the mutant perp, but I didn't look for the date of the homicide. Then this link comes along and fills in some details, like November of 2017. I could of previously used a search engine for what is a fairly high-profile outburst followed by his bizarre behavior (in the hall), but didn't care to. Perhaps a satanic element is in play here.

Also, "In Pursuit with John Walsh" on ID has covered a ton of domestic violence -- accurately thus far -- with a bunch of squatmonster and black perps. That includes tonight's new episode with coal-black Eric Jones and his White tramp (shot multiple times in the back). How long before fedgovmeansjewish clamps down? I'm serious, they are showing too much brutality or brute-reality from the magical enrichers, and our betters. Each episode normally features two main stories, but add to that their very short blurb segments..sneaky red pilling often contained within (more DV, etc). Even the woke could learn a little something and discuss with other people.
The Epitome of Jewish Supremacism - (their connections)

Daniel 'Dan' Markel, Florida State University criminology professor, was gunned-down in his Tallahassee carport in 2014. Very high levels of viper-dom from his ex Wendy Adelson and her family *but there isn't enough evidence to charge any of them.* The South Florida Adelson's allegedly hired Hispanic goyim to carry out their dirty work - and I'm sure they did - there IS evidence. It cost them at least a 100 grand and they were local goyim tools. The two hitmen drove up to Tallahassee on a prior occasion, drove by the same house, but didn't do the hit then. This wasn't the cleanest work but the Adelson's are connected and felt 'brave enough' to have someone taken down so loudly...anything for their little girl Wendy so she wouldn't have to have a child-custody arrangement with Dan. Problem solved. Tallahassee and South Florida were just too far in the 21st century, there's a little more to it no doubt but almost nothing justifies the coldness of Wendy, completely erasing Dan's memory from the childrens' lives in the aftermath of the execution-style murder.

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