Have Perceptions of White Athleticism Improved?

Have Perceptions of White Athleticism Improved?

  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 7 87.5%

  • Total voters


Dec 27, 2019
Have perceptions of white athleticism improved as opposed to the past? I know that many if not most people in the general public (including even some otherwise racially aware/pro white types) still think of whites as nonathletic/physical inferiors to blacks but when sports such as boxing were charcoal-black and all the belt holders aside from some mestizos in light weight classes were usually black, when whites did not yet break the 10 second barrier in 100m and it was seen as physically impossible for them, I think was really the nadir of white athletic perception.

I have lurked here for a while and notice that gloom from many users is common, even neuroticism sometimes. But this question has always bothered me and it takes a more positive view on things, have athletes such as the Klitschkos and other white boxers, MMA fighters, white NBA players putting on master-class performances, the Gronks and JJ Watts of the world (as well as McCaffrey) and maybe Lemaitre and Wariner; as well as countless others, who have succeeded in what are viewed as traditionally "black" arenas such as boxing and in sports overall improved the perception of the white man's physical prowess? I mean people always talk about blacks taking over sports with their supposedly superior athleticism but the demographic shift in sports such as boxing is remarkable, more white than black men in most pound-for-pound lists.
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I think perceptions of White athletes and White athleticism have indeed improved over the past 15 years. In part it's because White athletes have continued to hold their own and improve their status in some sports even as U.S. society in general continues to rapidly become non-White, and in part because of the influence of Caste Football, yes, this website.

Well over 400,000 posts and the traffic that amount of posting has generated means that millions of sports fans have at least lurked here at one time or another. Many will never agree with us, but because we have almost always presented our side with intelligence, passion and at times humor -- not to mention a whole lot of evidence both from the playing field and the media -- real headway has been made. I notice a lot less negative stereotyping of White athletes in the media, and also a bit less kneejerk worshiping of black athletes. And also a lot of good and knowledgeable comments by fans, where comments are still allowed.

It's pretty cool actually, to know that we've at least made a bit of a difference in a positive direction when almost nothing else is going in a positive direction. However, not to be too giddy about it, the number of regular posters on Caste Football is a lot less than it should be. That's attributable in part to censorship by Big Tech, particularly burying and/or eliminating search engine results, but also to the incredible apathy and cowardice of the vast majority of aware White Americans, who will not lift a finger to help themselves, even to the point of not posting anonymously on a quality website. That trend unless halted and reversed is going to result in the demise of Caste Football.

And yes, there is also too much doom and gloom here and also some with an anti-black agenda rather than a pro-White one. That inspires nobody.
Perfect response from Don as always. I voted yes as well. In the big picture I think White Athletes have made huge strides in the fight game, football(White WRs and Defenders) and on the track.

Still a lot of headway to be made but I think we've seen a lot of progress, albeit sometimes it's been slow so it's not been the easiest to sit back and reflect on.
Another yes vote here.

Just 2 quick examples are Christian McCaffrey being an NFL MVP Candidate all season long and he might just lead the nfl in rushing.

Luka Doncic is the front runner for NBA MVP and even just signed a Nike Shoe Endorsment. We will see Air Doncic Shoes someday soon.

These 2 things alone show that our guys are leading the way on the field and on the court.

I will add one more for good measure. Mike Trout is the best player in all of MLB Baseball. He just won his 3rd MVP Award and is quite possibly
the greatest baseball player the world has ever seen! Plenty of evidence to back that up here on this board vs the all time hall of famer greats!
I can't tell you how much gloating I've seen about "There will never be another white heavyweight champion," or "A white thousand yard gainer in the NFL, never again." This was especially strong in the 80's and 90's.
In my humble estimation, Castefootball.us has made a difference. People would mention this Website occasionally on youtube comments and other sites. Its reasonable to assume that some coaches have stumbled across it in the past.

The increase in white skill position players correlates timewise with the Establishment of castefootball.us.

So in that regard, thank you Don for your effort and seemingly endless strength in keeping this site up.

CMAC is the icing on the cake for those of us Who have followed many years. Now we want a bigger Cake.
I do believe this site has been ghosted by the major search engines. I remember when the mods were regularly chasing off trolls who would register just to argue and insult the site. That’s no longer the case.
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I think one of the reasons this site used to have to chase off a lot of trolls for several years (starting around 2011), was because there was either one or a small group of trolls that used to sign up with different names and post troll-like things constantly. My guess is that troll (or his group) eventually tired of being banned/having his posts deleted and just left.
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I think one of the reasons this site used to have to chase off a lot of trolls for several years (starting around 2011), was because there was either one or a small group of trolls that used to sign up with different names and post troll-like things constantly. My guess is that troll (or his group) eventually tired of being banned/having his posts deleted and just left.

The trolls started infesting CF from the beginning, and though there were some persistent repeat offenders the sheer volume of them until recent years was huge.

The peak years for trolls were the early years, circa 2005-'09, when CF was new and novel and many discussion forums, more numerous and more popular than discussion forums are now, discussed the site, mostly to attack it but there were also positive comments. Posters never saw most of the trolls as I usually caught and deleted them very quickly.

Now the main problem is spammers and spambots from Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam and the Philippines, who still sign up every day and get deleted every day and their IPs banned.
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I definitely see a difference in comments I see below Youtube videos. There are often comments on race from a white perspective that I wasn't seeing years ago. I have to think that Caste Football had something to do with this.
Yeah I see changes in views online especially, even racist blacks/others sometimes have to eat their words and concede. Though the myth of white physical inferiority still exists and often has ruinous effects on white confidence in athletics - including many of the otherwise racially aware whites. But I see more awareness of white athleticism and physical advantages in health and athletics online even if the media still sometimes tries to downplay white success as only overcoming supposed physical inferiority through other means, white athletes being lone "freaks" (like most elite athletes) or any other way than giving white success full due credit, or merely hyping any black success to religious levels to both put attention on it and take attention off white success creating a skewed perception.
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Watch this video and tell me whites are not the most athletic and coordinated people on earth with incredible endurance.

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