Harvard professor preaches genocide of white race

In the old days Waspy Harvard wouldn't have hired this lunatic. Now he is allowed to run amok with his crazy theories. Don't tell me he is out of the closet too?
Just imagine the MSM (artificial) "fury" had a White professor even implied something remotely close to this for the ******* race! The (contrived) uproar would be in the headlines for weeks. Ignatiev is simply being open about one of the key Judeo-Bolshevik goals (which most of his komrades are more subtle about). BTW, this rootless comsopolitan is currently employed at Massachusetts College of Art.
Anyone remember Kamau Kambon who said to exterminate white people on C Span? The black audience clapped when he said this.
DixieDestroyer said:
Just imagine the MSM (artificial) "fury" had a White professor even implied something remotely close to this for the ******* race! The (contrived) uproar would be in the headlines for weeks.

Oh man, it would have been of epic proportions. All right, let's take it one step further. Suppose a Prof. advocated genocide of Jews? Oh brother! Every talk show host, columnist, politician, educator, religious leader, and blogger would have gone BONKERS! Would he retain his position? No way! He'd be totally ravaged. The poor guy's head would be displayed on a pike in front of the Holocaust memorial in Washington for all the world to see.
Great point Bart. It's sickening that this guy probably still has his job. It's just white people he advocates wiping off the map, not a big deal to these cultural elites.
Yes if were any people other than whites, he'd be in trouble.

But the truth is, we need to start speaking out and defending ourselves from creeps like that.
Yes we need White Nationalism to defend ourselves from depraved geno-cide mongering Jews who want to make Whites the next Palestinians and from crime-prone blacks as well!
This is a sad pathetic fellow. I bet he was unloved by his mom.
American Freedom News