Hardcore Training


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I posted some of these Sean Sherk (UFC) links in the MMA forum a year (?) ago, but wanted to repost with some others. They show some hardcore training. I'd like to work back (into) shape to be able to train like this.

Sean Sherk (UFC) Prepares for Frankie Edgar Fight

CrossFit "300" Challenge

Rich Franklin (UFC) Workout : 45-60 Minutes STRAIGHT/No Rest!

API (MN) Non-Traditional Drills

API Power/Explosiveness Drills
Dixie have you tried MuscleMilk by CytoSport? If you are looking to lose weight I would highly recommend it. It is a little higher in fat and calories than the average protein but all the fats in it are the healthy kind. Also it will keep you full for a while you just mix it with low fat milk. You will absolutely love the taste. It tastes just like a real milk shake.
WA33, I've had MuscleMilk several times & it is very good. I need to knock out my "cheatmeals" (3-4x per week) & brewskis (usually once a week during football season) & increase my cardio.
I always give myself a cheat day every week because I can't stand all that healthy food 7 days a week. I like to drink beer but only once a week. I usually go pretty heavy with the beer on that one day. I usually end up drinking about 16 beers. I guess I have a high tolerance.
I hear ya on the tolerance hombre. I can knock down 15-20+ if I'm tailgatin', etc...but rarely do so. I used to be a big bourbon "fan", but 86'd that. I might have some Makers Mark or Jim Beam every one in a blue moon. I need to clean the diet up more (across the board) as well as knockin' off the cheat meals. I have a huge appetite, so it's hard to eat light.
DixieDestroyer said:
I hear ya on the tolerance hombre. I can knock down 15-20+ if I'm tailgatin', etc...but rarely do so. I used to be a big bourbon "fan", but 86'd that. I might have some Makers Mark or Jim Beam every one in a blue moon. I need to clean the diet up more (across the board) as well as knockin' off the cheat meals. I have a huge appetite, so it's hard to eat light.

I used to eat fast food almost every day and all types of junk food. I rarely eat anything unhealthy anymore.

Edited by: whiteathlete33
On my days off, I usually knock down around 10 bears in a 4 hour span. I try to eat good, meaning Thai dishes heavy in veggies and lean meats.

I also have a huge appetite. But have always fought that hunger my whole life. I find that If I run 4 times a week at 4 miles a clip I can eat anything I want.

Now I want to get ripped, so I am experimenting with these fat burner supplements. We'll see how they work in the next month or so.

Back on topic, I am over 40 so I believe in hitting the gym 4 times a week and working one or two muscle groups a day, then running 4 times a week. So far it has worked for me.
Westside if you are trying fat burners I would recommend American Body Building products. Their product Extreme Ripped Force is for fat loss and is a great pre workout energy drink. I tried these drinks about two years ago and have to have one first thing in the morning. They taste great and give me the motivation to get to the gym because of the caffeine and herbal stimulants they contain. They are quite expensive at almost 3 dollars a drink but you can get them at GNC the first week of the month and get twenty percent off. Fantastic stuff!
WA 33 thanks for the tip!
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