Globalist Elites and the Creation of Israel


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I've always been perplexed by Israel's role in the global power structure and how some people argue that "they control everything" and others will downplay their power entirely. Also, how could Israel wield so much power over US foreign policy? Powerful Jewish-American influences explains some but there must be more to it? Well I recently read The Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs which really gets into the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of WWII and clarifies Israel's influence.

First, it is important to understand the the Nazi Party and war-machine were secretly funded by major banks of Germany, Britain and the US (Wall Street). Just like Nathan Mayer Rothschild financing both the British and French in the Napoleonic Wars, the banking elites did this in WWII and do this all the time to reap enormous profits.

So now onto wealthy globalists and the creation of modern Israel. An exert from page 137:
This began in 1917, when 2nd Baron Rothschild, Lionel Walter Rothschild, received a letter from British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour replying to his query regarding Balfour's position on Palestine. Balfour expressed approval for the establishment of a home for Jews there. This letter later became known as the Balfour Declaration. In 1922, the League of Nations approved the Balfour mandate in Palestine, thus paving the way for the creation of Israel. Lord Rothschild was an ardent Zionist, who had served as a member of the British Parliament...Another Rothschild, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who built the first pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean and founded the Israel General Bank, was called "the father of modern Israel."

Furthermore on page 138:
In 1947, when Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion was desperate for votes to ensure the passage of a UN resolution partitioning Palestine and thus creating the state of Israel, he turned to Nelson Rockefeller. According to several former U.S. intelligence agents, Ben-Gurion "blackmailed the hell out of him."
Rockefeller had been able to deflect several investigations into his family's prewar and wartime dealings with the Nazis, but according to authors Loftus and Aarons, "Then the Jews arrived with their dossier. They had his Swiss bank records with the Nazis, his signature on correspondence setting up the German Cartel in South America, transcipts of his conversations with Nazi agents during the war, and, finally, evidence of his complicity in helping Allen Dulles smuggle Nazi war criminals and money from the Vatican to Argentina."

And now the deal, from pages 137-138:
These authors (Loftus and Aarons) interviewed on of the Jews present at the meeting with Rockefeller. He gave this account:
Rockefeller skimmed through the dossier and coolly began to bargain. In return for the votes of the Latin American bloc (which he had influence through the newly created United Nations), he wanted guarantees that the Jews would keep their mouths shut about the flow of Nazi money and fugitives to South America. There would be no Zionist Nazi-hunting unit, no testimony at Nuremburg about the bankers or anyone else, not a single leak to the press about where the Nazis were living in South America or which Nazis were working for Dulles. The subject of Nazis was closed. Period. Forever. The choice was simple, Rockefeller explained, "You can have vengeance, or you can have a country, but you cannot have both."

So this leads to our current US entangling relationship with Israel, page 138:
The Jews had traded silence for their new country's security, but they didn't take it lying down. To this day, Israeli leaders have in turn blackmailed the Western employers of Nazi refugees and war criminals, guaranteeing nearly unconditional support for Israel and its policies.

The banking elite are behind most of our nations problems since the early 1900s. Over the last 100 years they have systematically high-jacked our government and have even made us servants of Israel to cover up their corrupt dealings. I am truly sickened the more I learn of our secret history. I'd be curious to hear CF members perspective on this.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Good find. Sounds about right. Bernake and his cronies have systematically highjacked the American governemt.

This stat from Who Controls America:

Of the six(6) Federal Reserve Board governors, four(4) are Jews. This is
a numerical representation of 67%. Of the twelve(12) Federal Reserve
District Bank presidents, seven(7) are Jews. This is a numerical
representation of 58%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S.
population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented on the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors by a factor of 33.5 times(3,350 percent), and
over-represented among the Federal Reserve District Bank presidents by a
factor of 29 times(2,900 percent).