Get together


Feb 27, 2005
You guys ever tried to get together and play poker,swap tales,slap tails,eat chitlins,watch football,or fight to the death,or anything?

Seems like it would be fun to get together and meet some of you.Maybe its just my feminine side coming out.
I think it's a good idea. I was hoping to meet a few members at the bi-annual AMREN convention which I think takes place in February in Washington DC. I imagine most here are familiar with that organization and it would be a good way to spend a weekend.

Other options that I would seriously consider:

Las Vegas the same weekend as a big fight with a major white contender. Imagine seeing a Klitschko bout with the guys here, that would be great.

Any meeting at a large midwest city: Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, etc. because that is close to me. I realize alot of members live elsewhere but I'm sure there are a lot of us in the heartland.
The AmRen convention will be in Feb. '06 in northern Virginia. That should be a good meeting and location for a fair number of us to get to.
I'm cool with Las Vegas, because I can drive there from Utah. I don't know about Virginia or Chicago. It would be cool to meet some of ya'll.
Count me in if we can do it in Las Vegas or as I call it
Lost A weekend of a fight would be great.The
Mr.Olympia Contest will be there this fall and hopefully
Jay Cutler will finally dethrone Ronny Coleman.He should
have won the last two times.Go Cutler.
American Freedom News