George H.W. Bush dead!


Dec 19, 2010
Aged 94. Amazing how all these world leaders seem to overshoot the average life expectancy by 10 15 20 yearz
Trump killed NAFTA on the same day George “New World Order” Bush kicked the bucket. Poetic justice. Hopefully one of his last moments was the realization that everything he built is being destroyed and that his legacy is ruined.
David Rockefeller, Zbignew Brzezinski, John McCain, and now George H.W. Bush all dead in the last year or so. Its been a good year. Maybe George the Creature Soros and/or Jean Claude Junker will join these demonic ghouls in Hell very soon.
Looking forward to Soros and RBG leaving the earth soon. I am surprised that Soros has not been assassinated yet. He must have some uber personnel security where ever he goes.
I think he really died on the 26th, not last night. I'm also not convinced it was a natural death. In any case, better late than never.

What a coincidence though that the "National Day of Mourning" will now take place on December 5th, the day that Huber was scheduled to testify before the House on HRC's crimes and who knows who and/or what else regarding the cabal...his parting gift to them.

His reaction when asked about President Trump.

Simply too many crimes, corruption and evil to list, but this quote from him pretty much sums it up:

If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.

Yet the Fake News (that he helped install a long time ago) will portray him as a saint and Amerikan hero.
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P1$$ on that skull & bones globalist piece of trash...and all his family too!!!
Some cuckold, quack “historian” said that “Jorge Boosh Sr” was a ‘20 century Founding Father’. What a crock of crapola! The globalist, sociopathic swine wasn’t worthy to shine the (respective) boots of the (true) Founding Fathers! That putrid PTB puppet was more of a founding “cabin boy” for his NWO ma$ters!
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