"Gay Wars"

Good video, I've managed to avoid all the new gay wars movies thus far so this one will be no different for me! PJW is right the lack of decent movies being pumped out is pathetic!
The entire project has been an utter failure. In seeking to destroy white heroes and supplanting them with new SJW types, what the films' producers have mostly done is destroy the brand in the same way Marvel and DC Comics became infested with SJW bullshite.

Schlomo has been at this for over a century now. We're still here, stronger and smarter than ever.
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Normies, even the ones who didn't vote for Trump, just aren't interested in having SJW propaganda shoved down their throats 24/7. Normal human beings still see the movies as a place to relax, have fun, and escape from the stresses of regular life, rather than get lectured on how bigoted and privileged they are for being born with white skin.

Like I said in the other thread, new Star Wars is to original Star Wars as fake Rolex is to real Rolex. It's got the same name splashed on it, but that's all.
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