friends, family vs. castefootball


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Last Saturday, my girlfriend who lives in Canton invited me to see the traditional rivalry Canton Mckinley(mostly black) and Washington Massillion(mostly white) play at Fawcett Stadium right next to the Hall of Fame. She was there of course to root for Mckinley and I of course once I saw the racial breakdown of the teams was rooting for Massillion.
I have been telling her all about the Caste system little by little and my support of the white athlete which she really didn't get at first and was concerned that I might be a racist. But she may be seeing the light a little bit now, I remarked at the game that what ever white players Mckinley had were only playing the line positions and not any of the so-called skill positions. I also pointed out to her how Massillion which was at least 85% white and still had all their black players playing at the skill positions except for Qb and one white WR. Finally that evening I introduced her to this site and some of the forums and accessed the Knoxville crime which she had never heard of and she acknowledged the fact that this crime is not widely known because the victims are white. So little by little she is becoming more aware of the caste system.
My question for you guys is, do any of you have any experiences you would like to share about how friends and family feel about about you posting on this site and your views regarding the caste system.

Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Well, I certainly don't mind sharing about it, 301. One of my first cousins posts infrequently on this site. I told him about the site not long after I found it. We have discussed what we at CF call the Caste System long before then though, and since he is a former MPSA football player, he knew about anti-white discrimination when he was in high school. My mother and father know that I post here and I talk with my father about it frequently. He is always asking me which teams have white RBs that he can watch on a Saturday. My father was the first person to tell me about anti-white discrimination when I was probably 12 or 13. He told me of Riggins and Csonka and how "they won't let white men run the ball anymore." I talk about the Caste System in various ways to several other relatives and friends. As for my girlfriend, she is awesome! She is a big football fan, and so I told her about the Caste System not long after we met, and she knows that I post here. I talk to her about certain discussions on this site pretty often. After talking about her former favorite team, the Bears, and how they have mistreated many skill position whites she realized what I said was true. Now she pays attention to the words that are used to describe white players and the way they are used (or not) on the field. Since I informed her of the Mike Hass situation, she has been frustrated that he hasn't been used. Her favorite player is Brian Urlacher. She doesn't care about the Bears anymore and is mainly interested in me, which is a good thing!
It is great to have a girl like her that I can be open with about everything I believe in.Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Surely more of you have shared CF or your thoughts about anti-white discrimination with others and are willing to discuss it here? This is somewhat bewildering, as I figured this would become a lively thread and was looking forward to reading more of your experiences.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Colonel_Reb said:
Surely more of you have shared CF or your thoughts about anti-white discrimination with others and are willing to discuss it here? This is somewhat bewildering, as I figured this would become a lively thread and was looking forward to reading more of your experiences.

Me too, Reb. I was expecting and still hoping for a much more lively thread than this so far. I know guys like Groundfighter, Shogun and a few others have briefly touched on these issues in past posts.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I share the discussions of CF with my wife from time to time, but if were talking caste, it's usually about the portrayal of white males by the MSM in commercials or on prime time TV. I try to tell her the roles and actions are subtle, but if one pays attention for long enough, the white male is rarely made to look better than a minority or woman. It's just the rules.

She often agrees with me, but the curious thing is she doesn't care. It seems that her entertainment is a greater concern than the portrayal of the males of her race. Although she herself works for an organization that has OUTRAGEOUS AA discrimination policies, It doesn't motivate her. Regardless of how many unqualified black idiots are promoted at her job, she just wants to use the TV to "escape" for a while and vegetate.

Unfortunately, I think she a part of the vast majority of white thinking. Life is good, why rock the boat? The new Chevy line of trucks are too cool to be concerned with white discrimination.

I can see how we might be considered a "buzz kill". Eff-um! It's about what you teach your children, and mine will learn to not take sh!t from anybody.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I have told my girlfriend alot about the Caste System. She is a college graduate and is very intelligent however she didn't see what was going on in sports and in life. I have proved my point to her and she agrees with the majority of what we discuss here. I'm glad I have opened her eyes and that is what we need to do.

I have also discussed things at work and with countless friends. We need to change the way people think. Youtube and sites like this can slowly get the word out. Tell everyone you know so that hopefully someday, future generations might have it better than we did. Also, make sure you guys watch the Calazaghe/Kessler fight. We have to support our people the same way that others support their ethnicity.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
My wife pays no attention to sports but she is now aware of the attack on white males in commercials. Especially if they are married and have kids in the commercial. She thought I was nuts at first but the beauty of it was that there are so many commercials bashing us she couldn't help but see the light.

I don't waste my time anymore telling friends about the caste system. Anytime I would mention something they would just use it as a springboard to defend their position that pro sports teams would never show any bias when making player personnel decisions.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
GWTJ, don't you have plenty of examples to show them the bias? I'm guessing when you present those they just close their minds, but there are plenty of examples to prove the existence of the Caste System in the NFL.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
I am the only big boxing fan among my friends and I sometimes invite people over to watch black v. white fights (though never black v. blacks fights). I talk up the white guy and subtly point out how the media usually favors the black because they think they are better athletes. Of course, 9 times out of 10 the black guy ends the fight in the prone position. So I point out the caste system and expose it at the same time. The only time this backfired was with an Andrew Golota fight.

By the way, some of my friends are Asian and Hispanic and they openly cheer against blacks. I'll be having my group around next for Hatton v. Mayweather.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Liverlips said:
By the way, some of my friends are Asian and Hispanic and they openly cheer against blacks. I'll be having my group around next for Hatton v. Mayweather.

You have Asian and Hispanic friends? Gasp! You should be banned from CF. Don't you know this site is only for haters of all non-whites.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Sep 24, 2006
Since she was a basketball player in high school and tried to make the University of Maryland women's basketball team, my wife is very aware of pro-black media attitudes in sports.

Most other people acknowledge the caste system, but typically refuse to talk about it. Whites are so terrified of being branded as racists that they won't say anything.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Colonel_Reb said:
GWTJ, don't you have plenty of examples to show them the bias? I'm guessing when you present those they just close their minds, but there are plenty of examples to prove the existence of the Caste System in the NFL.

Colonel, I am not sure if they close their minds or just refuse to accept that sports might not be fair. To most people, all sports teams have only one agenda, winning. The idea that not all franchises put winning first is a concept too foreign for them to digest.

My one friend actually sees things backwards. He thinks they put in white guys at the expense of winning.

Anyway, I don't engage them anymore. They resist any sort of dialogue about the whole subject.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I understand what you mean GWTJ. That is sad that you can't talk to them about it. It is unreal and sad to see the effects of "modern" thinking sometimes, especially on those we care about or are around a lot of the time.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Colonel_Reb said:
Liverlips said:
By the way, some of my friends are Asian and Hispanic and they openly cheer against blacks. I'll be having my group around next for Hatton v. Mayweather.

You have Asian and Hispanic friends? Gasp! You should be banned from CF. Don't you know this site is only for haters of all non-whites.



Apr 13, 2005
I have three boys playing sports. One of them competes in areas where blacks are supposed to be dominant (backfield in football, sprinting in track) and I have explained to them all that if they want to play they are going to have to be 10 times better than their closest black competition just to get a look. They are already motivated to stay in shape and get better but this exposure to the caste system mentality gives them an extra push.

My middle son has managed to beat out two blacks to start at QB this season as a HS freshman. This is the first time he has been really been allowed to play QB. He is acutely aware of how blacks figure into the athletic puzzle at his schools and talks about it with me often.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
every single person i spend time with knows about both my position on supporting white athletes/white people in general AND about Caste Football.

i am not one to keep my mouth shut, nor do i pretend to be something from the safety of my internet access that i don't live in real life.

some people think i am a "horrible racist," to which i respond that i'm completely cool with that. however, most either come to see things the same way i do or are at least open to the possibility that what they've always believed isn't true.

i frequently have lengthy discussions at college and high school football and basketball games regarding the double standards regarding black and white athletes, and i have yet to have anyone tell me i was full of crap.

they might think i'm a racist, but they can't say that my stance is inaccurate.

speaking up is the only way the silent neglect white athletes endure will ever end.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
After meeting you in person Jimmy, and experiencing your willingness to engage people at games about the Caste System I have become more vocal about it to strangers at games as well. It gets people to thinking, thats for sure. I still will never forget that man at the Liberty Bowl and how quickly he became silent when you were talking about discrimination against white players.


Apr 14, 2005
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Most other people acknowledge the caste system, but typically refuse to talk about it. Whites are so terrified of being branded as racists that they won't say anything.

BINGO!!! Looks like somebody hit the nail on the head. In this hard core era of political correctness its hard to say whitey is getting discriminated against without being questioned. I know for a fact a vast majority of white people would be open and comfortable talking about the caste system if they felt they wouldn't be labeled as some sort of a racist. When in fact their not but just trying to have what the liberals call a "fair playing field". Though its kind of ironic how you can get pointed out as being racist when your the one speaking against it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I've told all my close friends about this site, and some have checked it out. Most of my pals agree there's somewhat of a Caste System, but they don't understand how deeply it's entrenched. My wife thinks it's over the top to think the Caste System is so widespread/institutional, but then again...she's not a sports fan/follower (other than when I'm watching UGA football and some MMA here & there).


May 20, 2005
My immediate family agrees with me on racial issues but doesn't give enough of a damn about sports to even listen to me when I mention Caste issues, unfortunately.

My friends? No one can beat me in an arguement about it because I know my position is right, have all the facts in my head, and I am really good at arguing. But winning the debate with facts doesn't change anyones mind in real life. The average Homo Sapiens CANNOT be induced to think, period, I really believe this. I have no good solution for this.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
GWTJ: To most people, all sports teams have only one agenda, winning. The idea that not all franchises put winning first is a concept too foreign for them to digest.

I get that too, GWTJ- but I always reply that it's profit first, then winning. I also mention that if quotas exist for jobs and college admissions, then why the hell wouldn't they be enforced for sports too
Jan 5, 2005
United States
The Caste system in sports is only a fraction of my overall views on race in our world, so it doesn't come up a whole lot. My kids are still young, so I expect that as they grow up and start to encounter the Caste system head on, I'll have more of a platform to speak my views on the subject. I am aspiring to shift career paths as soon as my Wife graduates with her RN and become a teacher/coach at the High School level, where I can hopefully make a difference on the local level with providing an even platform for all of the kids to truly compete. My extended family is probably in the category of those who know but won't say in public and my friends come in two categories, those who are fully racially aware and those who are liberal Northern Californians who I wouldn't waste the time trying to argue with.